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Articles from the October 1, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 17 of 17

  • Culp keeps Gov. Inslee on defense in debate

    Roger Harnack, Free Press Publishing|Updated Oct 8, 2020

    OLYMPIA — Republic Police Chief Loren Culp came out swinging and kept incumbent Gov. Jay Inslee on the defensive during their only planned gubernatorial debate Wednesday night, Oct. 7. Culp, R-Republic, blasted Inslee, D-Bainbridge Island, for mismanaging state agencies, violating state and constitutional rights, and a lack of leadership. "What we have right here in Washington is a leadership crisis," Culp said as the one-hour debate kicked off. Rather than defend his r...

  • More guidelines issued by WIAA

    Drew Lawson, The Times|Updated Oct 7, 2020

    RENTON—More tweaks have come to the benchmarks for playing high school sports, as the WIAA updated its return-to-play guidelines Oct. 6 following new guidance given by Gov. Jay Inslee. Sports have been grouped into three categories based on the “risk level” they provide in regard to possible transmission of COVID-19: low-risk, moderate-risk and high-risk. Various sports can return based on their risk level compared to COVID-19 transmission within their community. Local COVID-19 activity will also be measured in three categori...

  • Hunting prospects for GMU's 133 and 136

    Drew Lawson, The Times|Updated Oct 7, 2020

    LINCOLN COUNTY – The crisp fall air is beginning to arrive, and with it comes hunting season. The hunt is well under way for many animals, while others are just about to start. Lincoln County hunting areas fall under Game Management Units (GMU) 133, which is north of Highway 2, and 136, south of Highway 2. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife released hunting prospects specific to District 2, which GMU’s 133 and 136 fall into. Hunting District 2 has seven GMU’s and covers Lincoln, Spokane and Whitman count...

  • Johnson leads Barkdull in campaign contributions

    The Times|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    DAVENPORT – Differences in the way the candidates who filed for an upcoming vacancy on the Lincoln County Superior Court bench show District Court Judge Dan B. Johnson outpacing Prosecuting Attorney Jeff Barkdull in campaign contributions. Barkdull and Johnson are vying for a Lincoln County Superior Court seat being vacated by retiring Judge John F. Strohmaier; the election is Nov. 3. According to the state Public Disclosure Commission, Johnson has campaign contributions totaling $12,684.85 in addition to $5,000 in loans. I...

  • Dan D. Berry Sr.

    Updated Oct 5, 2020

    Dan D. Berry Sr. 8/27/1944 – 8/31/2020 Dan passed away peacefully on 8/31/2020 in Moses Lake, WA, from the effects of Lewy Body Dementia Dan was born in Coffeyville, KS, on 8/27/1944 to Ernest and Lucy May Berry. Dan is survived by his wife, Eddie, of 55 years and 4 children, Daneen Berry-Guerin (Paul) of Moses Lake, WA; Dan Berry Jr. (Lorinda) of Davenport, WA; Cinnamon Berry (Clark) of Moses Lake, WA; and Brenda Dormaier (Mike) of Edwall, WA; 10 grandchildren, and 5 great g...

  • Cowboys for Culp hits the trail

    Updated Oct 5, 2020

    MOSES LAKE - A group of cowboys and cowgirls supporting gubernatorial candidate Loren Culp hit the road over the weekend, riding along Interstate 90. Thirteenth Legislative District lawmakers Rep. Tom Dent and Sen. Judy Warnick, both Moses Lake Republicans, joined the event. Organizer Lucia Clemetson said she hoped the event will encourage people to "take action." "Basically, I formed the group 'Cowboys for Culp' as I am a horse trainer myself. I wanted the group to represent...

  • Stolen car, meth found in Wilbur

    The Times|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    WILBUR – The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office responded to a suspicious vehicle report in Wilbur this week that resulted in recovery of a stolen car and a drug bust. On September 29, Sheriff Magers and Chief Paul Bowden (from Coulee Dam) responded to concerns that people were sleeping in a car near a Wilbur business. By running the plates, the sheriff’s office found that the car was stolen. The stolen black Acura Legend had the ignition broken and the pair had left their drugs...

  • Budget shortfalls, school closures, wildfires

    Jamie Henneman, The Times|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    MOSES LAKE – How can Washington state address a $4 billion budget shortfall if the governor will not call a special legislative session to discuss the problem? This was one of many issues discussed during a media call Monday, Sept. 28, hosted by Republican legislators. Sen. Judy Warnick, R-Moses Lake, expressed frustration that the governor has not called a special session to address the budget. “Not in the history of this state have we been unable to meet. Other states have met and called a special session,” she noted...

  • Send a message with advisory votes

    Roger Harnack|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    We’re only about three weeks until our ballots arrive in the mail for the Nov. 3 all-mail-in election. So far, the focus has been on the presidential race between Republican President Trump and Democrat challenger former vice president Joe Biden. Here, much of the focus has also been on the gubernatorial race between incumbent Gov. Jay Inslee, a Democrat from Bainbridge Island, and Eastern Washington’s own Republican challenger Loren Culp, who leads the Republic Police Dep...

  • Whitney Fire calls Fire District No. 4 to action

    Drew Lawson, The Times|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    REARDAN – Every summer, local fire districts are called on to help battle blazes that threaten to consume homes and property. In rural areas, those districts are largely made of volunteers who stand by their neighbors in a time of need. Fire District 4 is one of those districts. On South Lake Street sharing a building with the post office lies the headquarters of Lincoln County Fire District No. 4. One of eight fire districts within the county, the district provides fire and e...

  • Lincoln County seeks solid waste volunteers

    The Times|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    DAVENPORT — Lincoln County is looking for volunteers to serve on the Lincoln County Solid Waste Advisory Committee. Participation from residents, public interest groups, businesses, the waste management industry, and local elected officials is encouraged. Volunteers chosen to serve on the committee will play a key role to assist in updating the Lincoln County Solid Waste Management Plan; review and comment upon proposed rules, policies, or ordinances prior to their adoption; assist to address critical garbage, recycling, a...

  • Public records: Oct. 1 issue

    Updated Oct 5, 2020

    INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. NOTE: Several listings are missing locations because the Lincoln County Sheriff’s office did not include them in its report to the media. SEPTEMBER 20 Number of traffic stops: 23 An intoxicated caller asked to talk...

  • Looking back: Oct. 1 issue

    Updated Oct 5, 2020

    OCTOBER 1ST -8TH, 1950 NATIONAL NEWSPAPER WEEK The week of October 1 to 8 is National Newspaper Week. In 1950, two weekly papers roll off the press at the Times Tribune plant in Davenport. The first is the Davenport Times and the second is Spokane Bomber Views, a newspaper produced for the men of Fairchild Air Force base near Spokane. OCTOBER 1ST, 1970 CITY BUYS A NEW FIRE TRUCK TO SUPPLEMENT 1936 MODEL A new fire truck was purchased by the City of Davenport. Prior to being turned over to the city, the vehicle as serviced by...

  • 'Go slow to go fast'

    Updated Oct 5, 2020

    In order to help meet social distancing guidelines, the fourth grade class at Davenport Elementary has been meeting in the K-8 library where desks could be situated five feet apart. The district recently moved to half days as COVID-19 numbers have dropped in the area. School days are now Monday to Thursday from 8 a.m.-noon. Superintendent Jim Kowalkowski said staff have been taking on extra COVID-19 related duties this year including cleaning, using kiosks to take student's...

  • State revenues continue to grow overall

    Jason Mercier|Updated Oct 5, 2020

    First the good news. Unlike during the great recession, state revenue is still increasing overall during the COVID pandemic. According to the September revenue forecast: “Forecasted Near GF-S revenue for the 2019-21 biennium is now $50.022 billion, 8.6% higher than 2017-19 biennial revenue, and forecasted Near GF-S revenue for the 2021-23 biennium is $53.737 billion, an increase of 7.4% over expected 2019-21 biennial revenue.” The bad news of course, this revenue growth is...

  • "Strengthening Families" event coming to Reardan

    Drew Lawson, The Times|Updated Oct 2, 2020

    REARDAN—Reardan-Edwall Community Alliance for Prevention (RECAP) Coalition is hosting a six-week series for parents and children titled “Strengthening Families Program” beginning Oct. 12 from 5:30 p.m.-8 p.m. The program is designed for parents or caregivers with children aged 10-14 and will help families work on strengthening the relationship between caregiver and child. “One of the things that we know through statistics is that strengthening families helps to keep kids … from abusing drugs and alcohol,” coalition f...

  • Paul Coppersmith

    Updated Oct 2, 2020

    Paul Lee Coppersmith passed away peacefully on September 12, 2020 at the age of 94 in Fairfield, Washington. Paul was born on December 16, 1925 in Pomona, California to Anthony Lee and Eva Rachael (Rufenacht) Coppersmith. His parents were migrant farm workers. Paul had 5 siblings – three older sisters, Minnie, Pearl and Ethel; an older brother, Earl; and a younger brother, Vernon. After Anthony abandoned his family, his wife and their six children moved to Marshall, Washington...

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