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The historic Hartline School was the setting for a film shoot by Scabland Productions, LLC, on Saturday, October 12. Early morning saw director Jessi Shuttleworth and members of the film crew on location in Hartline to shoot scenes for the upcoming short film "February". Six local youth from Hartline and three youth from Moses Lake performed as extras, and Hartline resident Duane Dormaier was filmed driving his truck in one of the scenes. Port commissioner Cindy Cauble and Hartline 2nd Chance owner Rosalie Eckhart provided as...
David and Shelley (Laney) Dillard were awarded the title of Support Person of the Year by the Washington State Association of Activity Professionals. Sandi Smith, activities director at Odessa Memorial Health Care Center, nominated the couple for their willingness to "visit every single resident (of the long-term care wing) every single day." Shelley's father is Dick Laney, now a resident of the long term care wing. Shelley and David had been caring for Dick in his home until it was no longer possible to provide all the care...
Together we remember the life of an eastern Washington giant, Tom Foley, who represented our Fifth Congressional District with distinction for 30 years. Even today, Wheat farmers and all the citizens of our district benefit from the tremendous work he did to ensure that farmers had a voice in nation's capital, to protect Fairchild and improve infrastructure. He rose as high as a person can rise in politics, chosen by his collegues to be Speaker of the House, a position he held...
Ed Ditzdy with the Public Health Department has shared some rates for the incidence of breast cancer in Lincoln County. Given the county's history of high rates in the 1990's, the latest figures are encouraging and support the efforts that have been put into breast cancer outreach and screenings in the 199's and early 200's. Reductions in mortality are due to the joint efforts of the local hospitals, physicians, and public health professionals in getting the word out about the importance of mammography and early detection....
For the first time in 38 years. I attended the German Fest in Odessa. I was there when it began in 1971 with a 10-minute three-block parade, beer garten in a little automotive repair garage and great food. What a change through the years. It was pleasant to visit and see some old and dear friends. Dennis English Kennewick...
Jaineen Fairley, aged 65, of Ephrata, died Monday, October 21. A memorial will be held for her Sunday, November 3, at 2 p.m. at the meeting place of the Church of Christ, 31 Crest Drive, Ehprata....
The town council met Monday night to set the dates for public hearings on revenue sources, property taxes and the proposed annual budget for the Town of Odessa. The first two public hearings mentioned will take place on November 12, and the annual budget hearing will take place on November 25. Rental fees Council members Lois Hubbard and Loid Harp had met wiht Odessa Chamber of Commerce representative Lyndsy Starkle to discuss a pricing arrangement for rental of the community...
Last Saturday night's Odessa- Harrington Booster Club steak dinner and auction was a well-attended event, filling the Odessa Community Center with folks from both towns. Approximatley 180 tickets were sold, and the estimated net proceeds amounted to $20,000. another $2,000 was raised for two $1,000 scholarships, one to be awarded to a graduating Harrington senior and an Odessa senior. The booster club board opted to form two committees, consisting of Odessa club members who...
The Odessa School Board met Wednesday, October 23, for its regular monthly meeting, with board members engaging in a workshop just prior to the meeting to review board policies. Bi-County Professional development On October 4, area teachers and para-professionals participated in a Bi-county regional professional development day, where National Principle of the Year, Trevor Green from Toppenish, presented the keynote address. Each school district gave a presentation on programs they were proud of and wanted to share. Odessa...
An open letter to Norm and Lise Ott: My family has 11 dogs. Nine of the 11 are 8-1/2 year old Rottweiler/ Labrador siblings, accompanied by their 14-year-old Labrador father Harley and 13-year-old uncle Barney the Bear. Our dogs' ;ate mommy Sinnamon, the Rottweiler, unfortunately lost one form the litter, a beautiful, black Rottweiler/ Labrador mix, Might night Jackson, who never experienced the breath of life. I feel your pain. And I ask you, what is the best thing we all can do? Genesis 1:26. "Be in subjection to all...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Oct. 21: Corrections deputies had to deal with an assault involving two male inmates who had been arguing with each other. A woman gave deputies "a stack of paperwork" regarding an alleged trespassing...
Reported in The Record 37 years ago was an occasion of considerable significance to Odessa Post #7395 of the Veterans of Foreign Wars– its members had burned the mortgage. The event had taken place at the annual Veterans Day dinner in the V.F.W. Hall. It signified the final payment of $1,000 on the V.F.W. Building, previously named the Finney Building, one of the oldest structures in downtown Odessa. D.M. Hemmerling, a signer of the original mortgage on the building with Mr. and Mrs. Al Wagner, Bob Lubold Jr., V.F.W. c...
The U.S. Department of Agriculture Farm Service Agency has a portion of its farm loan program funds specifically allocated for women and minority producers announced Judy Olson, State Executive Director. "While FSA farm loans are available to all qualified applicants, by setting aside funds specifically for women and minorities, it ensures that they will receive a portion of available funds," said Olson. Loan funds can be used to purchase farms, livestock and equipment. Funds may also be used to operate the farm, build or rep...
Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced that USDA has begun distributing Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) annual rental payments to participants across the country. USDA also will distribute 2013 direct payments beginning Oct. 24. Payments originally were scheduled to be issued earlier in the month, but were delayed by several weeks due to the lapse in Federal funding. “Farmers, ranchers and rural landowners across the country count on USDA programs and the payment delays due to the shutdown were an unnecessary b...
Billy Graham turns 95 years old on Thursday, November 7, 2013. Due to his age and ailing health, the greatest evangelist of the 20th Century does not have many years left, but he does have one more message. It is entitled “My Hope, America.” Dr. Graham desires to give one final word to America. Call it his farewell speech, as he recognizes he’s not far from heaven. Please join us at Heritage Church on Thursday evening, November 7, at 7 p.m. to celebrate Billy’s life and ministry, and watch his final words to America. If you...
By MARJORIE WOMACH Saturday morning three professors from EWU and some of their students congregated at the Harrington Memorial Hall with members of the Harrington Historic Preservation Commission and community leaders for a preliminary explanation of the goals for the day. Mayor Paul Gilliland welcomed the guests to Harrington and spoke briefly, and participated with one of the groups for the entire day. Teresa Brum, Urban Revitalization instructor, Margo Hill, Community Development teacher, and Dick Winchell, chairman of th...
Caitlyn Shuh is a sixth grade student in Odessa and plays volleyball on the sixth grade team. She was chosen as student-athlete of the week because of her enthusiasm and energy in cheering on her teammates. She is the daughter of Travis and Maria Schuh....
Parent/teacher conferences will be held Tuesday, November 12. There will be no school that day. All children in kindergarten through grade 5 have been scheduled for a specific conference time, and parents should have received a designated date and time slip this week from their child’s homeroom teacher. Parents/guardians who have not received a date and time slip are asked to please call Linnie Largent at 982-2603. Arena-style conferences for students in grades 6-12 will also be held Tuesday, November 12 from 6 to 9 p.m. i...
As attrition has slowly decimated the ranks of the Odessa-Harrington football squad, victories are getting harder to come by. Friday night’s game against Wilbura-Creston was a case in point. The Wildcats were bigger, stronger and very much attuned to the plays that the Titans were running. The 42-0 final score was a bitter pill for the O-H team to swallow. It put an end to their undefeated league season and evened up their overall record at 4 wins and 4 losses. Steven Braun is the latest Titan to sustain a season-ending i...
The Odessa Cub Scouts, Pack 784, will be distributing bags to all the houses in Odessa this Saturday, November 2, at 10 a.m.. The bags are used to collect food to stock the shelves of the Odessa Food Bank for the holidays. The bags will be picked up one week later at 10 a.m. on November 9. There will also be a cart in Odessa Foods in which people are welcome to place items to be donated. Julie Jantz, the coordinator of the Odessa Food Bank said they can use foodstuffs like pasta, spaghetti sauce, breakfast cereals, Hamburger...
By DR. E. KIRSTEN PETERS When I was a child, I read a lot of murder mysteries. At a young age I favored the books featuring Miss Marple by Agatha Christie. When I was a bit older I fell in love with Lord Peter Wimsey in the books by Dorothy Sayers. No matter the book, I liked to follow along as the hero of the tale put the clues together to figure out who-done-it. So the quote from the BBC News got my attention. It was from Prof. Franck Lavigne of the Pantheon-Sorbonne Univers...
Alice Schmierer comes from generations of farm families. We met in her spacious, lovely home in town which she and her husband built after they retired off the farm. You ring the doorbell and one of 25 songs happily chimes in the background. It is warm and inviting, full of cherished collectibles, quilts she has made and huge houseplants that show what an amazing green thumb she has. Her caretaker, Velma Provost tended to her lovingly, helping her out with anything she needed during the interview. With the exception of using...
To the Editor: President Obama continued his war on guns recently by having his Secretary of State John Kerry sign the papers to potentially cement an agreement with the U.N. for worldwide gun control. Why in the world would we want anything to do with an organization where we have most countries who are not our friends or allies? The U.N. has been working for nearly 15 years to force its gun banning Arms Trade Treaty (ATT) on the United States. Now thanks to Mr. Obama, they are closer than ever. Even if we prevent...