Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 26
Birthdays for September 11: Wes Melcher and Hope Marshall. September 12: Chuck Carper, Amy Shaw, Marvin Greenwalt, Victoria Collins, and Jan Weeks Burghard. September 13: Andy read, Michael Nichols III, Sadie Steward, Griffey Powell, Zach Schafer, and Kailyn Dafler. September 14: Joshua Frederick and Butch Jarschke. September 15: Trey Lober and Kyle Haase. September 16: Connie Jo Tschritter and Kathie Donahue. September 17: Scott Heimbigner and Dakota Steward. Anniversaries for September 13: Ryan & Debbie Walter. Birthdays...
Odessa School Menu MONDAY, Sept. 15: Pancakes. Lunch: Cheeseburger, herbed potatoes, and fruit & veggie bar. TUESDAY, Sept. 16: Cereal and toast. Lunch: Turkey sandwich, rice salad, and fruit & veggie bar. WEDNESDAY, Sept. 17: Biscuit and sausage. Lunch: Corn chowder, string cheese, roll, and fruit & veggie bar. THURSDAY, Sept. 18: English Muffin. Lunch: Nachos w/cheese, muffin, and fruit & veggie bar. FRIDAY, Sept. 19: No School. Fest Day Wilson Creek School Menu MONDAY, Sept. 15: Cereal bowl, zucchini bread, and fruit. Lunc...
The women’s golf group, “Chicks with Sticks,” had 46 women turning out. Six of the women had either never golfed before or only golfed a few times. The group started play in mid-June and finished in mid-August. The team, “Strokes of Fury,” won with an average score of 37 each week. Many side games were played throughout the season. On the final night, a potluck supper was held. The Odessa Trading Co. donated toward the cost of visors that every player received....
High Low Prec. S Sept. 04 70 41 .00 Sept. 05 77 41 .00 Sept. 06 82 43 .00 Sept. 07 87 41 .00 Sept. 08 87 42 .00 Sept. 09 83 45 .00 Sept. 10 77 45 .00 Yearly total to date 5.72 inches. Snow accumulation: 8.5 inches to date. Seasonal rain: September to February is 4.02 inches....
Voise Sausage, Odessa’s venerable supplier of the Biergarten during Deutsches Fest and of other loyal customers throughout the rest of the year, now has new owners. Darren and Kendrain Summers have purchased the business from Jason and Chandra Schumacher. Last Friday was the day it became official with the signing of all the paperwork. With the purchase of the business, Darren Summers said, the meat processing plant of the Livestock Producers Cooperative Association, where he is the manager, will have a retail outlet for p...
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan obviously knew what he was doing when he timed the USDOE revocation of Oklahoma’s NCLB Waiver on the proverbial “take out the trash day,” just before the long Labor Day weekend. One Duncan soundbite is that Common Core is not a top down corporate and/or federal mandate, but he doesn’t want to call national attention to his own repudiation of that claim. It is now impossible for anyone to believe Duncan’s spin after he punished Oklahoma for repealing its standards and tests. Neither c...
A Pierce County woman in her 30s who recently spent time in Grant County has been confirmed as having West Nile virus. Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department has investigated the case and determined that the individual was likely exposed to the infected mosquitoes during her stay in Grant County. So far this year, there have been four other human cases in Washington; two of those cases were exposed in-state in Walla Walla and Benton counties, the two other cases were exposed while traveling out of the state. The virus...
One small step in the rejuvenation of Old Town Hall has been completed in plenty of time for Deutsches Fest. Old Town Hall Rejuvenation Society members waited impatiently for the weather to cool before Midnight Finishing of Davenport could make repairs to the front steps. Passersby will notice a beautiful finish on the steps, the removal of a trip hazard between the steps and the sidewalk, and the repair of some very unsightly cracks in both the sides of the steps and the...
Zucchini are still at peak production and several great recipes have come in over the past week. Kendall Fisher shared his recipe for Stuffed Zucchini, bursting with savory taco and cheese flavor. Stuffed Zucchini 6 large (7-8 inches each) zucchini, sliced lengthwise and the middle scooped out with a melon ball tool (save the middle) 1 pound ground turkey or beef 1/2 cup chopped red/yellow/green peppers in any combination 1/2 cup diced onion 1/3 cup water 1 packet taco...
The Bureau of Reclamation awarded a $1.85 million contract on September 2 to ABB, Inc. in Cary, North Carolina, to perform transformer oil cooler replacements at Grand Coulee Dam. Over the past several years the existing transformer oil coolers have shown the need for replacement. This contract will require furnishing and installing the new transformer oil coolers, as well as disposal of the existing ones. The work is scheduled to be complete by April 30, 2015. “This project is just one way Reclamation is continuing to e...
Residents who participate in or are eligible for certain public-assistance programs, such as Food Assistance or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families from the state Department of Social and Health Services, are entitled to receive local telephone service for about $8 per month plus taxes and fees. The Washington Telephone Assistance Program also provides a reduced or no-cost service installation for qualifying households that do not currently have telephone service. To apply for benefits, contact the local landline...
Gorilla Classic At the Gorilla Classic Volleyball Tournament held last Saturday, September 6, in Davenport, the Odessa-Harrington girls lost to Davenport by scores of 17-25 and 12-25 and also lost to Omak by two games to one, winning the first game 27-26 but then losing the next two, 17-25 and 12-15. The Titans won their two final matches, the first one by two games to one to Almira-Coulee/Hartline. They lost the first game 12-25, then won the next two 25-22 and 15-7. In the final match against Bridgeport, the Titans won...
In the season opener at home in Odessa last Friday, September 5, the Odessa-Harrington Titans soundly defeated the St. John-Endicott team by a score of 60-6. The mercy rule is no longer in effect, meaning that the clock keeps running no matter how lopsided the score. The new ruling means that more underclassmen are given an opportunity to get into the game for longer periods of time, especially when the score is very uneven. St. J-E 6 0 0 0 6 O-H 22 24 14 0 60 Sam Schafer scored first on a 46-yard run, then ran the ball again...
The Harrington Chamber of Commerce met Wednesday, September 3, under President Cassandra Paffle-Dick. Chamber members present were Bunny Haugan, Margie Hall of the Lincoln County Economic Development Council, Kathy Hoob, Cindy Haase, Allen Barth, Summer Clark (of US Bank), Sharon Nighswonger and Marge Womach. Margie Hall informed the Chamber that the broadband grant application had been submitted and may be viewed on the EDC website. She also announced two events by the EDC...
Colton Messer of Marlin won a blue ribbon for his booth containing a bee exhibit. Melloney Deife of Odessa won a special award for her Cutos of Pink poster In Herdsmanship, the Beef Barn won in the Large Animal category and the Poultry Barn won in the Small Animal category. In the Round Robin competition, Bradly Singer of Odessa won the 4-H Jr. Large Animal trophy, David Eldridge the 4-H Int. Small Animal trophy and David Hayashi the Open, Small Animal trophy. Beef Showing...
Heritage Church is gearing up for a mission trip to San Felipe, Mexico to join former Odessa resident John Gilbert and his 99+1 Ministries organization next year on November 7 - 14, 2015. One of the projects the Odessa church will participate in involves working with the Christian Women’s Rehab Program that has recently been started up. The program currently rents the buildings it uses. The hope is that some land will have been acquired by the time church members arrive, so the volunteers will be able to build a housing f...
Odessa High School senior and Advanced Science Research Laboratory student Thorsen Wehr has again been selected to receive the Washington State Academy of Sciences Award. Since he had already participated in the American Junior Academy of Sciences Convention in Chicago last year, he declined this year’s invitation to the convention, so that another student might share the scientific opportunity that he had experienced. The American Junior Academy of Sciences is America’s only honor research society for high school sci...
The Keller Ferry across the Columbia River on State Route 21 is out of service until further notice. Water is seeping into one of the Sanpoil’s internal compartments through a hairline crack below the waterline. The Washington State Department of Transportation advised the U.S. Coast Guard of the issue Tuesday, September 9, and the vessel was taken out of passenger service. The one-inch-long hairline crack is located on the port side of the vessel about 14 feet back from the front propeller. The seepage site is in the hull p...
A friend of mine recently shared this story: When asked if he would be willing to volunteer for a shift in the Deutsches Fest Biergarten, a local resident reportedly asked where the money made at the Biergarten would go. He was told that it went to the Odessa Chamber of Commerce, followed by some information about that organization and what it does (or attempts to do) for the community. At that point, he replied, “I don’t see what’s in it for me,” and declined to volunte...
Alex Waroff had a fantastic summer job this year. The veterinary student at Washington State University worked with faculty members as they tested just how clever grizzly bears are. What’s at issue is the use of tools. “Besides primates, scientists know that certain birds, dolphins, elephants and some other animals use tools,” Waroff told me. “Tool use might seem to be more common in social creatures. Bears are a little hard to categorize in that regard, because they live with...
WEDNESDAY, Sept 17: Country fried steak, mashed potatoes & gravy, green beans, tossed veggie salad, fruit cocktail, WW roll, and pudding. THURSDAY, Sept 18: Sloppy Joe sandwich, green beans, coleslaw, and frosted cake. If you are not a regular attendee and wish to participate, please call 982-2654 prior to 10 am on the day of the meal. Suggested donation for a meal is $3.25 for those 60 and over. For those under age 60, lunch costs $8.00....
The latest cash grain market here showed Soft White Wheat down at $6.18. Hard Red Winter is down at $6.18. DNS is up at $8.52. Barley remains at $148/ton....
This quilt is being raffled off at Experience Quilts! on Sunday of Fest....
Prolific gourd plants grace the back yard of Elton Renken of Odessa. A Vietnamese friend brought the seeds with him from Vietnam. As far as Renken knows, the gourds are only for decoration....
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Sept. 1: Sprague firefighters participated in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge and enjoyed a barbecue as well. Emergency personnel from Creston, Lincoln and MedStar air ambulance assisted a 78-year-old man who...