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FRUITLAND - Hunter Jarod Bierman of rural Adams County captured this video of four cougars on the hunt along a trail near Fruitland....
EASTERN WASHINGTON -- A cold front moving through the region beginning Monday night is expected to bring more rain and windy conditions to the area Tuesday. Rain is expected in the morning, with winds picking up through the afternoon and into the evening. Forecasters at the National Weather service are predicting potentially damaging wind gusts from 40 --60 mph peaking between 4 -- 8 p.m., with 60 mph gusts possible locally. A High Wind Watch has been issued for Tuesday afternoon and evening from the Wenatchee area east...
REARDAN – A dispute between a local grain cooperative and a national grain miller is under litigation in U.S. District Court, with the grain miller claiming the cooperative wrongfully terminated a contract between the two. Archer Daniels Midland, also known as ADM, claims that the grain cooperative Columbia Plateau Producers wrongfully cancelled a processing contract on claims the miller failed to deliver services as promised. ADM has milling locations in Spokane and Cheney. ADM claims that after a 14 year contract, C...
WILBUR – A wildfire that started Labor Day weekend in Lincoln County still has residents working to recover from the blaze long after the fires have gone out. The Whitney fire burnt over 123,000 acres in Lincoln County, burning homes, outbuildings and range land. Two residents who lost their homes, (who), have had friends and neighbors establish Go Fund Me pages online as fundraisers. Lee Baynes, who lived north of Odessa, lost his home in the Whitney fire. Baynes, who grew u...
MOSES LAKE – The incumbent in the Legislative District No. 13 Position No. 1 race has collected about six times more in campaign contributions than his competitor. According to state Public Disclosure Commission documents, incumbent Rep. Tom Dent, R-Moses Lake, has amassed $121,250.21 in campaign contributions and loans as of Sept. 28. Challenger Eduardo Castenada Diaz, D-Quincy, has received a total of $20,755.32. Dent has spent $94,494.71, leaving him with cash on hand of $26,755.50, documents show. Castenada has spent $...
OLYMPIA – Despite the economic downtown due to coronavirus quarantine orders, the state’s minimum wage is set to increase again Jan. 1. The state Department of Labor and Industries announced last week that the minimum wage will jump 19 cents, from $13.50 per hour to $13.69. In addition to the standard minimum wage, the state will allow a training wage to be paid to young workers. The minimum training wage for workers ages 14-15 will be $11.64 per hour beginning Jan. 1. That’s an increase of 16 cents per hour from the curre...
REARDAN – Three options for the 2021-2024 levy were discussed at the school board meeting Sept. 30. Currently, the levy is set around $1.3 million per year, which equates to $2.08 per $1,000 of assessed property value within the district. All three options would set the rate at 2.10 for 2021, before a change in 2022-2024. The first option would be a significant tax reduction. The rate would decrease to 1.75, which would put the levy amount at $1,133,402 in 2022, $1,184,405 in 2023 and $1,237,703 in 2024, according to a levy a...
REARDAN – A school bus within the Reardan School District was involved in a crash when a pickup truck struck the bus around 7 a.m. Sept. 24 with eight students on board. No one was injured. Reardan School District Bus 16 was transporting eight students when the pickup made a left turn, pulled in front of the bus and crashed into the passenger side near where students enter the bus, according to director of transportation Mike McCain. The driver notified dispatch, verified no students were injured and also called 911, as is p...
COULEE DAM – The National Park Service has found that a planning effort for nine sites along Lake Roosevelt will not have any significant environmental impact. The finding, released Sept. 20, concludes that efforts to diversify camping amenities and improve boat launches, roads, parking areas and trails will not be detrimental. The environment assessment also included plans to improve fish cleaning areas and other visitor amenities, officials said. The plan dates back to 2017, and included multiple options. The findings r...
SPOKANE – On Sept. 30 the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Spokane District lifted the regulated fire closure on public lands administered by the BLM and the Bureau of Reclamation (BOR) in eastern Washington. The termination of the regulated fire closure applies in the following counties: Adams, Asotin, Benton, Chelan, Columbia, Douglas, Ferry, Franklin, Garfield, Grant, Kittitas, Klickitat, Lincoln, Okanogan, Pend Oreille, Spokane, Stevens, Walla Walla, Whitman, and Yakima....
It is official. Boeing will consolidate its 787 manufacturing in South Carolina. This news has many implications for the state including a direct impact on the state’s budget outlook. Although the September revenue forecast didn’t make an assumption about what Boeing would decide, a downside risk to the forecast was if South Carolina was picked. From the September revenue forecast: “The potential consolidation of Boeing 787 production in South Carolina and resulting decli...
The state Department of Fish and Wildlife already manages about a million acres of publicly owned lands statewide. Now, the agency is trying to use recent wildfires as an excuse to regulate more land use, and potentially increase its land holdings. Last week, the agency called for sage-grouse to be listed as an “endangered” species. It will be collecting public comment on the idea through Dec. 30. According to agency South-Central Regional Director Mike Livingston, this yea...
Big Picture Stay out of the weeds. Instead, think big picture. This election is not about Trump or Biden. It’s not about the Republicans or the Democrats. This election is about big picture, ideological movements, agendas and direction. It’s a question of do we want to keep our constitutional republic with limited government and a representative democracy, or, evolve to a socialistic big government, with a globalistic trend and agenda. That’s where we are. Voters will choose. All decisions have consequences, some bette...
October 5th, 1950 GORILLAS STAY UNBEATEN WITH A 13-6 WIN OVER RITZVILLE In a Friday night game, Deral Boleneus took a fourth quarter pass from Bob McCaffery and ran 25 yards for a touch down. Davenport claimed a 13-6 win over Ritzville on the Bronc’s home field Friday evening.The win kept the Gorilla’s undefeated record intact. October 8TH, 1970 LARGE LINCOLN COUNTY DELAGATION ATTENDS 4-H FAIR IN PUYALLUP Because of their outstanding achievements at the County level 46 4-H’ers from Lincoln County gained the right to repre...
DAVENPORT – The Inland Northwest Railroad Museum hosted a quilt show last weekend that drew participants and visitors from throughout the region. A number of detailed quilts were on display and the show featured a Railroad Depot Theme Quilt Challenge that asked quilters to try and incorporate a depot into their design. Winners of the quilt judging included: First Quilts: Glenda Haddican, $100 (Reardan), Second: Anna Turner, $50 (Spokane), Third: Marlene Diehl, $25 (Spokane) W...
Fred Fleming is the recipient of the 2020 Reardan Lion's Club "Citizen of the Year" award for his outstanding community support and service. Fred is a farmer from the Reardan area....
RITZVILLE – Carpenter, McGuire & DeWulf, PS. attorneys at law with full time offices in Davenport, Odessa, Ritzville and Colfax, recently changed its name to McGuire, DeWulf, Kragt & Johnson, P.S. “John Kragt and Matthew Johnson have both grown up in our firm, and we felt they earned putting their names on the door,” senior partner Rusty McGuire said. “Ken Carpenter retired a little over a year ago, and we felt now was as good a time as any to make the change.” Johnson, a Colf...
OLYMPIA – The state Department of Fish and Wildlife’s ban on target shooting on agency-managed lands in North-Central and Northeast Washington has been lifted. “We welcome people to build campfires and responsibly sight in their hunting firearms on most of the lands we manage, but we continue to urge hunters, target shooters, campers, and all others heading outdoors to be cautious when doing activities that could spark a wildfire,” Lands Division Manager Cynthia Wilkerson said after the Oct. 1 reopening. Some restric...
REARDAN – The Reardan School District kicked off their 2020-21 school year with all sport conditioning on Oct. 5. Specific sport conditioning begins next week. The WIAA opened a second open coaching season from Sept. 28 to Nov. 30, where coaches can work on “sport specific” skills with athletes if the local department of health allows. The Lincoln County DOH approved the district’s plan Oct. 4. Sports are broken up into four timelines. Practices for baseball, softbal...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. NOTE: Several listings are missing locations because the Lincoln County Sheriff’s office did not include them in its report to the media. SEPTEMBER 27 Number of traffic stops: 13 An Odessa caller reported a man in a...