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SUPERIOR COURT John F. Strohmaier, Judge Civil Judgments A request from Ronald C. Wilkie, of Davenport, for a domestic violence protection order against Connor Glick was denied on July 30, with the matter to be addressed in the parenting plan for two children of the petitioner and his former wife, who is the respondent’s current girlfriend. A judgment from a Clay County, Mo., court awarding Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC $9,371.41 from Andrea E. Martinez, of Grand Coulee, was filed with the Lincoln County court. New Criminal C...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. During this period, dispatchers handled 238 calls for service. Monday, Aug. 5: An alert neighbor reported seeing a sliding door open and water running for about two days at a residence in the 300 block of Was...
Mac-n-Cheese, a favorite of most kids and many adults, and a staple side dish on most southern cooking menus, has increased in popularity nation wide. Often, one of the first things kids learn to cook is boxed macaroni and cheese. Easy, salty and addictive. In our last session of Go Odessa Summer Recreation cooking class, we made Macaroni and Cheese. The younger group used a boxed mix with macaroni cooked and chilled ahead of time, so only low-heat, stove-top cooking was...
Margaret Mary Tracy (nee Kroetch) passed away on August 6, 2019 at the Spokane Veterans Home. Affectionately known as Peggy or Maugie, she was 76 years old. She was the ninth and youngest child of L. Ed and Serene Kroetch of Spokane. She attended St. Aloysius grade school and graduated from Holy Names Academy in 1960. She attended Eastern Washington College and the University of San Francisco. In Spokane, she worked for Tom Price Chrysler and the Spokane Club. In 1987, she...
In commemoration of the 100th anniversary of women's suffrage, some of the remarkable, but often unsung, women of the Pacific Northwest will be remembered by author Mayumi Tsutakawa on Tuesday, August 27, at the Odessa Public Library. Her presentation will begin at 7 p.m. and highlights five "women warriors" in the arts and journalism whose inspiring stories reach back to the early years of our region: Pioneering photographer Imogen Cunningham, Black American jazz musician...
To the Editor: I am writing as a member of the Odessa Historical Society, asking for your help. Our local museum began with much volunteer help many years ago, just as it continues to run today. It has weathered a devastating fire and was rebuilt to be what it is today. We have two main fundraisers per year in which we send postcards to members of the community. One is for the yearly dues. The other is for community baked goods or monetary donations for the annual Deutschesfest Bake Sale. I consider one of the fundraisers...
HOHS meeting President Ellen Evans opened the Opera House Society meeting August 5, with the following members present: Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Carol, Ed Haugan, Becky Moeller, Marge Womach, Kris Moritz, Karen Robertson and Bunny Haugan. Following the approval of minutes and the financial reports, discussion centered on building committee projects and reports. The building committee reported that Doug Kelley of Avista had met with them regarding the rebate/reimbursement paper...
The annual potluck dinner, with burgers and hot dogs supplied by the Odessa Community Ministerial Association, followed by softball, came close to being rained out, but turned out pleasantly enough, with no one getting wet. Participants and spectators alike appeared to enjoy themselves, especially after it became obvious that the dark, threatening rain cloud was moving away from Odessa, rather than toward it. If you have not participated up to now, you have been missing a... Full story
At Monday evening’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council, Town Marshal Brent Dell reported that K-9 officer Sasha had recently undergone additional and more thorough health testing and was found to have issues with her hips and spinal discs, as well as an incipient tooth abscess, that have rendered her unable to serve as a local drug dog. She will be returned to her former handler at the organization that donated her to the Odessa Town Marshal’s Office. That organization already has lined up two suitable homes in which she can...
Horseshoe pitching Kathy Ratkowski, the sole surviving member of the Odessa Horseshoes Club, tells The Record that, unless a miracle happens, there will be no horseshoes event during Deutschesfest this year. There is one state-sanctioned tournament left on the statewide schedule to be held here locally sometime after Fest, but that will likely be the end of horseshoes in Odessa unless local people suddenly develop an overwhelming interest in the sport and volunteer to help maintain the horseshoe pits and participate in...