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Odessa’s newest business opened its doors to the public last week Thursday when the Cattle Producers of Washington (CPoW) held the grand opening of the Livestock Processors Cooperative Association (LPCA) plant at the Odessa Industrial Park. The ribbon-cutting ceremony at 4 p.m. was attended by a large crowd of well-wishers, interested community members and local, county and state officials who had a hand in seeing the construction of the plant come to fruition. Willard W...
It sounds like science fiction when you first hear about it, but some people see it as a way of addressing both animal welfare issues and environmental concerns. I’m talking about growing meat cells for human consumption from stem cells harvested from a cow. This so-called “cultured beef” recently was unveiled in London by a group led by Mark Post, a physiologist at the Netherland’s Maastricht University. It’s been known for a while that an anonymous donor contributed money toward an effort to grow a hamburger patty in...
Apple and silk trains were curiosities in the 1920'sThe trains that used to go through Odessa, even those that streaked through without stopping, were always of interest to early day residents. From the beginning until about the middle of the last century, Odessa depended on the railroad. Odessa was a regular stop for local-service passenger trains. Express trains could be flagged with advance arrangements to pick up passengers traveling to the East, as long as their destination was to points beyond Helena, Mont. A number of...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Aug. 26: Juveniles were observed recklessly driving a golf cart in the vicinity of the 1000 block of Washington Street in Davenport. Tuesday, Aug. 27: Davenport ambulance personnel transported a man having...
I first met Bonnie Burroughs one day at the local hair salon. We had never been officially introduced. We became fast friends, largely because of our mutual love of reading. We discussed different books and recommended some of our favorite authors. A few weeks later, she came into my office with a bag full of books. I couldn’t believe that someone I had met only once would do something so thoughtful. Telling her I would get them back to her as soon as possible, she told me to...
Shane Kercheval, a 2004 graduate of Odessa High School, has completed his Masters of Business Administration studies with a 3.99 grade point average at Eastern Washington University. He had previously graduated Summa Cum Laude with a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science. After five years working at Itron Corporation as a software engineer, he now works as a business development manager at IntelliTect...
Odessa High School and Advanced Science Research (ASR)student Thorsen Wehr has been selected to receive the Washington State Academy of Sciences Award, allowing him to participate in the American Junior Academy of Sciences (AJAS) Convention in Chicago, Ill., that will be held in conjunction with the annual meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), February 13-17, 2013. AJAS is America’s only honor research society for high-school scientists, an...
Chamber of Commerce The Harrington Chamber of Commerce was scheduled to meet Wednesday, September 4, at noon at city hall. With the rapid approach of the Harrington Fall Festival on September 28, and associated activities, the Chamber will continue its discussion of the event. Interested individuals will need to fill out an entry form for the parade. Registration forms are also available for the “Huff N Puff” race. The webinar presentation scheduled for November 16 will also be on the agenda. It will be an opportunity for...
The USDA’s Risk Management Agency (RMA) reminds producers of the expanded coverage availability for the Forage (Alfalfa) Seed Pilot Multi-Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) program to all qualifying producers in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Alfalfa seed coverage is generally available in Canyon and Owyhee counties, in Idaho, in Malheur County in Oregon, and Grant and Walla Walla counties in Washington. For the 2014 crop year, producers outside the county pilot area may request protection for their alfalfa seed crop. The Federal C...
A workshop for students who plan to start classes at Big Bend Community College in January of 2014 will be held September 10, 2013 in the BBCC library. “Some students are not prepared or unaware of the process to get started,” said Rita Ramirez, BBCC Coordinator of Student Recruitment and Outreach. “This workshop will help potential students understand the process and prepare them to enroll winter quarter.” BBCC’s enrollment is historically high in winter because so many people in the area work in agriculture during the fall....
Stanna Lee White (76) died on September 1, 2013 in Ritzville. A graveside service will be held at 11 a.m. Saturday, September 14, 2013, at Ritzville Memorial Cemetery. A Memorial Service and reception will follow immediately at Trinity UMC in Ritzville. Danekas Funeral Home and Crematory in Ritzville is entrusted with arrangements. A full obituary will run at a later date....
Do you need to get healthy? The Aging and Adult Care Program called Stay Active and Independent for Life (SAIL) is looking for participants, someone to teach and a few attendees for the class. Anyone interested in the program should come for a discussion September 11 (Wednesday), at 12:30 p.m. in the Old Town Hall. Karen Bruggman, program coordinator for the Retired Senior Volunteer Program of North Central Washington (RSVP of NCW), which covers Grant, Adams, Lincoln, Chelan, Douglas and Okanogan counties, is partnering with...
Vonda S. Grosshans 1941-2013. Vonda was a selfless giver, loving, caring, considerate, and compassionate, and was a friend to all who knew her. She was an amazing sister, mother, Oma, and proud military wife when she finally succumbed to her valiant two-and-a-half-year battle with cancer on August 24th, 2013. Not unexpectedly, she was mentally sharp to the end and more concerned with everyone else than herself. She was proud to have celebrated her 50th wedding anniversary with her beloved husband John H. Grosshans earlier...
Today is Labor Day, so of course I’ve spent it laboring. I’ve moved a few hundred bolts of fabric. Some of them more than once, since I don’t really have a plan. Now I’m tired. Even though it’s a holiday, as long as I was at the shop, I plugged in the “OPEN” sign, and a few people stopped in. One was a regular customer from the Harrington-Davenport area. Another was a woman with local connections who was on her way home to the west side. Just taking the scenic route. And fi...
The Odessa School District board of directors met August 28, 2013. Prior to the regular meeting, the board members and the school administrators met to inspect the work done to facilities over the summer. They inspected the new window at the elementary entrance, refurbishing of the elementary/junior-high computer lab, placement of “cubbies” at the cafeteria entrance for bags and coats, removal of the pillar outside the high-school office to provide a better view of the entry doors, rehanging of the library door to open fro...