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A wedding at the brewery is among the special festivities planned for fest this year. Krystel Pearce, daughter of Jack and Jolie Pearce, and Kolby Schafer, son of Tom and Lynette Schafer, who met at the Rocky Coulee Brewery three years ago during the Deutches Fest are planning their wedding at the brewery and again, during fest. Fest was chosen as the time for the wedding because its the anniversary of their first meeting and a good time for family and friends to gather. It wi...
Jacob is a three-year starter on both offense and defense for the Titans. He has been all-league as an offensive lineman and defensive end. Jacob is a motivated hard working player that is very coachable. Jacob also plays basketball and track. He is a senior and is the son of Mark and Peggy DeWulf....
On Friday, September 13, what was supposed to be a bye week for Odessa-Harrington became instead a matchup with the 1B team from Neah Bay, which handed the Titans their second straight loss, 64-12. NB 16 28 14 6 64 O-H 6 6 0 0 12 In the first quarter, Neah Bay scored first on a 2-yard run, followed by two extra points on a pass play. O-H responded with a 20-yard touchdown pass from Sam Schafer to Dakota Largent. The extra-point attempt was no good. NB struck back with an...
The Odessa-Harrington Titan Volleyball Jamboree was held September 10 in Odessa. Jamborees are gatherings of several teams that play against one another on a more limited basis than during the regular competitive season. The winner of each match is determined by the results of three games (in regular season matches, a team must win three out of five games to become the winner). Jamborees get the season off to a good start for all participating teams. At the O-H Jamboree, the...
By KATHY TAYLOR I was really looking forward to getting to know Duane and Jonnie Pitts better through this article. I was a little intimidated though, after all, Dr. Pitts is the oracle, the grand poobah of grammar, spelling and all things composition. After many years of service, teaching and devotion to this community, they recently retired and have moved to Moses Lake. Duane is still involved assisting with the transition for the new English teacher here. His heart still...
Zach Schafer came into The Record office on Monday to report on a storm which had touched down at their place in the country on Sunday night. He and his family were watching a Seahawks game on TV at his parent’s (Tom and Lynette Schafer) house in Odessa on Sunday when a weather warning came across the screen about a possible tornado between Ruff and Marlin, which is right where their place in the country is located. They decided to head home out of concern for their dogs. The...
Aqu-ammonia leak injures four in Harrington By MARJORIE WOMACH Friday, an ordinary afternoon in Harrington, the ambulance siren sounded as it rounded the corner past city hall about 1:30 p.m. Within five minutes, the town's atmosphere was changed. State patrol and Lincoln County sheriff's officers had responded to the ammonia spill at Crop Production Services at the edge of town. Ryan Behrens and Cal Gilmer had been taken by ambulance to the hospital in Davenport, and Ryan was soon air-lifted to Harbor View in Seattle. The...
Love that German food and wish you could take the weekend menu home with you? The Odessa Memorial Hospital Auxiliary has compiled a cookbook with over 500 recipes of German and local cuisine, entitled “Unser Tagelich Brot, The Staff of Life V”, available at various sites throughout Odessa. The actual recipes for many of the menu items you enjoy at Deutschesfest are in this book. Kuchen, German coffee cake, is one of the easiest to prepare, but like most German recipes, the...
By this time next week, Deutschesfest will be over, and a lot of hardworking volunteers will be able to step back and heave a sigh of relief. For a little while, anyway. We need to make it known that we appreciate all the effort that goes into making our hometown celebration a success year after year. There are the people who put in hours and hours organizing the biergarten, the parade, the vendors and entertainment. There are the people who are new and leap in with both...
The family of Stanna Lee White would like to thank everyone who attended or assisted with the memorial service and reception for Stanna at Trinity United Methodist Church in Ritzville. The family would also like to thank everyone who sent cards, called, or brought food to help comfort the family through this difficult time. The memorials sent in honor of Stanna and in honor of daughter Linda Lee Morris are greatly appreciated. A special thanks goes to Pastor John Hunsberger for the wonderful grave site and memorial services....
By DR. E. KIRSTEN PETERS As an aging citizen of Scandinavian descent, I dread this time of year. Each evening the sun sets significantly earlier. Deep in the bones of us northern people is the notion that summertime is the season of life and hope while winter is, well, cold and horribly dark. This week all of the globe enjoys roughly 12 hours of sunlight and 12 hours of night. The "reason for the season" relates to the Earth's orbit around the sun. During summertime, our...
Last Thursday the USDA released its September Crop Report. With the hot, dry weather the cornbelt has experienced over the last month and the 2-3% decline each week in the condition of the corn crop, the question was how much would corn yields and production drop in this report. The answer was none, in fact USDA increased yields by one bushel per acre and increased production back up to 13.84 billion bushels. While ending stocks for this year were decreased to 661 million bu, the higher production numbers pushed ending...
Vera L. Hardung, a long-time resident of Mesquite, passed away at home on September 10, 2013. She was born on April 21, 1920 in Leigh, Nebraska to William and Marie Ehlers. She was married for 56 years to Lavene H. Hardung who preceded her in death. Together they had three children. Raised on a cattle and wheat ranch in Eastern Washington, Vera learned the value of hard work, a love of land and the outdoors. One of her life goals was to own her own ranch. She worked diligently and was able to buy a ranch near Grand Coulee, Wa...
To the Editor: Some time ago Bin Laden was killed by a group of seals and it was reported that he was buried at sea. Mr. Obama proudly announced the well-planned attack and proudly reported that our war problems were basically over. Drones had been successful in killing some of his key followers. Mr. Obama suggested that those who hated the United States would be powerless without leadership. I believe that he has underestimated the hatred and determination of these people! Let’s stop and think! This is an enemy that will g...
Frank and Leo Guth were among Odessa’s first business operators. Just as the town was incorporated in 1902, several new businesses opened to make Odessa a full service center. Among them were the flour mill, built and operated by Portland Flouring Mills; the Odessa Mercantile and the Odessa Hardware & Implement Company, founded by the Guths. Some of Odessa’s pioneer wheat growers were major stockholders in the Guth’s firms, which sold shelf hardware, farm implements, wagons, buggies and later automobiles. Frank Guth sold his...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Sept. 9: A mechanical failure shut down the new Keller ferry. Davenport Food Mart personnel reported someone took merchandise from the store without paying. Deputies investigated a possible animal neglect...