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1 years ago The Odessa Record August 18, 1916 Popular Odessa couple wed. A pretty ceremony took place Monday morning at the St. Joseph Catholic church, when Miss Mary Shimek became the bride of Jason Bastrom Jr. The ceremony was performed by Fr. Philipp, while Miss Hildegarde Guth, organist Our Lady of Lourdes cathedral of Spokane, presided at the organ. The bride is the daughter of J.F. Shimek, proprietor of Shimek's hardware and has grown to young womanhood in this city. The groom is employed in the John Schafer store...
City Council The Harrington City Council met August 10 with the full council present: Mike Cronrath, Justin Slack, Peter Davenport, Levi Schenk and Rick Becker, city clerk Bunny Haugan, maintenance supervisor Scott McGowan, and visitors Celeste Miller, Sharon Schultz, Sharon Alumbaugh, Dan Fromm, Paul Charlton and Marge Womach. Celeste Miller, Harrington Historic Preservation Commission chair, described the Preservation Commission's current project, the proposed restoration...
Some additonal pictures of the destruction caused by the recent Irby and Black Rock Road fires have been provided to The Record by Teresa Iksic and Stan Dammel. Since The Record is able to run color this week, we have included a color picture on the front page of one of the recent fires. More color pictures are available at The Record's website at High temperatures and dry conditions mean that brush fires large and small continue to keep area...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Aug. 8: Windy conditions caused a Sunday blaze near Irby Road and the Burlington Northern Santa Fe railroad tracks to flare up, requiring Odessa firefighters to return to the scene. Responding...
Moses Lake, WA — On August 8, a bat from Grant County was submitted to the Washington State Public Health Laboratory for rabies testing after biting a local resident. The bat tested positive for rabies. The rabid bat was collected from the residence of the bite victim in the Moses Lake area by Grant County Health District staff. The bite occurred after the bat was accidentally disturbed from underneath a boat cover. A quick internet search by the family instructed them to capture the bat and contact local public health for r...
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce met August 9 to discuss preparations for this year’s Fest. Themes for the next few years leading up to the 50th anniversary of the festival have been selected by the Chamber’s marketing committee. This year’s theme is “Adventures in Wunderland” to conform to the theme of the decorations selected for the Odessa float. An online contest by the marketing committee was conducted on Facebook to select a name for the newly adopted Deutschesfest mascot, a rubber chicken. Given the popularity of the “Ch...
Masquers Theater in Soap Lake is looking for people who are interested in helping with the box office. This year, the admissions process will be streamlined so that people who pay for reservations in advance and already have their tickets will be admitted first. There will be someone at the window to sell tickets to people who wait to purchase tickets at the door. There will also be another station for “will call” pickup and another for people who have their tickets in hand or on their phones. Those interested in helping wit...
Rich Ervin, FNP, has moved into his permanent Odessa residence, and his wife, Brenda, has also arrived. By now, many community members have met Rich and have been highly satisfied with his services. Rhonda Freeman, FNP, has been on the team since mid-June and will be seeing patients at the Odessa Clinic for the foreseeable future, as we recruit for another permanent team member. She lives in Florida, but has agreed to temporarily work with us at OMHC, while we continue to recruit. The providers at the Odessa clinic are certif...
Odessa residents have been enquiring about an explosion heard in town last Monday evening, August 8. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office reported from its Facebook page that Adams County deputies had been contacted by an Adams County resident about a large quantity of illegal fireworks located on a rural property. “The Adams County Sheriff’s Office then contacted the Washington State Patrol bomb squad to dispose of the illegal fireworks, which were apparently very unstable. The bomb squad responded from Moses Lake. After...
We are told the “death tax” is terrible and should be repealed because it hurts small businesses. If it were only true. First, the federal estate tax provides an exemption from taxes for the first $5.43 million for an individual or $10.86 million for a couple. This means that 99.8 percent of taxpayers have NO federal estate tax to pay. Not one penny. Only 0.2 percent of taxpayers, who are also top income earners, pay this estate tax – after the exemptions and other tax breaks. While the top statutory rate is 40 perce...
It’s that time of year again. Certain people involved with Deutschesfest start getting that “deer in the headlights” look. Especially if they’re in charge of a venue, and are afraid that everything won’t be done in time. Believe me, it doesn’t have to be that way. Sure, we’ll always need someone to be in charge, and they’ll probably always get a little stressed out. But we, as the community of Odessa, can do something about it. I’m inviting you to participate. Bier...
Pastor Tim Hauge of Christ Lutheran Church in Odessa died Monday from injuries suffered in a harvest accident. He was driving a semi loaded with wheat toward town when the vehicle’s brakes failed. According to the Washington State Patrol, the vehicle “was southbound on SR21 approaching milepost 56. [The] vehicle experienced a brake failure, left the road near milepost 56, crossed over Railroad Avenue, continued up an embankment and struck a building.” Hauge was trapped in the vehicle, as EMTs and firefighters rushed to extri...