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The Odessa Friends of the Library are privileged to bring Washington State Poet Laureate, Kathleen Flenniken, to Odessa for an evening of poetry on Tuesday, October 1 at 7 p.m. at the Odessa Public Library. Flenniken was raised in Richland and holds engineering degrees from Washington State University and the University of Washington, as well as a Masters in Fine Arts degree from Pacific Lutheran University. Among her other commitments, she teaches poetry writing to students of all ages. She has written two books, "Famous"...
The following public service announcement is brought to you by USDA's Farm Service Agency. Did you know that Farm Service Agency now offers low-interest Microloans with reduced paperwork to help farmers and ranchers who need loan money? In addition to a streamlined application process, the farm experience and collateral requirements for this loan program also have been modified from traditional larger loans to accommodate beginning and socially disadvantaged farmers. Microloans allow you to borrow up to $35,000 for start-up...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Sept. 16: In the aftermath of the previous night's strong windstorm - A tree was removed by county Public Works employees from where it had fallen across Cayuse Cove and Pineridge roads. A similar report was r...
A look back into the files of The Record shows that the campaign for the election of 1932, which would change the fate of America, didn’t cause much of a stir in Odessa. There wasn’t much talk of the campaign. For weeks in advance of the November 8 voting, The Record carried little or nothing about national, state or local issues. The spotlight, of course was on the presidential race, which was Franklin D. Roosevelt versus Herbert Hoover. In a straw vote at Odessa High School, Hoover came out the winner, 79 to 68. The Rec...
Deutschesfest is over for another year. By the time you are reading this column the trappings of the event will be stored away, the trash picked up and the streets cleaned. Many recipe requests came my way, for items from the bake sales. I am in the process of rounding up the recipes. One request was for Kaese Kuchen (Cottage Cheese Kuchen) That recipe I know by heart, so was able to jot that on napkins or whatever was handy, for out of town visitors. For those who subscribe...
After a well-received “Grand Interlude” concert this past Sunday, the Harrington Opera House Society (HOHS) is preparing for three separate events this coming weekend. Lincoln County artist Tina Lee Turner/Fisher will exhibit her work in The Art Room at the Harrington Opera House during the Harrington Fall Festival, Saturday, September 28, from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tina’s tag line, “Your Idea Painted to Life,” gives a view to her clients’ cherished and personal memories. She paints on many surfaces and in different sizes, from...
I really don't want to write this particular column. As much as I don't want to, however, since I'm in the habit of over-sharing, I will. Thursday evening, just as we were all getting ready for Deutschesfest, my sweet, crazy, irrepressible pup, who was "helping" my husband farm, ran in front of an oncoming vehicle. As in the case of most such collisions, the vehicle won. And Jackson, "Action Jackson" as I had taken to calling him, is no more. My heart is broken. My husband's...
It’s just a fact: most of us outlive our dogs. Indeed, for people who are dog owners throughout their lives, a lot of grieving is guaranteed. Fido #1 dies, is replaced by Fido #2 who also dies, and so on down the long line of dogs in our households. I was reminded of how short a dog’s life is compared to ours when I read Ted Kerasote’s book, Pukka’s Promise. Kerasote is the best-selling author of Merle’s Door, a book about the relationship he had with a mixed breed dog named...
To the Editor: The railroads have announced they can haul grain in 110-car-unit trains for less money per ton than barges on the Snake River can transport it. Almost immediately, the fish people want to tear out the Snake River dams. They say they want to restore the salmon and steelhead runs to what they used to be. How in the world were they able to count the fish before the dams were in place? There were a lot of fishermen in the Washtucna and Kahlotus areas that fished the Snake River and in the Lyons Ferry area that...
The Deutsches Fest Sausage Bowl was played in Odessa last Friday night, with Odessa-Harrington taking on the team from Waterville. W-ville 0 0 8 6 14 O-H 16 24 0 0 40 Touchdowns were scored in the first quarter for O-H on an 80-yard run by Sam Schafer. The extra-point attempt on the ground was good. The next score was made on a 15-yard run again by quarterback Schafer, who also ran across the end line for two more points. The second quarter started with almost an instant replay of the previous score, a 20-yard run by...
On September 17, the Odessa-Harrington Titans volleyball team traveled to Spokane to play Valley Christian in the first league game of the season. Playing first, the junior varsity team won the first two of its games, 25-19 and 25-4 to take the match. The varsity squad also won, 25-10, 25-10 and 25-18. Casey Schlomer led the offense with 2 service aces. Chelsea Fisher contributed 2 blocks and Jordyn Tanke 10 led the team with 10 kills. Alexa Boss put up 26 assists, and Katie DeWulf had 4 digs. The Odessa-Harrington Titans...
Once you believe you have seen it all, the government steps to a new low. At the September 18 City of Sprague council meeting, the City Council passed Resolution #273 “Council meeting public comment policy.” This resolution established [that] the public may only comment at the end of the Council meeting during the “Public Comment Period,” but at this same meeting Mayor Mike Evans stated there would be no more “Public Comment Periods” during Council meetings. Thus, in one City Council meeting the public has been completely...
CPoW Livestock Processors Cooperative Association (LPCA), with a current membership of 80, harvested its first livestock on August 22. The USDA-inspected plant was formed by producers, to be owned and controlled by producers. The LPCA provides only the service of USDA harvest and processing, never owning the meat products. Member benefits include receiving a discount over non-members in the harvesting fee and also priority over non-members in scheduling of livestock....
The First Presbyterian Church of Marlin will be closing its doors for the final time with a “closing service” October 6, 2013 at 10 a.m. The Rev. G. David Lambertson of the Presbytery of Central Washington will officiate. The church began holding services June 9, 1908. Marlin resident Donna Thrall has written a brief history of the congregation. On April 15, 1908 a petition for a church to be organized, signed by 25 people from the town of Krupp, was presented to the Wenatchee Presbytery. On June 9, 1908 a service was led...
City councilwoman Lois Harp gave a report about a committee meeting on how to implement Initiative 502, legalizing the recreational use of marijuana. She said that Lincoln County will be allocated two stores which can sell marijuana. The number is based on population. Which towns will have a store will be decided by the state liquor control board. Only two possible locations in Odessa are far enough away from the school, library, ball field, etc., to be possible locations, near the old Water West property and near Walter...
Staff reports and special contributions Deutsches Fest 2013 was another successful event for the most part, although reviews were somewhat mixed. Barbara (Grannie BarBar) Walter told The Record she had the best Friday and Saturday ever, followed by the worst Sunday ever. Biergarten beverage sales were down this year even though gate receipts for each day except Sunday were about the same as for most average years in the past, according to biergarten chairman DeJay Buck....