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At least three different rattlesnakes visited downtown Odessa last week. Why so many at about the same time is a mystery. It is fairly rare that the slithering critters are seen on Odessa's streets. One snake was first seen under the bench on the sidewalk outside of the Odessa Record's office. It eventually moved down the street to the west and was dispatched by Nate Lathrop when it arrived at Rolling Thunder Pizza. Another rattler showed up in the rear parking lot of the...
REARDAN — Assuming that the majority of students in a district that extends for miles through lonely wheat fields all have reliable access to the Internet may be short-sighted, even in today’s age of instant accessibility. That’s why the Reardan school district is giving its staff a simple guideline: Don’t assume your students will have reliable Internet on days of remote learning. “(We tell staff), ‘don’t be giving them learning assignments that require the Internet on remote days,’” superintendent Eric Sobotta said. “Until...
WILBUR — A fast-moving fire consumed over 70,000 acres in Lincoln County yesterday as high winds made the fire hard for crews to contain. The fire, also being referred to as the Hawk Creek fire, is currently burning in the areas of Hawk Creek Road, Cottonwood Creek, Gunning, South Telford, Whitaker Lake and Seven Springs Dairy. Isabel Hoygaard of the Type 3 Incident team said the fire has burnt at least four homes and numerous outbuildings. “We saw exponential growth of the...
OLYMPIA -- The state Department of Fish and Wildlife is celebrating National Hunting and Fishing Day all month long with a virtual event each day in September. “In previous years, we’ve worked with volunteers, sponsors, and conservation partners from across the state to host in-person events for hundreds of youth and their families. Participants learn about hunting, fishing, shooting sports and conservation,” agency Hunter Education Division Manager Dave Whipple said. “This year, we are celebrating National Hunting and Fis...
Voices across the state continue to ask the Governor to call a special session to allow lawmakers to balance the budget and address COVID-19 related policies. A special session would provide the legislative branch of government its first opportunity in more than five months to address problems caused by the pandemic. Sen. Hans Zeiger this week also sent his colleagues a letter calling on them to support a special session. From Sen. Zeiger’s letter (in-part): “I write five and...
Newport – The Washington State Patrol (WSP) is seeking the public’s assistance with a 1994 homicide in Newport, Washington. The anniversary of this homicide is coming up and the WSP cold case team is still working to solve this case, and bring the person(s) responsible to justice. On the morning of October 24, 1994 the body of Jack LaFond was found inside his small travel trailer in the 1400 block of Telephone Road. Police responded to the residence when Jack’s girlfriend became concerned after she had not been able to reach...
By DREW LAWSON The Times REARDAN—The town of Reardan is continuing to negotiate with Lincoln County regarding the amount of town should pay for jail services in its contract renewal with the county. Reardan Police Chief Andy Manke told the Reardan Town Council he is planning to make an offer he hopes the county will accept. At a Sept. 3 town council meeting, Manke said he plans to offer the county a resolution similar to the system in South Cle Elum, a town of comparable size to Reardan, that contracts with Kittitas County f...
Not only is the world in the grasp of the COVID-19 pandemic, but America’s western wildlands are burning up, as well. California Gov. Gavin Newsom told reporters his state has a dual crises: the massive wildfire complexes and the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. “At this time last year, California had seen 4,292 fires that burned 56,000 acres. So far this year, we’ve had 7,002 fires that have burned a whopping 1.4 million acres.” California reports more than 660,000 coronav...
DAVENPORT– The Lincoln County Economic Development Council is accepting applications for emergency grants for businesses with up to 20 employees in Lincoln County. Grant money can be used to assist with a variety of expenses related to the impact from COVID-19. Grant funds are available to businesses that submit an application on or before September 21. To learn more and to access an application, visit or email or call 509-368-7085. Funding for the program is from the s...
DAVENPORT -- Gun owners anticipating the fall hunting season or hoping to get in some target practice are having more difficulty than normal buying ammo. According to national media reported in early August, gun sales in 2020 had already surpassed sales in 2019, but the available ammo stock wasn’t keeping pace. Area firearms dealers say there are several possible reasons for an ammo shortage. Mainly, the COVID-19 fallout caused a spike in gun sales, with ammo production struggling to keep up. “COVID is getting everybody wor...
Birthdays for Sept. 11: Wes Melcher, Hope Marshall, Blake Pfeifer, Helen Coubra. Sept. 12: Tori Weishaar, Amy Shaw, Joyce Luiten(†), Victoria Collins, Jan Weeks Burghard. Sept. 13: Andy Read, Michael Nichols III, Sadie Steward, Griffey Powell, Zach Schafer, Kailyn Dafler, Laura Ward. Sept. 14: Butch Jarschke, Joshua Frederick. Sept. 15: Steve Helland, Trey Lobe, Kyle Haase. Sept. 16: Connie Jo Tschritter(†), Kathie Donahue, Kaiden Pfeifer. Sept. 17: Scott Heimbigner(†), Dakota Steward. Anniversaries for Sept. 11: Leigh & Bri...
The Labor Day 2020 windstorm this week resulted in a firestorm, with wildfires popping up in numerous locations in eastern Washington. Odessa resident and photographer Susan Jensen lives high on a hill only a couple of miles outside of town. She was able to capture photos of an extremely fast-moving fire that raged somewhere north of town Monday, spreading rapidly to the west after about 8:30 p.m. Low-lying clouds reflected much of the light to produce an eerie sight....
The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office received a 911 call reporting a residential burglary in progress in Lamona on September 2, 2020 at approximately 11 a.m. The emergency dispatch team immediately notified area patrol units of a crime in progress. Undersheriff Kelly Watkins, Deputy Chad Cunningham and Deputy Luke Mallon responded to Lamona at Carlson Road. The reporting party gave a detailed description of one adult female, one adult male and a younger male subject in a black Subaru WRX that had fled in the area of Carlson R...
A young goat on the loose between Harrington and Mohler munches weeds after also filling up on landscape plants....
This should be the week things gear up for Deutschesfest in Odessa. Sadly, like most area towns, traditional festivities have been canceled due to the corona virus. Normally, the enticing smell of apple strudel, baking in the community center kitchen would waft through the air this week. Workers setting up the Biergarten would enjoy the aroma of pickles and sauerkraut fermenting. Sausage, kraut ranza, kuchen and many other German delicacies would be tucked away in freezers...
All meals are currently available for pick-up only, unless previous arrangements for home delivery are made by calling 509-982-2654 prior to 10 a.m. on the day of the meal. Monday, Sept. 14: Spaghetti & meat sauce, Caesar salad, fresh fruit tray, garlic bread, dessert. Wednesday, Sept. 16: Beef stew, spinach salad, mixed fruit, biscuit, dessert. Thursday, Sept. 17: Fall vegetable soup, ½ ham sandwich, sliced tomatoes, assorted melons, dessert. Suggested donation for ages 60 and older; fee charged for those younger than...
Monday, Sept. 14. Breakfast: Cereal, muffin, fruit & juice. Lunch: Fish sticks, Tater Tots, salad w/dressing, fruit, cookie. Tuesday, Sept. 15. Breakfast: Bagel w/cream cheese, fruit & juice. Lunch: Mozzarella cheese stix, marinara sauce, corn, fruit, veggies. Wednesday, Sept. 16. Breakfast: Muffin, cereal, fruit & juice. Lunch: Beef taco, roll, refried beans, fruit, veggies, salad w/dressing. Thursday, Sept. 17. Breakfast: Yogurt, granola, fruit & juice. Lunch: Sausage, HB patty, doughnut, veggies, fruit. Friday, Sept. 18....
MALDEN - High winds and dry weather conditions propelled a wall of flames southwest across rural Spokane and Whitman counties Monday, leveling homes, businesses and government offices. Approximately 75 percent of structures in Malden burned to the ground, including City Hall, the post office, a gas station and a historic church. Burned out cars were visible throughout town adjacent to what was left of homes and garages. Local ranchers and residents manned hoses and buckets of...
SPOKANE -- Officials at the Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency are warning residents in the region that, depending on the winds and fire activity, air quality over the next several days is expected to worse. According to a Sept. 10 news release, air quality today (Sept. 11) could possibly reach the Orange Range (Unhealthy for Sensitive Groups) or worse of the Air Quality Index (AQI). Saturday and Sunday, Sept. 12-13, the air quality could decline even further to the Purple (Very Unhealthy) or Maroon (Hazardous) range at...
The pandemic may have put an axe in many sporting activities this fall, but nothing is stopping hunters in Eastern Washington from enjoying the outdoors and trekking down some wildlife as the season gets underway. Some hunting seasons have already begun, while others kick off soon. Below runs a guide to each season by animal and weapon type, with an emphasis on opportunities for youth. Information is obtained from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife relative to Spok...
OLYMPIA—The Department of Natural Resources closed all recreational land it manages in Eastern Washington effective immediately in response to widespread fires Tuesday, the department said in a press release. The closure will remain in place through Friday, Sept. 11 “at least,” the press release said. “DNR staff will evaluate the possibility of extending it as the week progresses,” it continued. Affected forest and trust lands managed by the DNR include Ahtanum, Little Pend Orielle, Loomis, Loup Loup, Naneum Ridge, Teanaway...
By DREW LAWSON Staff Reporter DEEP CREEK--A Level 2 Evacuation notice given by Fire District No. 10 remained in place for residents between Deep Creek and Brooks Rd due to a 75-acre vegetation fire in the area west of Airway Heights and Fairchild Air Force Base as of Tuesday morning (Sept. 8). Crews responded to the fire off South Christensen Road at 2:17 p.m. Monday afternoon. The fire momentarily jumped Highway 2, causing a momentary highway closure westbound beginning at...
AIRWAY HEIGHTS—Smoke filled the West Plains skies and city residents stood by awaiting potential evacuation recommendations due to a 260-acre fire burning grass and timber northeast of Northern Quest Casino on Monday. Crews responded to a vegetation fire off North Old Trail Road at 4:31 p.m. Monday and remained on scene into Tuesday. As of press time, one outbuilding had burned, according to Guy Gifford of the Department of Natural Resources. The fire had been controlled, b...
OLYMPIA, Wash. – Sept. 2, 2020 – Business owners in Washington have many responsibilities, including knowing which taxes they must report. To help reach more businesses statewide, the Washington State Department of Revenue (Revenue) will host a free live webinar for new and small business owners on Sept. 16. In offering these live webinars, Revenue aims to make it easier for small businesses to participate. Date: Wednesday, Sept. 16 Time: 10 – 11 a.m. Registration: Send an e-mail to with the follo...
MALDEN - Don't call them wildfires. Call them "climate fires." That was the message Gov. Jay Inslee gave reporters during a brief appearance about noon today, Thursday, Sept. 10, in one of two cities nearly wiped out by the Babbs Fire. That press conference followed a presentation he made to town residents and leaders only minutes before, a presentation in which he requested all media be excluded. Inslee arrived in a black SUV via Pine City-Malden Road, passing numerous "Culp...