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The Rev. Mark Squire joins Zion-Emmanuel from Saint Louis, Mo. He was born and raised in the Detroit area of Michigan, where he first joined the Lutheran Church in 1997. After graduating high school, Rev. Squire attended Concordia University in River Forest, Ill., about 10 miles west of downtown Chicago. In 2007, he received his bachelor of arts degree, majoring in theological languages (Biblical Greek, Hebrew and Latin) and minoring in mathematics, sociology and theology. Lat...
Tim Coley, son of former Lincoln County Sheriff John Coley and his wife Kathy of Davenport, was promoted June 1 to lieutenant with the Washington State Patrol. Hired in 2000 after completing a degree in English at Washington State University, he was commissioned and served as a trooper in Ritzville beginning in March 2002. While working out of Ritzville, he was a resident of Odessa, where he also did substitute teaching on his days off. In July 2007, he was promoted to...
Northwest Farm Credit Services is proud to award the Hartline Betterment Organization a $3,000 Northwest FCS Rural Community Grant to be used to renovate the former Hartline School building. Northwest FCS customer Jerry Dormaier applied for the grant. “How wonderful it is to have been selected to receive the Northwest FCS Rural Grant to aid us in the needed repairs of the historic Hartline School! These funds will enable us to correct problems with the exterior of the red b...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up). Hi, here I am again. As I mentioned a few months ago, I first became aware of Odessa in the summer of 1955 because of the railroad. I didn’t know about the L-B-D until the winter of 1956-57. After attending the New Year’s Eve dance at the Odessa city hall where everyone was dancing to “swing” type music, we all left the dance and ended up somehow out at Leo...
The lengthy remodeling project at Odessa’s public works building is nearing completion, with the recent addition of cement board siding and shakes. The project, which has been done in stages over a period of approximately two years, was spearheaded by Mayor Doug Plinski, who also was the impetus behind the recent community center facelift. This project will be something of a facelift as well, as the siding has been applied only to the sides of the building that face the s...
As of press time, harvest in the Odessa area is nearly complete, with both Ritzville Warehouse/The Odessa Trading Company and Odessa Union Warehouse reporting that they are 70 - 80 percent complete. "It's been moving right along," said Mark Cronrath of The Odessa Trading Company. He added that although yields have been "all over the place," the grain has been of good quality, with good weight and protein levels. A dry winter, late spring frosts and a hot spell that hit prior...
The August 7, 2012 primary election was apparently fairly unappealing to most voters, as very few of them bothered to vote at all. Despite the very low turnout, the Lincoln County race for County Commissioner was one of the closest in the state, with only a few percentage points separating each of the three candidates. As The Record goes to press this week, Mark Stedman had a slight lead over Kim Ramm who had a slight lead over Alan Stromberger. This is one race, where...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. July 30: After Lincoln County Pharmacy personnel reported a man had shoplifted two candy bars, two deputies had a suspect detained in the Davenport city park. Anticipating a visit to the area to asses...
The first STEM Summer Institutes at Big Bend Community College will be held in late August for both high school students and college students pursuing careers in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). "This is an opportunity to learn from local engineers working at Takata, Katana Summit and Genie Industries." said Rafael Villalobos, Jr. BBCC STEM Support Specialist, Villalobos is developing partnerships between BBCC and local industries that students can use for future interships and employment. The Summer...
The cost of getting a GED will double starting in October, according to Big Bend Community College officials. The testing fees will increase from $75 to $150 for the certification, said Sandy Cheek, Director of Basic Skills at BBCC. If students start their GED testing before October 1, they will be charged only the current $75 fee regardless of whether they complete the tests by that date, Cheek said. There will be a fee increase at all GED test sites in the state. GED preparation classes are offered by the college in the...
Marissa Brown, a senior at Davenport High School, will be holding a talent show at this years Lincoln County Fair, Friday, August 24 , as part of her senior project. She is hoping to attract any and all who want to share their talent and is hoping to raise money for the Davenport High Choral program. This is not a competition, but rather a chance to show what talent you have. It should be a fun outing for everyone! Performers will receive entrance to the fair on Friday, so call as soon as possible for available time slots!...
College senior Scott Richard Strang of Odessa has been named to the Dean's List at the University of Washington for the spring quarter. To qualify for the Dean's List, a student must have completed at least 12 graded credits and have a grade-point average of at least 3.50 (out of 4). Students are notified that they have achieved this distinction when they receive their grades for the quarter....
Football The Odessa-Harrington Titan football team will hold its first practice on Wednesday, August 15, at 6 p.m. in Odessa. Any student athletes wishing to participate need to obtain the proper forms from either Odessa School District or Harrington School District. The forms must be filled out completely prior to participation. Student athletes also will need to make sure their sports physical is current for this upcoming season. Please contact either Odessa School District or Harrington School District if there are any...
Editor’s note: The following letter has appeared on the internet, where it has been viewed by many readers. Local resident Tom Schafer felt that it would be appropriate for readers of The Odessa Record. The other day, someone at a store in our town read that a methamphetamine lab had been found in an old farmhouse in the adjoining county and he asked me a rhetorical question, “Why didn’t we have a drug problem when you and I were growing up?” I replied, I had a drug problem when I was young; I was drug to church on Sunday...
I’ve often said the U.S. health care system is so complex that trying to understand it makes your hair hurt. Case in point: the Affordable Care Act runs more than 2,000 pages. I’ll grant you that it’s a massive piece of legislation — but lawmakers felt that’s what was needed to fix at least some of the problems that resulted from the helter-skelter way our health care system developed. This complexity also helps explain why it has been so difficult for the Obama administration to communicate how the numerous provision...
I love the Olympics, and have been spending all my spare time (and quite a bit that wasn’t spare) watching them on television. But I must confess that the athletes are a mystery to me. I want to know where that drive comes from. I don’t have the drive to walk to the end of the driveway and back. I frequently am heard to say that one of my siblings is missing the “consequence” gene; that the idea that “if I do this, then that will happen” is missing. I appear to be missing tha...
The ultimate in volunteer service came to the surface in August 1923, when Odessa’s first concrete water reservoir was built. The old tank is ready to be replaced today. It leaks beyond repair. A new reservoir, which will probably be built close to the town well, is already funded and scheduled for construction. Eighty-nine years ago, Odessa citizens as well as farmers from the surrounding area came with shovels and picks and hammer and saws, as well as with wagon teams to accomplish one of the biggest projects in the t...
The Department of Ecology’s Washington Conservation Corps (WCC) is looking for applicants to fill nearly 300 AmeriCorps service positions in 16 counties across the state. The WCC was created in 1983 and has provided opportunities and training for more than 1,700 young adults. In 1994, WCC started received federal AmeriCorps funding, allowing crews to carry out on-the-ground projects across the state. Local communities rely on WCC to complete environmental projects by forming cost-share agreements with Ecology. Typical WCC a...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 8/1/12: Prices continued their break on Wednesday, although they recovered much of their losses by the close of the futures trading session. Corn futures were off as much as 25 cents but closed only down a little over 4 cents, with new-crop December futures closing over $8 on the day. Soft white prices dipped 20 cents in the morning but gained back a dime in the afternoon based on the better close in Chicago. November soybeans closed a gap on their price...
When I was growing up, I noticed that my mother always put my sister and me first. But that meant many times she put herself last. As of August 1, 2012, moms no longer have to worry about the cost of co-pays for many lifesaving routine checkups. Now 47 million women don't have to make the choice between spending $20 for groceries or $20 for a health exam. Today we can prevent health problems before they happen and keep healthcare costs down. However, Cathy McMorris Rodgers disagrees. That's why she has voted with her Republic...
I was minding my own business in my kitchen the other day, tossing some eggshells into the small garbage pail that sits underneath the sink. Suddenly I heard a rustle coming from the plastic lining the garbage pail. Puzzled, I looked into the cupboard more carefully. In a blur of gray, a mouse dashed up and out of the pail and disappeared down the hole in the wood where the water pipes come up from the basement. He was a small little fellow, but fast as an Olympic athlete...