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A trophy has been awarded to the Odessa School District in recognition of the advanced scientific work of Kira Powel, her mentor/teacher Jeff Wehr and the school itself for its support for her science research. The accompanying letter reads as follows: “Enclosed is a trophy to honor and recognize the achievements of Kira Powell. Kira competed in research paper competition at the 50th National Junior Science & Humanities Symposium, May 2012, and won top honors for research on ...
The opening of the hunting season in eastern Washington 97 years ago was not the same as it will be when the 2012 season opens. Going hunting then was a far simpler process than it is today, as in almost every aspect of life. The Odessa Record gave this report in October 1 issue on the opening of the season in 1915: Today marks the opening of the waterfowl season in Washington and the county, and early this morning there was an exodus of local nimrods to the numerous lakes north of town, where ducks and geese are said to be...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Sept. 24: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a woman at a Washington Street residence who was having breathing difficulties. Wilbur ambulance personnel assisted a 59-year-old woman at a North...
With the goal of rehabilitating the historic 1904 Harrington Opera House, the Harrington Opera House Society has been host to several events and has welcomed the news of awarded grants that will aid in that goal. Most recently, the Opera House received funds from a Building for the Arts Grant, which allowed for the installation of air conditioning in the upstairs auditorium, and from US Bank that will help improve The Art Room which is used for music lessons, art classes and...
The annual Odessa-Harrington Titans Booster Club auction will be held at the Odessa Community Center this Saturday, Oct. 6. The event kicks off with happy hour at 5:30 p.m., steak dinner at 6:00, and the auction will begin at 7:30. According to Larry Weber, one of the event organizers, the club has collected 75 - 100 silent auction items and about 15 live auction items. Included in the offerings are a Titan football helmet autographed by team members, a Titan T-shirt quilt, an...
A new job for Mike Henry and a move to Idaho for him and his family has led to the resignation of Karma Henry from the school board. At their regularly scheduled meeting on September 26, 2012, board members sadly accepted her letter of resignation after it was read aloud by Superintendent Suellen White. On a much happier note, the board approved the appointment and swearing in of Heather Valverde as a new board member to fill out Henry’s term. Preschool Now that the p...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up). Hi, here I am again. After my time in hibernation, I told you about one of my dreams I had during hibernation. In it, Joyce and I rode our mules "gettyup" and "slowpoke" from Odessa out to Batum to visit her future mother, Bertha Raugust Kiesz. They were not our mules, we rented them from C.C. Doering who was running the Doering Livery Barn in Odessa,...
Washington's minimum wage will increase to $9.19 per hour beginning Jan. 1, 2013, the Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) announced today. L&I calculates the state's minimum wage each year as required by Initiative 688, approved by Washington voters in 1998. The 15-cent-per-hour increase, from $9.04 to $9.19 an hour, reflects a 1.67 percent increase in the Consumer Price Index (for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers, CPI-W) announced earlier this month by the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS). The CPI-W...
In Wilbur last Friday night, the Odessa-Harrington Titans defeated the Wilbur/Creston Wildcats by a score of 52-6. O-H 16 28 8 0 52 W-C 0 0 0 6 6 O/H struck first on a 65-yard run by Justin Hunt in the first quarter. Sam Schafer ran the ball for the successful two-point conversion. Another run by Hunt, for 43 yards, followed by a completed pass from Hunt to Carsen Weber for two more brought the score to 16-0 at the end of the first quarter. Scoring in the second quarter opened with a 35-yard run by Hunt. Two points were added...
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area is seeking input on four potential visitor use improvement projects to address concerns related to access to the reservoir during times of low water. As part of the 2010 Shoreline Management Plan, a number of conceptual ideas were presented to address overcrowding and lower reservoir levels during the high visitation summer months. These included: expanding access and parking at key entry points in order to reduce congestion; rehabilitating or moving the Kettle Falls swim beach; and...
Lincoln County Sheriff’s Sergeant Chris Snowden retired September 25, 2012, after 32 years of service. Sheriff Wade Magers reported that Sergeant Snowden began his career as a dispatcher/jailer in August of 1980. After a few years as a jailer he took the road deputy test and was put on the road as a patrol deputy in October of 1985. Magers said Snowden was promoted to Sergeant in 1990, where he remained until his retirement this past week. “Sergeant Snowden has been a fixture in our office and in our communities over the pas...
Odessa-Harrington defeated Wellpinit 25-10, 25-16 and 25-18 for their second league win of the season on Tuesday, September 25. Serving 100% for the match were Lexi Hirst, Jordan Tanke, Koralynn Kuch, Chelsea Fisher and Jenna Shafer. Kendall Todd was especially impressive at 25-1 with 6 ace serves. As a team, the Titans served 96%. Tanke contributed 11 kills, while Fisher had 10 kills and 3 blocks. Kuch added 19 kill assists. On defense, Tanke had 4 digs. The serve-receive team of Hirst, Cydnee Kieffer and Tanke were all...
As Michael Geisen knows, many students cringe at the thought of homework. However, if you create a good study location and use those strategies that help you learn, you end up ahead of the game. Brain research shows that studying the same concept in different locations actually does help the brain make connections better. So wherever you study, just make sure it is distraction-free. Take periodic breaks and get that blood pumping to provide fuel to the brain. When you take a break, do not get side-tracked by various...
9/28/12: There were no cash soft white markets this afternoon as Portland exporters went to basis only bids for white wheat due to extreme volatility in the market. Nobody wanted a repeat of two weeks ago when the wheat market matched its high for the year only to be down 50 cents on Monday. The lack of a futures market on Friday afternoon leaves only cash sales as the outlet for market risk and when there’s no sales to be had there’s no market. Going forward I expect this to become a theme this year with soft white pri...
Twenty-three employers are confirmed exhibitors for the Fall Hiring Event at Big Bend Community College on Oct. 17 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. in the ATEC Building. New companies to the area like ChinaSoft and Aviation Technical Services (ATS) are sending representatives. (ATS recently leased a large hanger from the Port of Moses Lake.) “Last year we called it a holiday hiring event because many exhibitors were retailers looking to hire for the holiday season,” said Ken Russell of the Career Placement Center at BBCC. “This year...
Walter R. Larson, 88, died Sunday, September 23, 2012, at Dry Creek Retirement and Assisted Living Community in Ellensburg. Walter owned and operated The Odessa Record with his wife Mary Lou from 1964 to 1978. A memorial service and luncheon will be held Friday, October 5, at 11 a.m. at First Lutheran Church, 512 N. Ruby St. in Ellensburg. A complete obituary will be published in The Record next week. Among Mr. Larson's survivors are his children: Gwen Larson of Ellensburg; Steve (Rosa) Larson of Cle Elum; Jone (Jeff) Stout...
I always get a good laugh from Mr. Pitts’ rantings. His “facts” remind me of quotes attibuted to Mark Twain, among others. Mr. Pitts seems to “get his facts first and then distorts them as he wishes.” Mr. Pitts appears to be one of those in expressing opinions that do not confine themselve to the facts. And when it comes to his use of statistics it reminds me of “lies, damned lies and statistics” in using the persuasive power of numbers to bolster his weak arguments. Ron Peterson Colville...
After seeing the letter to Mitt Romney in last week’s paper, I believe that letter got addressed to the wrong person. No matter what Mr. Romney says or does or how you twist his words to your liking, he can do nothing. He is still a private citizen. He is not President yet. It is not Mr. Romney's fault that 47 percent of Americans are dependent on the government. It is not his fault that 23 million Americans are out of work. Nor is it his fault that 47 million are on food stamps. Who is the president now? Who spent 5 t...
How many have heard of a PBM? It’s the acronym for Pharmacy Benefit Manager, the intermediaries between your pharmacy and your insurance company. PBMs set the contract prices and conditions for your pharmacist and do field audits to ensure that private insurance, Medicare and Medicaid are not being taken advantage of. A good thing, right? Yes, until the PBMs start abusing their position to intimidate independently owned pharmacies, like those we rely on in small town eastern Washington. Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodgers stood up t...
I am a retired handicapped educator who votes independently. I am considered to be middle-class. Therefore, I must vote for Romney-Ryan, as President Obama has done enormous harm to middle-class households. Obama signed his stimulus spending bill in January 2009 when the median household income was $54,983. By June 2012, it had tumbled to $50,964, adjusted for inflation. That is $4,019 in lost real income. Even if you start the analysis in June 2009 when the recession ended the median household income is down $2,544 or...
I have news for you, people! Mitt Romney is not going to single-handedly restore the American economy. Neither is Barack Obama. Or any other politician, economist, businessman, corporation or political party. No, I’m afraid that what it all comes down to is us. We the people. I’ve been convinced for some time now that our system is broken. “Broken” might not be the right word, though. “Corrupt” might be more accurate. We the people have allowed our voice to be, if not silence...
Lots of us have observed that foods that are good for us - broccoli and bean sprouts - don't trigger intense cravings. In the late afternoon, when my energy is low, I want a cookie or a piece of chocolate, not a green pepper. Similarly, when I walk around the grocery store, I go through the meats and produce section without feeling deep cravings for the food I see. But when I get to the bakery, all bets are off, even if I'm not hungry. These patterns of cravings are...