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Elaine Mabel (Portch) Zeiler passed away in her sleep on August 17, 2016, at "From The Heart" Home in Pasco. She was born September 23, 1926 in Wilbur. Elaine was raised on the family farm in the Sherman area of Lincoln County. Later, the family moved into the town of Wilbur where Elaine attended Wilbur High School. On June 9, 1946, Elaine was married to Vernie Zeiler from Odessa by Reverend Arthur A. Joda at Sacred Heart Catholic Church in Wilbur. They farmed southeast of...
Edna joined her beloved husband of 63 years, John, on August 2, 2016 at the age of 96. She is survived by her daughter Denise, sons Mark and Curt, and their families. A cherished mother and devoted wife, Edna will always be remembered for her warmth and welcoming spirit, sweet disposition and deep love for and pride in her family. Born at home on a wheat farm homestead near Odessa to Henry and Johanna (Richter) Lenhart, Edna's adventurous spirit led her on an exciting journey...
Timothy Marvin Hauge was born October 1, 1960 in Conrad, Montana to Marvin and Joanne (Warnick) Hauge. Tim passed away on August 15, 2016 in Odessa at the age of 55. He was a much loved pastor at Christ Lutheran Church for the last 15 years in Odessa. He was also a member of the Odessa Fire Department, the Odessa Ministerial Association, the Oom Pas and Mas band, the Crab Creek Gospel Group and also drove school bus for the Odessa School District. He enjoyed motorcycle...
Cheree Hope Raugust died August 14, 2016 at the age of 88. She was born September 1, 1927, in Spokane to Elroy and Hope Reinemer. She was an only child. Cheree received her elementary education degree from Washington State University and later her bachelor's degree. Cheree was an elementary school teacher for the Moses Lake school district for many years before retiring. She loved teaching and felt each child was special in his/her own way. Cheree married the love of her...
At Monday evening's meeting of the Odessa Town Council, new police chief Thomas Clark was sworn in by Odessa Mayor pro tem Terry Goetz in the absence of Mayor Lois Hubbard. Following a lengthy search for the "right fit," council members selected Clark to fill the position vacated some months ago by Helen Coubra. Joining Clark for the occasion were almost his entire family, plus two former colleagues from the Quincy Police Department. A native of northern California, Clark...
After 52 years, and more than 40 of those years at the Spokane Interstate Fairgrounds, the Inland Empire Railway Historical Society has a permanent home! Formed in 1976, the group rebranded itself two years ago as the Inland Northwest Rail Museum to more clearly define the goals of the organization. The primary goal was to find a home for the group's collection of railcars and historical memorabilia. Roughly two years ago (August 2014), excitement began to build as...
Monday night signalled the end of the Chicks with Sticks women's golf league. This season, 44 women turned out, which is about average. The Tiger's Wood team of Paige Alloway, Megan Schlimmer, Dorcey Hunt and Carley Williams won overall first place. Side games were played which included closest to the line which Megan Schlimmer won. We also voted on best team name, with the Cluster Putts (Lanae Carper, Maria Manley, Cathy Strohmaier and JoEllen Wollman) winning by a landslide. The women played for a total of nine weeks this...
Zucchini is showing up in various dishes as this prolific summer squash hits peak season. Sautéed, steamed, in cakes and breads, versatile zucchini can be added to just about any recipe, adjusting the liquid measure to accommodate the moisture of the zucchini. An eight inch zucchini equals about 1 cup liquid. Many recipes call for grated zucchini, but some picky eaters can detect a shred of zucchini in a recipe from twenty paces. The solution, puree the zucchini. This works fo...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up. Hi, here I am again. After two years, Cal Jr. realized help would not continue dryland farming. After paying the rent on the land, he didn't have enough left over to meet all his other farm expenses let alone to live on. The only answer for that area of Lincoln Co. was sprinklers and deeper wells. Cal Graedel Jr. and Fred Kissler were the first in the area...
OLYMPIA — Aug. 18, 2016 – The Washington State Parks and Recreation Commission announces a statewide ban on campfires in all state parks and ocean beaches in the Seashore Conservation Area through September 30, due to extreme heat and dry conditions. The ban is part of a statewide effort to prevent human-caused wildfires. The prohibition on campfires in state parks complies with the August 17 announcement by the Washington State Department of Natural Resources, which bans all outdoor fires on DNR-protected lands. All of Was...
EPHRATA, Washington - The Bureau of Reclamation is alerting users of Scooteney Park recreation area, located 36 miles south of Moses Lake on Highway 17, that the Benton-Franklin Health District has identified a toxic algae bloom on Scooteney Reservoir. The Health District is warning that current algae levels are not safe for humans or animals and could be deadly. Warning signs stating that all people and pets remain out of the water have been posted around the reservoir. Scooteney Park campgrounds and recreation area remains...
Game Night Mayor Dillon Haas has stated that the game nights have been fun and rewarding, but that with school starting shortly, game nights will cease in another week. He seems to have other thoughts for keeping people socializing; when the plan is presented, it will be reported. Thursday, August 18, three turned out and were playing three games simultaneously: Pence, Scrabble and Hi Ho! Cheery-O. Those involved in this complex activity were Alex Soliday, Dillon Haas and Peter Davenport. Opera House Society Friday evening,...
SPOKANE, August 15, 2016 – The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Farm Service Agency (FSA) in Washington state continues to accept Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) offers for the Highly Erodible Land Initiative. This initiative is part of the Continuous CRP enrollment being conducted in FSA offices statewide. “Like regular Continuous CRP enrollment, the Initiative is another option for producers with CRP acres expiring this Sept. 30, but who were unable to re-enroll in the program during the nationwide General CRP enrol...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Aug. 15: Responding to a residence on Lamont Road, Sprague ambulance personnel assisted an 89-year-old woman believed to be suffering a heart attack. A Creston woman reported an email sca...
This week, I lost a brother in Christ to a terrible tragedy. Many of you lost a pastor, a bus driver, a helper or a friend. I won’t soon forget Tim Hauge, and neither will many of you. I worry, though, that our culture has stolen away the fullness of the Gospel from the Church. When people are old or terminally ill, our culture sees death as a helper, a welcomed guest and a release from the burden of our bodies. But, as we have all experienced this past week, death is a...
On August 18, 2016, LuVerna passed into the loving arms of her Lord Jesus Christ, where she also experienced a glorious reunion with family that has passed before her. She was 96 years old. Born September 23, 1919, in Odessa, LuVerna was the only daughter born to Fred and Lucy (Diefe) Weishaar. She graduated from Marlin High School and married her high school sweetheart, Clarence “Bud” Buddrius on December 18, 1938. Bud and LuVerna raised two children, DeWane and Lonna in Harrington. They briefly lived in Spokane where the...
PULLMAN, Wash. – Stacia Lesser has been awarded $1,000 from the Voiland College of Engineering and Architecture scholarship fund at Washington State University. She is a 2016 graduate of Odessa High School and the daughter of Katherine Lesser and Tracy Lesser of Marlin....
Cathy McMorris Rodgers endorses and supports a person to lead our nation who disrespects and dishonors the very citizens of the nation he wants to lead. Cathy has not unendorsed or unsupported this person, thereby embracing the future he promotes in degrading individuals and showing her lack of character and courage in facing up to it. Her endorsement means she openly approves this person’s positions; dishonoring and disrespecting Senator John McCain as no war hero because he was captured and spent years in a prison camp i...
We want to thank Teresa Iksic for the great photos that she took during the fire and afterwards. With her photos and Lise Ott’s, I had a good understanding where the fire was at all times on the Facebook page. The old Chase (Irby) Hotel is still standing. Chuck Wood/ Joanne Kingsbury Gig Harbor...
My wife and I are newcomers to Odessa. We call it God’s country because of all the beauty around us. It has become obvious to us over the last three months that Pastor Hauge was a very inspiring man for many around here – always ready to give the shirt off his back no matter who you are. Pastors Hauge and Hayashi were working toward non-competitive spiritual pride in the community. I think the best way to honor such a man is to carry on with his wishes and hopes for Odessa. Pat Gamache Odessa...