Sorted by date Results 1 - 17 of 17
After last week’s overpowering win over LaCrosse/Washtucna, the O-H Titans were handed a decisive defeat this past week at the hands of Cusick, 48-14. Cusick 8 26 6 8 48 O-H 0 0 8 6 14 After Justin Hunt intercepted a pass on the very first play of the game, the Cusick team settled down and dominated the Titans. Cusick’s first touchdown came on a 24-yard run and two-point conversion. The rest of the first quarter was defensive, and neither team scored. In the second qua...
Odessa has another new off-main-street business just beginning to take off. The Gathering House Retreats LLC is designed for "small group retreats, quilt show weekends, quilters, scrap bookers, beaders, crafters, knitters and others to gather and spend time with friends while working on projects or just a good visit," according to flyers produced by owner Jan Hinton of Odessa. Hinton, who is originally from Garfield, Wash. and her husband Dan, raised in Southern Idaho, have...
Britney Lynn Praetorius of Odessa and Lance Carlyn Wagner of Harrington will be united in marriage November 10, 2012, at the Heritage Church in Odessa with Pastor Jon Hayashi officiating. Britney is the daughter of Lee and Debbie Praetorius of Odessa and the granddaughter of Louella and the late Robert Praetorius, and Wayne and the late Vi Frederick. Lance is the son of Ken Wagner of Harrington and Colleen Wagner of Spokane and the grandson of the late Ervin and Janet Wagner...
Sustained winds of 22 - 25 miles per hour Monday took what is now called the Apache Pass fire from about 200 acres Sunday evening to more than 18,000 as of Tuesday morning. Extremely dry conditions in the scablands contributed to the blaze. All available firefighters from the Odessa area responded to the blaze, which at its closest point to Odessa was burning Monday afternoon about 12 miles north of Odessa, just north of Eagle Springs Road. Crews from Wilbur, Creston,...
The carnival will be at Fest after all – too late to get into the flyer printed by the employees of the local branch of Bank of America but a welcome addition nevertheless. Fortunately for The Record, the carnival information was inadvertantly left in the copy of the schedule that ran in last week’s supplement to the newspaper. Last-minute preparations and a flurry of activity all over town mean that Fest is about to begin. Despite the volunteer firefighters being pulled awa...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Sept. 3: Odessa ambulance personnel assisted a woman who had been bucked off a horse in the vicinity of East Dobson Road. Minimal damage was reported to a vehicle involved in a collision with a deer o...
Festplatz, the center of Deutschesfest activities, boasts a vast array of German and American food selections. Many of the items offered for sale are made from recipes that have been used since the beginning of Deutschesfest, adapted from recipes used by Germans from Russia for over a century. A number of these recipes originated in everyday cooking in our ancestors kitchens and adapt well to current food tastes. Kraut Ranza predates today's pizza pockets by at least one hundred years. Golden brown yeast bread wraps the meat...
There was a time during the school term when Odessa school children, if not their teachers, too, looked forward to three glorious days of fall. It was the time of the “Teachers’ Institute,” so named no one seems to recall, when pupils got three days off from their studies while their teachers traveled to Spokane to hear lectures, attend forums and exchange views with other teachers. The teachers probably felt that Institute was worthwhile, but for the children it was pure joy It was respite from their classes, which only a fe...
The Bronco Invitational volleyball tournament was held Saturday, September 8, in Ritzville. Odessa won all of its matches, defeating Ritzville, 25 - 15 and 25 - 7, St. Georges, 25 - 6 and 25 - 11 and Northport, 25 - 15 and 25 - 7. In serving, Lexie Hirst led the Titans in the tournament with 100 percent, with 20 - 0 and with 9 aces. Jordan Tanke served 12 - 1, with 3 aces, while Koralynne Kuch was 21 - 2, with 5 aces and Kendall Todd was 39 - 2, with 5 aces. Leading in spiking were Chelsea Fisher with 23 kills, Jordan Tanke...
The Odessa Public Library and Historisches Museum have recently added new material to its digital collection celebrating the history of Odessa and neighboring communities. The collection was made possible by a Washington Rural Heritage grant from the Washington State Library, funded by the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) through the Federal Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS). The Odessa Heritage Collection has added over 232 new items, including a digitized 40-minute narrated slide presentation...
You may not have noticed this. I like words. Actually, I love words. I love searching for, and especially finding, that exact word that can make my meaning clear. Clear to me, anyway. Everyone else, not so much. Lately, I’ve been thinking about words to live by. “Could,” “should,” “can’t” and “won’t” are just a tiny part of that particular lexicon. “Could” is such a hopeful word. When I was young, I could be anything I wanted. I could grow up to be a forest ranger or an arche...
Let’s get this straight. First, Governor Romney created an affordable health care program for all citizens in the state of Massachusetts. Then, for all Americans, the federal government built the Affordable Care Act based on Governor Romney’s health care plan. Once Congress passed the ACA and President Obama signed it into law, Governor Romney was against the federal health care plan modeled on the Massachusetts plan he built. Now, as of this past Sunday, Governor Romney likes parts of the ACA and wants to keep those par...
9/10/12: Our recent pattern continues, as we seem to stall out as white wheat prices rise to near the $8.30 level locally, then falls back to just below $8. Monday'’s slide took us back to the middle of that range. Again, there wasn’t anything in particular that caused today’s slide, just retracing the same pattern we’ve been in recently. Egypt liked it and tendered after the close. Whether we’re higher or lower tomorrow probably hinges on whether or not Russia feels like doing any more business with them. There’s a...
Menno Mennonite Church sits atop a grassy knoll surrounded by miles and miles of wheat fields. But on Saturday, October 6, this isolated country church between Moses Lake and Ritzville will become one of the busiest places in two counties as it hosts the 35th Annual Mennonite Country Auction and Relief Sale. You will find homemade Mennonite and Amish quilts, a copper kettle bubbling with homemade apple butter, a hand-cranked cider press, food booths, craft booths, crowds of people enjoying the blue skies and crisp autumn...
“The Bible is central to our faith,” said Pastor Jon Hayashi of Heritage Church but many people are intimidated by its scope and size. The Story gives us a way to journey from Genesis to Revelation together in 31 weeks so everyone understands God's story and how their story intersects with it.” The Bible is the best-selling book in history, but how many people in Odessa are actually reading it? A Gallup survey reports the average American household has four Bibles. However, research by Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life...
If you set a goal for yourself last week, you are on the right track to becoming a superstar student. This week, we will look at some of Michael Geisen’s comments on developing effective habits in the classroom. As National Teacher of the Year in 2008, he has some insights to what makes for student success in school. Throughout your school life, you have been collecting bits and pieces of information that you might put in one big pile called “school stuff.” A great student organizes that information instead of leaving it in...
The official results are now in for the swine classification at the Lincoln County Fair. Justin Hunt of Odessa/Ritzville had the grand champion 4-H hog in the senior division of Fitting & Showing, and Carsen Weber of Odessa had the reserve champion in the same categories. Nick Nelson of Odessa had the grand champion hog in junior/senior division of FFA Fitting & Showing, and Ashley Baarstad of Davenport had the reserve champion Marlee Eldridge of Odessa had the grand champion 4-H market hog, as well as the reserve champion...