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Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Oct. 1: A Davenport man reported an identity theft incident in which his name was used in a credit check at a San Leandro, Calif., used car lot. A Seven Bays man reported several coins worth about...
This is Newspaper Week. For several years it has been the custom to write feature stories on newspaper work, the freedom of the press. But this year The Odessa Record is entering its 60th year, and it is important to know that at least one of its original subscribers is still among the readers. Last week 1220 papers were printed, and all were sold except the file copies. How many readers the Record has is something we wouldn’t even try to guess. Any subscriber can tell of the friends who read his paper, causing us to w...
Being the mom of a special needs son changed the direction of my life, from the day the nurse put him in my arms to this day. I was headed my own way in life and the Lord said, "No, you are going my way now." This special child has brought tears, laughter and, most of all, love into my life, and the lives of many, many others. I always dreamed of that perfect family - me having 2 boys and 2 girls. Instead, we adopted 3 boys and 1 girl. I was a young mother with a child that never slept more than 45 minutes at a time, during t...
CenturyLink, Inc. is spreading the word about low-income assistance programs that help qualifying consumers obtain voice and high-speed Internet services. Lifeline Affordable Telephone Service Low-income consumers in Washington may qualify for assistance that will reduce the cost of basic monthly telephone service. The assistance program, known as Lifeline Affordable Telephone Service, is available to qualifying consumers in every U.S. state (territory and commonwealth). Lifeline provides discounts each month on telephone...
The U.S. Department of the Treasury today released a report showing that Washington banks receiving capital through the Small Business Lending Fund (SBLF) continue to increase their small business lending. The SBLF, established as part of the Small Business Jobs Act that President Obama signed into law in 2010, encourages community banks to increase their lending to small businesses, helping those companies expand their operations and create new jobs. Treasury invested more than $4.0 billion in 332 institutions through the...
The Spokane Regional Health District (SRHD) has announced the season’s first local case of influenza A. A male in his 40s was laboratory confirmed to have influenza after being seen at a local outpatient clinic. This indicates flu is beginning to circulate in our community. In light of this, SRHD is reminding residents that getting a flu shot is the single best way for people to protect not only themselves against the flu, but their loved ones as well. “This confirmed case provides an important opportunity for our community t...
The new school year is underway in Washington, and four-year university students are paying 16 percent more than last academic year for tuition and fees, compared to a national average hike of just over eight percent. State budget cuts are to blame for much of the increase, as well as competing priorities for fewer education dollars. State Representative Chris Reykdal (D-Dist. 22) of Tumwater, on the House Education Committee, says the next year will bring more tough choices for lawmakers. “We have a new, I would say p...
The O-H Titans junior high football team, consisting of sixth, seventh and eighth graders from both Harrington and Odessa are making progress in learning the game and working on their skills. They lost their first game of the year to Valley by a score of 26-0. They also lost to Inchellium in their second game last week but improved and generated some offense. The score was 30-12. Head coach Larry Weber says his team is playing better on defense but needs to eliminate some turnovers and work on sustaining drives on...
Odessa’s Oom Pas and Mas German band has been on tour the past two weekends, playing at Oktoberfests in Coeur d’Alene and Spokane. The Coeur d’Alene event on September 29 had a microbrew tasting event thrown into the mix of entertainment, food and beer. The German-American Society in Spokane held their own Oktoberfest celebration on October 6, which was incidentally the final day of the Munich Oktoberfest after which all other such events are named. After a meal of grill...
In a non-league match against Columbia High School in Hunters on October 2, Odessa-Harrington overwhelmed Columbia in three straight games to take the match 25-7, 25-5 and 25-12. Kendall Todd led the Titans offensively with eight aces, followed closely by Jordyn Tanke and Cydnee Kieffer with seven each. Chelsea Fisher had five kills and Katie DeWulf had four. On defense, Kieffer got three digs, and Fisher got one block. Koralynne Kuch was credited with eight assists and Alexa...
What has creativity to do with school? Probably everything. Michael Geisen simply defines creativity as the ability to come up with something new (new to you or new to the whole world) that has value or use. It can happen anywhere, in any field, at any time. Including in school. To create something, he says, you have to be willing to change the way you have always done things. At school, one of the easiest ways to do this is to ask the teacher about an alternative assignment, one that gets at the same concept to be learned, b...
Higher education representatives from across the state and beyond will be available to discuss opportunities to study at their schools during the Fall Transfer Fair at Big Bend Community College October 31. The annual event sponsored by the Washington Council for High School-College Relations will feature 16 higher education institutions from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. in the ATEC Building at BBCC. For information, contact BBCC Counselor Max Heinzmann at 793-2029. The roster of visiting colleges includes the Academy of Interactive...
The Odessa-Harrington Titans lost to the Almira-Coulee City-Hartline Warriors last Friday, October 5, in Coulee City. O-H 0 6 6 14 26 O-H 14 8 16 8 46 The first quarter of play was all ACH, first on a three-yard run by Mitchell Hunt and a successful two-point conversion on a running play, followed later by a 55-yard run by Jon Heathman, with the extra-point attempt no good. O/H struck first in the second quarter on a 25-yard pass to Carsen Weber from quarterback Justin Hunt. The attempt for extra points was no good. ACH then...
Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up)....
David Michaelson, currently of Harrington and formerly a resident and business owner in Odessa, has received word that two additional writing awards have come his way. Michaelson’s science fiction trilogy has received an Honorable Mention for the first book, “The Centauri Intervention.” The sequel, “Bittersweet Colony,” has been awarded First Runner Up by the Military Writer’s Society of America at a recent convention held in Dayton, Ohio. These are Michaelson’s second and third awards. He also won a Silver Medal in 2010...
The Odessa Horseshoe Club hosted the state-sanctioned Odessa Open tournament September 29. Eighteen mixed players turned out for the competition, 7 each in classes A and B, and 4 in Class C. Tournament winners in Class A were Lee Zalesny 1st, Les Myers 2nd and Monty McLaughlin 3rd. In Class B, they were John McCarthy, Sr. 1st, Kaiti Reeves 2nd and Harold Boyer 3rd. Class C was won by Loren Totusek 1st and Sharon McLaughlin 2nd. "Everyone had a good time," reported Kathy Ratkowski of the club, adding that the beautiful...
The picture from the Harrington Opera House Society in last week’s paper carried an incorrect caption. The picture was taken at the Grande Interlude Concert on September 9. Seated at the piano are Rebecca Hardy on the right and Dr. Jody Graves from EWU on the left. Standing are Stephen Hardy on the left and Dr. Randal Wagner from EWU on the right. The Record regrets the error....
Evie Weber, formerly of Odessa, entered into God's arms on September 29, 2012. She resided at the Guardian Angel Homes in Liberty Lake, Wash. Born to Anna (Franson) and Robert White of Ritzville on May 16, 1930, Evie grew up 12 miles north of Ritzville along Crab Creek at Rocky Ford. A hard working farm girl, she attended the country school, along with her siblings, one half mile from her home until entering Ritzville High School and graduating in 1948. It was in high school...
Doris (Jones) Amen passed away on October 6, 2012 in Carlsbad, Calif., at the age of 93. She was the daughter of Walter and Ethel (Piatt) Jones, born on February 3, 1919 on her Grandmother Jones' farm north of Dayton, Wash. She was the second of three girls raised by her parents on their wheat farm. She first attended a one-room school for six years, New Hope Grade School, and then studied at Dayton where she graduated from high school as valedictorian in 1936. Doris attended...
Walt Larson of Ellensburg died September 23, 2012. He was born April 30, 1924, in Glendive, Mont. and grew up in Circle, Mont., the fifth of 10 children of Ben and Josephine Larson. He was proud to be a World War II veteran, entering action on D-Day + 1 at Omaha Beach and serving in Europe as part of a Signal Radio Intelligence company. Walt married Mary Lou Harrison September 17, 1948 in Billings, Mont. In 1949, he graduated from the University of Montana with a degree in...
As the Monday night meeting of the Odessa Town Council was working its way toward a late-night session on the budget for the new year, Mayor Doug Plinski showed the Council and guests a slide show of many of the town’s properties and their states of repair and/or disrepair, as the case may be. Many were “gifts” made to the town over the years by well-meaning citizens and organizations, but they have ultimately become rather serious liabilities at this point in time. Assets vs. liabilities Plinski’s presentation was intende...
The next time someone counters your political view, don’t get too excited. Just tell him or her you’ll be glad to discuss politics when he or she has read the U.S. Constitution and made an attempt to understand it. And go ahead and read it, yourself. You can find a readable, printable copy of the Constitution at You may say, “Well, my political opponents aren’t going to read it, and, now, I have no chance to debate the issues with them and change their minds.” Right. Someone who might be convinced...
1/3/12: Prices started the day lower once again on Wednesday. However, a sharp rally midsession brought the futures markets back to unchanged by the end of the day. Egypt bought Argentine and French wheat overnight, and there were no offers out of Russia or any of the Black Sea countries. U.S. prices were much closer this time around, however we still didn’t get any of the business. Stats Canada will be out in the morning with some updated production information for north of the border. 10/5/12: Once again Portland e...
I don’t know how I managed to reach this advanced age believing I had to do it all. Or that I could do it all. I’ve never been able to decide if it’s an inherited trait or something I learned (or didn’t) along the way. What I do know, and have already announced to all and sundry, is that I must give up my beloved pumpkin patch. It’s so easy, in January when the world is dark and bleak, to allow myself to be seduced by seed catalog pictures of cheerful orange orbs. It’s easy...
Work has begun on the next phase of the community kitchen upgrade, and the storage areas that were on the north side of the kitchen have been demolished. Asphalt from the existing concrete pad out to the end of the building has been broken up in preparation for removal. Michelle Melgren reported that the $10,000 rural development grant awarded by the Lincoln County Economic Development Council has been received. Rod Webster, who has been working on the kitchen project, said...