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Articles from the September 12, 2013 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 21 of 21

  • Locals in the Limelight

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    I met with Michelle Melgren for our interview at Any Occasion, her banquet hall and one of many of her and her husband’s business ventures. She explained that this business was “for fun…a hobby,” which allows her to indulge her love of planning parties and decorating. Michelle is a 5-foot-tall spitfire, a working mom who seems to balance it all, family, friends, career(s) and church. Since she and her husband John moved to Odessa 12 years ago, they have been active members...

  • Odessa/ Harrrington participants shone brightly at lincoln County Fair

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    The results for Odessa and Harrington from the Lincoln County Fair have arrived. Below are the entrants who were recognized by the judges for some kind of special award. The participants are from Odessa unless otherwise noted. David Eldridge won a trophy in the 4-H Intermediate (Int) Round Robin event for small animals. Marcus King won Overall Grand Champion and 4-H Grand Champion in the 4-H Market Steers; Trevor King won Overall Reserve Grand for a 4-H Market Steer and Max Gr...

  • Odessa men rescued two after car crash

    MONICA DEIFE|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Three Odessa men, Chris Costlow, Mark Worley and Johnny Walter were going fishing last Sunday morning. They were about four miles west of Othello on Route 24 at 5:30 a.m. when they came upon a head-on collision and were the first ones to arrive on the scene. According to Costlow, a Cadillac and a white van were involved. The Cadillac was on fire with one occupant. The driver, Andres Alvarado Alamilla, 24, was trapped in the vehicle and the engine compartment was burning. The...

  • Holmquist- Newbry visits Odessa

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    State senator Janea Holmquist-Newbry of Moses Lake met with constituents in Odessa last week Wednesday. Despite emails, articles in the newspaper and notes posted around town, only about 10 people were on hand to express their concerns to the senator. Even the staff of The Odessa Record was unable to attend due to a looming deadline with the printer of the Odessa Deutsches Fest supplement (included in this week’s issue). Odessa Mayor Doug Plinski told The Record that H...

  • Tribute: Stanna Lee White

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Stanna Lee White passed away on September 1, 2013 at Life Care Center in Ritzville, Washington after a long and courageous battle with Alzheimer's disease. She was 76 years old. Stanna was born on July 25, 1937 in Ketchikan, Alaska to her parents Agnes and Stanley Adams. Stanna spent her early years in Ketchikan, Alaska, and then moved to Coulee Dam, Washington for her junior high years. Stanna attended all four years of high school in Ritzville, Washington. While attending...

  • Court Report

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Sept. 2: Davenport ambulance personnel responded to the 200 block of Washington Street to assist a man suffering severe stomach pain. Bow hunters were observed parked under a "no hunting" sign on property...

  • Welcome to My Kitchen

    LAURA ESTES|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Bake sale season is coming. Odessa area residents received postcards reminding them of the Odessa Museum German Bake Sale held Friday of Deutchesfest, and soliciting donations of baked goods. Though kuchen and pfefferneuse are hot sellers, there are lots of buyers looking for quick breads, yeast breads and rolls, pies, cakes and cookies. Wendy Cronrath, Lacrosse, WA served several baked items at an Odessa, summer event. I don’t usually devote an entire column to one persons r...

  • This week in Odessa History

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    New Alder Street Bridge was constructed 48 years ago A new concrete bridge over Crab Creek was being built 48 years ago this week. The new span replaced a narrower concrete bridge which had been built in 1910. The Odessa Record had this report on the progress of the construction of the new bridge. Concrete is being poured on the new bridge on Alder Street in Odessa. Forms were completed for a heavy steel reinforcing installed by the first of the week, with concrete work starting on Wednesday. The new bridge is part of an...

  • Pastor's Corner

    REV MARK SQUIRE|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    As human beings, we tend to want to find meaning in just about everything. And no, I'm not just talking about the surface meaning - I mean the meaning behind the meaning. If your wife says to you, "Wow, those dishes are really piling up," you would do well to recognize the meaning behind the obvious fact that there are, in fact, dishes piling up. "It's probably time for you to wash the dishes, dear…" The words are meant to drive you to action. You've probably said, or at l...

  • Common Core, Part 11

    DUANE PITTS|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Decades of research indicate that poverty has a huge impact on student learning. According to professor emeritus Stephen Krashen of the University of Southern California, studies show that “more poverty means lower scores on all measures of school achievement.” Many studies show that poverty negatively impacts school performance. In brief, here are some findings: - Children of poverty are more likely to suffer a lack of adequate food, resulting in slower language development and behavioral problems. - High-poverty fam...

  • Harrington News

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Harrington Fall Festival is around the corner, time is quickly moving toward the Sept 28 event. Sponsors for the Huff N Puff event include local businesses and a few community members supporting the FBLA. What exactly is all the excitement of the Huff N Puff race? The first Huff N Puff, a 3-mile run for fun event, occurred at the 1978 Harrington Fall Festival with 102 entrants. Apparently the original idea for the Huff N Puff was that of high school student, Linda Gooley, who suggested that Harrington have a running event....

  • Advice from a small town girl

    LISE OTT|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    It's Tuesday morning. I have an appointment with a dental hygienist at 9 o'clock. The Chamber of Commerce meets at noon. Want to guess which appointment I dread the most? I'll give you a hint - it's not the one that involves someone scraping my teeth. Now, I'm not deliberately trying to offend anyone here, but I really, really, really dislike Chamber of Commerce meetings. Not because I dislike the Chamber of Commerce, or because I don't see the value of the organization. I...

  • Rock Doc

    DR E KIRSTEN PETERS|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    When my dog and I walk along the Snake River during the warm seasons of the year, we can both come home with a tick or two. I'm used to feeling those little legs on my skin or scalp and picking off the critters. If I'm lucky, I get to them before they attach and start sucking my blood. Because I've been doing this all my life I don't get stressed out about ticks, but I do know they can carry certain diseases. Recently the Shots website of National Public Radio reported that...

  • Letter to the Editor; Remembering passage of health care bill

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    To the Editor: As we count down the days before Obamacare starts being enforced (10-1-13), lets review how close we were to not having it passed. Al Franken was elected in a down-to-the-wire finish, in a Senate race for a key position that put the winner in a position to decide if Obamacare would become law or would be a near miss. The Republican candidate had a narrow margin, according to news reports, until about 1900 votes were discovered. These votes turned the lead to Mr. Franken and he was the 60th vote that was needed...

  • Common Core, Part 12

    DUANE PITTS|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Ever since Sputnik ascended the heavens in 1957, education reforms have consistently failed to improve schools. Why has there been no improvement? David Berliner offers an answer: Failure does not reside inside the schools. He states: “The sources of America’s educational problems are outside school, primarily a result of income inequality.” However, the U.S. Department of Education‘s goal is that “with better teaching, we will have more learning [higher test scores], and this will improve the economy.” As Berliner no...

  • Titans lose football opener to Touche 46- 28

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Last Friday, September 6, the Odessa-Harrington Titan football team played their first game of the season against Touchet in an away game, losing 46-28. O-H 6 0 8 14 28 Touchet 24 16 0 6 46 In the first quarter, Touchet scored first on a five-yard pass, and then ran the ball for the extra two points. O-H responded with a 70-yard run by Sam Schafer. The extra-point attempt on the ground was unsuccessful. Touchet then completed a 10-yard pass play for a TD and a running two-point conversion, followed by a 40-yard running play...

  • Save the date: CBDL 2013 Annual Conference, Nov. 7

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    “Where the Hell’s my Water?” is this year’s theme for the Columbia Basin Development League’s 49th Annual Meeting and Conference on Thursday, November 7. The event, starting at 1 p.m., will take place at the ATEC building at Big Bend Community College in Moses Lake. Each year the League holds the conference to shed light on the importance and progress of the Columbia Basin Project. Since 1964, the League has supported the Columbia Basin Project and its future development. They protect the Project’s water rights and educate...

  • Health Benefit Exchange new health plan options

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    The Washington Health Benefit Exchange reached another milestone on September 4 when the Exchange Board provided final certification of health plans to be offered through Washington Healthplanfinder. Washington Healthplanfinder, the new online marketplace where you can find, compare and enroll in health insurance in Washington state, opens October 1, 2013. Following initial approval by the Office of the Insurance Commissioner (OIC), the Board certified seven health insurance carriers at a special Board meeting today to offer...

  • Letter to the Editor; President can act but congress won't declare war

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Talking about war with Syria requires a brief walk down memory lane. Under our Constitution, only Congress can declare war. When did Congress last officially declare war? The last time occurred during World War 2. Congress officially declared war against Japan on December 8, 1941 (after Pearl Harbor was attacked), on December 11, 1941, against Germany, and on June 4, 1942, against Bulgaria, Hungary, and Rumania. That’s it. Did Congress declare war for these military actions? – Korea 1950, Vietnam 1964, Iran Hostage Res...

  • Council debates compliance with the law legalizing marijuana use

    Updated Sep 12, 2013

    The Odessa Town Council met Monday night in the public library to begin making plans for the implementation of Initiative 502 passed by voters last fall legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. Mayor Doug Plinski said that since the federal government has declared that it will not interfere with states that have passed such laws, even though possession, sale and distribution of marijuana remain illegal according to federal laws. The state liquor control board has been moving forward with plans for licensing retail...

  • OMHC welcomes new administrator

    TERRIE SCHMIDT CROSBY|Updated Sep 12, 2013

    Maureen Sheldon, known to all her family and friends as “Mo,” is the new administrator at Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center. She comes to Odessa by way of Glen Rose Medical Center in Glen Rose, Texas, where she was the chief operating officer for more than 11 years. Prior to that she was Director of Managed Care/Business Development at the Matagorda County Hospital District south of Houston for about 7.5 years. Mo was raised in Sierra Vista, Ariz., where her father was sta...

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