Serving Lincoln County for more than a century!

Articles from the August 10, 2023 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Candidates begin to advance

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    ODESSA — Barring a last-minute miracle and influx of valid mail-in ballots, the candidates for town mayor and councilmember No. 5 in the November general election appear to be set after a second round of tallying primary election votes Thursday, Aug. 3. The top two vote-getters in each race advance to the general election. Incumbent mayor Bill Crossley dusted his two opponents in the primary election that closed Aug. 1, with 216 votes that was 71.52% of the voting total. His opponent in November will likely be Jeremy S...

  • Crews extinguish large fire

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    HARRINGTON - The largest Lincoln County fire in the last week was controlled by local crews from Fire District No. 6 and No. 5. A roughly 50-acre blaze near Kloster and Rocklyn Roads was knocked down by area firefighters late Wednesday, Aug. 2. District No. 6 commissioner Ron Mielke said the fire started on a combine draper and burned east toward Rocklyn. It mostly burned through stubble and Conservation Reserve Program land, with no wheat succumbing to the flames. Rocklyn...

  • Primary Election Results

    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    Results as of second ballot count Thursday, Aug. 3 Odessa Mayor: Bill Crossley: 216 Jeremy Smith: 53 Ed Hayden: 32 Odessa Councilmember No. 5 Mike Igo: 42 Laura Caler: 105 Marlene Kramer: 152 Write-In: 3 Harrington Councilmember No. 5 Steven Wright: 21 Gavin Wagner: 58 Kelly Foreman: 31 Sprague Councilmember No. 5 Jeffrey Smith: 45 Trace De Garmo: 26 RonDel Krauter: 27 Write-In: 3 Lincoln County Commissioner District No. 1 Jo Gilchrist: 727 Write-In: 31 Election will be certified Tuesday, Aug. 15....

  • Wheatland Bank joins merger

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT - Wheatland Bank has reached an agreement to join the Glacier Bancorp family of banks, the company announced in a press release Tuesday, Aug. 8. Wheatland will merge with Chelan-based North Cascades Bank, which has nine branches and 100 employees in the North Central Washington area. The merger is expected to occur in the fourth financial quarter of this year. The combination will include 23 branches and about 250 employees around the central and eastern parts of the...

  • Harvest underway here

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT - For some Lincoln County wheat farmers, harvest is just getting started. For others further south, it's nearing completion...if completion hasn't been reached already. And this year's yield tends to vary between average to below-average, according to experts at HighLine Grain Growers. "In our southern footprint, which is the Odessa area, yields were down from historical averages, but not too much," HighLine grain marketer Taylor Warwick said. "And protein levels...

  • Lincoln County Corrections deputy fired

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT — A jail/dispatch deputy who joined the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office force in May was fired shortly after, with his commission being officially revoked by the County Commissioners Monday, Aug. 7. Sam Tiffany was relieved of his duties by the Sheriff’s Office in July. He was replaced by Thor Foley of Davenport. 911 coordinator Brad Sweet declined to give comment on the reasoning for Tiffany’s dismissal, while Sheriff Gabe Gants was similarly nary to disclose details. “All I really could say is that every emp...

  • Cops & Courts

    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. July 30 Traffic stops: 17 A Creston man said gas was syphoned out of his wife’s vehicle on the 100 block of Northeast Smith Street. Washington State Patrol reported a tow truck with a missing wheel dragging along...

  • History of Davenport's log schoolhouse

    Gabe Gants, Special to The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT - The small schoolhouse structure seen today outside Lincoln County Museums looks a bit different than it did originally but stands proudly on the museum grounds serving as a window into the past. Its history spans many decades and if it could talk, would tell stories covering over 140 years of local history. The schoolhouse was originally built in Fall 1879 as a homestead cabin by William McRedmond (whose father, Luke, founded the city of Redmond) along with his...

  • Crack sealing U.S. Highway 2

    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    State Dept. of Transportation spent time crack sealing along a stretch of U.S. Highway 2 between Davenport and Reardan this week. Dept. spokesman Ryan Overton said the work was done to prevent water from setting into the road, and added the work that backed traffic up was expected to be done by Thursday, Aug. 10. Travelers were forced to wait for a pilot car as construction was ongoing this week....

  • Truck allegedly stolen outside Subway

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT — A Grand Coulee man who allegedly stole a pickup truck outside Subway reportedly led police on a chase through Wilbur into his hometown before being arrested Thursday, Aug. 3. 54-year-old Timothy Wilging was arrested and charged with motor vehicle theft and attempting to elude a police vehicle, records state. According to police records, Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office deputy Kurt Cuzzetto was told that a man stole a yellow Ford F-100 pickup truck registered to Richard Hallam and took off westbound on Morgan Str...

  • Edwall woman injured in crash

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    REARDAN — An Edwall woman was one of two people injured in a two-vehicle crash at U.S. Highway 2 and Waukon Road in the early morning hours of Tuesday, Aug. 8. Sydney M. Lindbloom, 27, was hurt and transported to Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane when her 2010 Ford Fusion collided with a 1995 Chevy GMT-400 driven by 28-year-old Steven J. Edson of Burien, according to a State Patrol press release. Edson was also injured and transported to Deaconess. He was charged with first-degree driving with a revoked license, no i...

  • Kudos for Mine site cleanup

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    Today, good works are often brushed aside or ignored – especially, if done by one of the world’s largest mining companies. However, Rio Tinto deserves kudos for its half-billion-dollar mine cleanup in Holden., a remote village in the North Cascade mountains just south of Lake Chelan. Rio Tinto did not mine an ounce of copper or other precious metals at Holden. It acquired the site as part of a larger purchase. It gathered interested stakeholders together and ironed sol...

  • Commissioners hear river investigation update

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT — The Lincoln County Commissioners heard a presentation from two members of the Environmental Protection Agency offering updates on the Upper Columbia River Site Remedial Investigation, which is studying contamination in the river and “affected uplands areas.” The study is covering 150 miles along the Columbia River from Grand Coulee Dam to the Canadian border. An initial human health risk assessment found “elevated concentrations of lead” in soil. Past studies, meanwhile, have found metals like arsenic, lead, cad...

  • Pennies at the pump really add up

    Sen. Mark Schoesler|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    It’s been a tough week around the farm with equipment failures that have delayed harvest a few days. I’ll get back on track. But while repairs are underway, I can’t help but think about others who won’t recover so easily from hits to their budgets – setting them back further and further every time they fill up at the gas station or get a paycheck. Many of our friends on the West Side of the state disregard rural folks in communities like ours. We see this every session t...

  • Man claims NBA prescription

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    DAVENPORT — A Seattle man was arrested here after allegedly trying to pick up controlled substances from Davenport Pharmacy he claimed were prescribed to NBA player Draymond Green. 37-year-old Mahad Abdi Jama was booked into Lincoln County Jail Friday, Aug. 4 on seven criminal counts, including possessing another’s identification, fraud, first-degree criminal impersonation, making a false statement to a public servant, possessing drugs with no prescription, possessing controlled substances with no prescription and pro...

  • Indoor pot grow permit denied

    Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    ODESSA — An application to acquire a conditional use permit for an indoor marijuana production and processing facility just north of town was denied by the Lincoln County Commissioners per an attorney’s recommendation Monday, Aug. 7. The facility, which would have been at 5458 State Highway 21 North, was applied for by Zack Schmelebeck on Ervin Schmelebeck’s land. Wilbur-based attorney and former Lincoln County District Court Judge Joshua Grant, acting as land use hearings examiner, recommended the permit application be de...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    1 years ago Local municipalities observed Friday, Aug. 10 as a holiday in observance of President Warren G. Harding’s funeral. Farmers reported averaged of close to 35 bushels per acre during wheat harvest. Two young girls bearing the Reinbold name drowned near what is now Detillion Campground. A 13-year-old Wilbur boy named Pennington was arrested, “it being alleged the lad stole a horse from Creston several weeks ago.” He apparently rode to Lincoln and told locals he had ridden from Texas on horseback. 75 years ago A sign...

  • Revivalist pastor to speak in Odessa

    The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    ODESSA - "Revivalist" pastor Barry Perez will be performing a miracle service at Odessa Foursquare church Sunday, Aug. 20. Perez and his wife, Jan, founded Harvesttime Ministries International in 1997 and have traveled around the globe with their message, according to an announcement from the group. "God is not only manifesting Himself supernaturally to believers, but His desire is for the church to operate in the supernatural flow of His spirit in order to reach a dying a...

  • Train rides coming on Museum anniversary

    The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    REARDAN - For the first time, the Inland Northwest Rail Museum will offer rides on restored railroad cars during its Seventh Anniversary celebration Saturday, Aug. 12. To celebrate this milestone, attendees can take rides on two of the museum's restored standard gauge train cars across the museum's standard gauge tracks, known as the Inland Northwest Short Line. Rides can be taken in a restored Great Northern 974 Café Coach or a SP&S Mt. St. Helens buffet lounge car. Trains...

  • Birthdays and Anniversaries

    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    Davenport birthdays Aug. 11: Renee Honey, Cody Parker, Austin Savelesky Aug. 12: Cody Coppersmith Aug. 13: Kyra Arland, Andrea Morgan Aug. 14: Faith Brooks, Landon Harrison, Jerri Madison, Lillian Phillips Aug. 15: Adney Lacy, Jared King, Stephanie Linstrum, Bob Novak Aug. 16: Andrew Schreck, Janelle Hiccox Aug. 17: Janie Schreck, Ketner Kragt, Everett Prewitt Davenport anniversaries Aug. 11: Caleb and Lana Bowdish, Bob and Donna Fisher, Ben and Ashley Brooks Aug. 12: Jerry and Jeanne Newcomb Aug. 13: Ken and Lynee...


    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    ORIGINAL TRUSTEE SALE RECORDED ON 4/27/2023 IN THE OFFICE OF THE LINCOLN COUNTY RECORDER. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE File No.:21-127172 Title Order No.:210514015 Grantor: Virginia Mae Brizgaloff an unmarried woman Current beneficiary of the deed of trust: Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Mr. Cooper Current trustee of the deed of trust: Aztec Foreclosure Corporation of Washington Current mortgage servicer of the deed of trust: Nationstar Mortgage LLC Reference number of the deed of trust: 20180477535 Parcel number(s):...


    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    NOTICE OF SURRENDER OF PRELIMINARY PERMIT (July 10, 2023) UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FEDERAL ENERGY REGULATORY COMMISSION Daybreak Power, Inc. Project No. 15088-000 Take notice that Daybreak Power, Inc., permittee for the proposed Halverson Canyon Pumped Storage Project No. 15088, has requested that its preliminary permit be terminated. The permit was issued on June 28, 2021 and would have expired on May 31, 2025. The project would have been located at the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation’s Lake Roosevelt in Lincoln County, W...


    Updated Aug 10, 2023

    PROBATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS RCW 11.40.030 SUPERIOR COURT OF WASHINGTON IN AND FOR SPOKANE COUNTY NO. 23-4-01680-32 In the Matter of the Estate of: SALLY J. RUX, Deceased. The Personal Representative named below has been appointed as Personal Representative of this estate. Any person having a claim against the deceased must, before the time the claim would be barred by any otherwise applicable statute of limitations, present the claim in the manner as provided in RCW 11.40.070 by serving on or mailing to the Personal...

  • Wilbur boy wins National Skeet title

    Julie Hill, The Wilbur Register|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    WILBUR - Cole Snider, a freshman at Wilbur-Creston High School, is the new 2023 USA National Skeet Champion. He competed virtually against 650 high school skeet shooters from around the country at the National Tournament held in June and came out in first place. During the National Tournament competition, he shot 100 times and missed only twice. In the five weeks of the skeet shooting season, Snider held a 25% average with a score of 23.6 and finished the season in third...

  • Sturgeon season set for Lake Roosevelt

    The Record-Times|Updated Aug 10, 2023

    SEVEN BAYS – Fishermen will begin hitting Lake Roosevelt this fall in hopes of catching a large fish species that has existed for more than 175 million years. The state Department of Fish and Wildlife will open a white sturgeon season from Sept. 16 through Nov. 30. The species will be fair game along the entire length of Lake Roosevelt, from Grand Coulee Dam to the U.S.-Canada border. The fishery is also open on the Spokane River from the state Highway 25 bridge near Fort Spok...

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