Sorted by date Results 1 - 22 of 22
I sat down to interview Jim and June Walter in their home one evening after they had been at the home of friends enjoying oysters. June is a soft-spoken, polite and elegant woman who loves genealogy. Jim can have a gruff, intimidating exterior, but you know where you stand with him. He is honest, devoted to his wife and family, and has a great sense of humor. June was born in Kansas and moved to Omak, Wash. after her parents had divorced, reconciled, and remarried within the y...
Lincoln Hospital in Davenport and Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center in Odessa are among the 18 hospitals utilizing health information technology solution from Inland Northwest Health Services (INHS) that have again earned the distinction of being among the most technologically advanced hospitals in the country. INHS provides health information technology solutions to hospitals, healthcare facilities and physician offices throughout the nation, allowing providers to achieve meaningful-use measures to securely access critical...
So many recipes, so little space. Over the next few weeks, I will get all the submitted recipes published. This weeks column will focus on the most summery recipes, and of course, zucchini. Kathy Ratkowski brought UnPotato Salad to a recent community potluck picnic. Cauliflower is used in place of potatoes to create a low-carb salad. Kathy made note on the recipe that she uses a little less mayonnaise than the recipe calls for, and substituted the light version. UnPotato...
We are excited to announce, and for those that haven't already heard, that our Physician Assistant, Brandon Lee will be staying in Odessa! He will continue to be available for appointments Monday through Friday at the Odessa Rural Health Clinic. Also available for appointments Monday through Friday is Dr. Linda J. Powell. Dr. Craig A. Olson is also available on Mondays from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center is here to assure that you have access to a variety of quality healthcare services in Odessa, and...
The brief but violent thunderstorm that passed through the Odessa area last Sunday evening left damage and much debris in its wake. The sky turned very black indeed, as the storm clouds blew in and the rain poured heavily for several minutes. After the storm passed through, the town of Odessa lost power, but it was restored within about five minutes. Area residents reported damage and other results of the storm to The Record. At the country home of Kelly (Kissler) and Don...
The Lincoln County Fair, which ended last Sunday, drew many Odessa-area exhibitors and visitors. This week, The Record begins its coverage of the fair with some of the pictures and information gathered following the event. The official fair results will likely be posted later in the week, so we will run more comprehensive information in our next edition. Audrey Beck of Odessa was the first to bring in her own results to The Record. She entered 20 garments into the Lincoln County Fair and won 20 first-place ribbons. She also...
Laura Estes of Odessa, proprietor of a home-based business called “Laura’s Sage Country Quilts,” has now added published author to her resume. She has written a book called “Pintucks, Pleats & Ruching,” which provides detailed instructions on how to be creative with those particular sewing methods. The book came about as the result of a trip to a Quilt Market, a wholesale international trade show for the quilting and soft crafts industries. In the U.S., it is held each fall...
In 1943, Professor Abraham Maslow of Brooklyn College proposed that human behavior is guided by five basic needs (in this order): 1) physiological, 2) safety, 3) belongingness, 4) esteem, and 5) self-actualization. People, children included, are motivated to fulfill the basic needs (1-3) first before moving on to the last two needs. In other words, food and shelter (1), safety and protection (2), love and affection (3) come before learning or achieving on test or in school (4 and 5). Individuals will not move on to higher...
Dear Odessa and surrounding community, We would like to take the time to thank you for your incredible support; it is our honor and privilege to be back home! We are grateful to Odessa for supporting our adventure to try a larger school district. Many of you visited, sent notes, cards and care packages along the way and continually checked in on how we were doing as a family. Although our journey was exciting, and we learned a lot about a larger educational system, it certainly did not fit either Jeff’s style of teaching o...
“Knowledge is a big subject. Ignorance is bigger. And it is more interesting.” So begins Stuart Firestein’s book Ignorance: How It Drives Science. Part of the core message in the book about how science should work is wrapped up in a brief story about a physicist named Isidor Isaac Rabi. When Rabi came home from school each day his immigrant mother didn’t ask him what he learned, but rather whether he had asked any good questions in class. That approach to thinking about l...
Over the last month the price of wheat has been in a fairly narrow trading range. That relative calm has belied some of the powerful forces that have been influencing the grain markets both globally and locally. The futures markets are the backbone of the grain markets, for better or worse. And over the last month the speculative funds have had a major influence on the market by acquiring a record short position in wheat and a very sizeable short position in corn, largely based on the anticipation of a record corn harvest. Up...
Harper Riley Carstensen was born August 10, 2013 at Deaconess Hospital in Spokane to H.P. and Cory Carstensen of Odessa. At birth, she weighed six pounds and measured 20 inches long. She joins siblings Brenna (12), Nathan (9) and Reegan (6). Grandparents are Pete and Darcy Carstensen of Almira, Pete and Barb Thiry of Coulee City and Glen and Jackie Allen of Odessa. Great grandparents are Henry and Yvaughn Carstensen, Lois Geib and Beverly Betz....
I was a child in Beirut, Lebanon, when my American teacher told me the story of George Washington and the cherry tree. She also told me about Abraham Lincoln who freed the slaves. I never forgot these stories and felt immediately that I had kindred spirits across the ocean. Many years later, I became a United States citizen and held my head high as an American. I believed in this country's constitutional and ethical values – and most of all, in its justice. Then 9/11 happened and our world changed forever. I was supposed t...
Oops. I didn’t get around to writing a column last week. It was probably because I was out sweeping the cobwebs off the storefront. Or maybe washing my feet. At any rate, time got away from me. My apologies. This week, I’ve been thinking about one of those things we learn as children, although perhaps not always intentionally. I’ve been thinking about “Practicing What You Preach.” I tend to think of this particular topic in capitals, because somehow I grew up thinking it was i...
Getting ready for school means getting school supplies and back packs. It’s also the perfect time to make sure children are up to date on their shots. Getting all of the recommended shots is one of the most important things parents can do to protect their kids’ health. Vaccines are among the safest and most cost-effective ways to prevent disease. Protecting children from preventable diseases will help keep them healthy and in school. The shots that are recommended and required to enroll in school are available at your doc...
Harrington Food Store on Historic Register Celeste Miller of the Harrington Historical Preservation Commission brought to the Harrington City Council the nomination of the Harrington Food Store to be placed on the Historic Properties Register. This passed the city council with a 5-0 vote. The location of what is now the Harrington Food Store was the site of “Dutch Henry’s place” with the proprietor, Henry Fallert selling choice wines, liquors and cigars. Photos of that early 1900 establishment survived, although the struc...
Washington state senator Janéa Holmquist Newbry will meet with her Lincoln County constituents Wednesday, September 4, during the first in a series of Lincoln County district office days. These are times when constituents can drop in, meet and speak with Holmquist Newbry. No appointment is necessary. “I am excited to work for the citizens in Lincoln County,” said Holmquist Newbry. “I realize it’s a drive for you to come see me in Moses Lake, so I’ve made it a priority to come to Lincoln County to make myself more accessible...
Students who have started but not completed their GED tests® should finish by early December or they will have to start from scratch on new tests in January and pay a testing fee again, according to officials at Big Bend Community College. In January, the national GED Testing Service® will replace the current five-part test with a four-part series that is considered more rigorous and a better indicator of students’ readiness for college and careers. Like the current version, the parts can be taken separately, but all mus...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Aug. 19: Residents in the Neal Canyon Road area expressed concern about possible spotlighters in their vicinity. A Tickle Hills Road resident reported a man was walking in circles in a barley field near SR...
Most farms in the Odessa area were self-sufficient 101 years ago, producing fruit and vegetables not only for the families’ own use but also to be marketed. The Odessa Commercial Club’s display of Odessa products in the Odessa Hardware and Implement Company’s window has attracted much attention from the people of Odessa and the surrounding country, and many who viewed the exhibit had their eyes opened to the possibilities offered by the productive soil of this region. Some of the apples shown would do credit to any of the f...
OMHC strives to provide our community with caring, quality healthcare. As part of our mission we need to comply with our government's stimulus program toward enhancing patient engagement. We will be using your email address solely for the purpose of communicating with you about your patient portal after you are discharged. Your patient portal will give you better access to your medical information. Sometime during or short after your hospitalization, you will be given instructions on how to access your Patient Portal. Your...