Sorted by date Results 1 - 23 of 23
Ken Schutz, principal of Odessa K-12 Schools (Odessa School District), was selected as the president-elect of the Washington Association of Secondary School Principals (WASSP). Schutz will serve as president-elect for the 2012-13 school year, president for the 2013-14 school year and past-president in 2014-15. WASSP is a 33-member component board of AWSP consisting of practicing high school principals and assistant principals which represents more than 900 school principals...
Christ Lutheran Church had repairs made to its bell tower this week Monday. Marlon Schafer donated the use of his cherry-picker truck, so workmen could install a shield to hold the crumbling edges of the tower's top surface. Pastor Tim Hauge and others from the church congregation were on hand to oversee the work and help out wherever they could....
The Odessa-Harrington Titan girls volleyball team took 6th place at the state tournament held in Yakima’s Sun Dome Friday and Saturday, November 9 and 10. The Titans first game was played at 8 a.m. on Friday against Pateros. After a slow start, the team from O-H came to life and handily defeated Pateros in three straight, 25-23, 25-14 and 25-18. After each match, one player from each team was awarded a sportsmanship medal. Freshman Casey Schlomer won for the Titans in their f...
The undefeated Liberty Christian Patriots of Richland defeated the Titans football team to knock them out of the playoffs leading up to the championship game. The score was 90-26. O-H 8 6 6 6 26 LC 24 34 24 8 90 The Titans struck first on a 5-yard run by Sam Schafer. The extra-point attempt was a pass from QB Justin Hunt caught by Cade Weber. The Patriots answered with three touchdowns, two on 25-yard runs and one on a 10-yard run, and successful extra point attempts all...
Larry J. Widmer died November 9, 2012, in Dallas, Texas. He was born August 7, 1934 in Spokane, Wash. to Alfred Widmer and Esther Haase. He was a graduate of North Central High School in Spokane (1952) and Washington State University (1956). He is survived by his wife Dorothy Widmer, children Debra Widmer-Reyes, Steven Widmer and Lori Profit; his grandchildren and his sister Gloria James. Larry Widmer was a self-made man. Born on a wheat farm in rural Spokane, he was raised...
Lillian Lubold, age 91, passed away November 1, 2012 at Valley Good Samaritan Day Spring Unit, Greenacres, WA. She was born October 13, 1921 on the Isle of Que on the Susquehanna River, Selinsgrove, PA to Claude and Mary Bailey. Lillian attended Selinsgrove High School, Selinsgrove, PA., where she played first clarinet in the school band along with her future husband, Bob. She was also a member of the Commercial Law Club, a typist on the year book staff and lettered in both...
The results of the November 6 general election were last updated on November 9, 2012. With 46 precincts reporting and registered voters totaling 7,059, the total ballot count was 5,904. The next ballot count will be on November 14. Voter turnout was 83.64%. The election will be certified on November 27, 2012. Initiative Measure No. 1185 concerns tax and fee increases imposed by state government Lincoln Co. Yes 4,187 4.83% No 1,408 5.17% Total Votes 5,595 100% Wash. state Yes 1,766,729 64.3% No 980,870 35.7% Total Votes...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Nov. 5: A Harrington man expressed reservations about a $360 deal involving two computers that were to be delivered to him from Sprague. He told dispatchers he had only received one and felt...
The state of Washington’s highest environmental honors went to the Washington Association of Wheat Growers (WAWG) and the Ritzville Warehouse Company last night at the Tri-State Grain Growers Convention in Coeur d’Alene. The Department of Ecology (Ecology) presented two Environmental Excellence Awards at the event, singling out the two entities for their “extra mile” work to protect the environment, while they do business that supports Washington’s economy. Ecology Regional Director Grant Pfeifer presented the award to...
The official groundbreaking ceremony for the new Sprague Emergency Response Center took place Tuesday, November 13, 2012, at 124 Old Airport Road in Sprague. “After years of planning and financial support from the community, local businesses, state and federal agencies, we are excited and pleased to have the construction underway,” said Fire Chief Clemenson. The new 11,842 square foot center will provide an emergency operation center for use in the event of large incidents in the region, as well as 24-hour facilities for fir...
Farm Service Agency (FSA) Administrator Juan M. Garcia announced that the 2012 FSA county committee elections process began on Monday, November 5, with the mailing of ballots to eligible voters. The deadline to return them to local FSA offices is December 3, 2012. “The role and input of our county committee members is more vital than ever,” said Garcia. “New county committee members provide input and make important decisions on the local administration of disaster and conservation programs. With better participation in recen...
Sometimes when the research is done and the paper turned in, you have a speech to give about the research. Michael Geisen offers advice about good presentations. Here are his major points. Your speech opening needs to convince the audience that you are worth listening to. Stories, surprising facts and powerful or funny images make great hooks. Once you have them hooked, state your thesis. Yes, even a speech has a thesis. Being thoroughly prepared for your speech is the best strategy for a good presentation. Practice,...
The Odessa-Harrington Athletic Booster Club’s 10th annual citrus fruit sale is currently in full swing. Funds raised will continue to go toward the support of school-related athletic programs. As in recent years, previous customers will receive a phone call from booster club members, and those wanting to order for the first time can use the contacts listed below. There will be a table at Christmas Fest in Odessa again this year to collect payment. We cannot accept orders at Christmas Fest, because the order deadline is M...
With the goal of educating farmers about the issues that will affect their operations in the years ahead, the Tri-State Grain Grower Convention invited a slew of controversial speakers to their annual convention at the Coeur d'Alene Resort Tuesday, November 13. Outspoken farm subsidy critic Ken Cook addressed hundreds of farmers from Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Cook is the president and co-founder of the Environmental Working Group and is widely recognized as one of the environmental community’s most prominent and e...
Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ statement on diabetes awarness: On November 14, World Diabetes Day, we unite with individuals living with diabetes, their families, advocates and health care professionals to raise awareness of this devastating disease around the world. Combating diabetes is an urgent public health issue. More than 340 million people worldwide have diabetes. As the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, diabetes affects nearly 26 million Americans of all ages. Another 79 mil...
Several sites were considered for Odessa’s airport before the present location was chosen in the 1950s. Small airplanes occasionally landed in Odessa ever since the days of World War I. The field west of Odessa Cemetery was one of the landing spots. At other times., planes came down on a flat area beyond the hill south of town, in the vicinity of the present Odessa Industrial Park. None of these sites was developed. The light, single-engine planes touched down on bare earth. Plans for an airfield were being considered in Nove...
Esther A. Gardner died peacefully October 9, 2012, at her home in Sonoma CA., where she had lived since 1991. She is survived by her daughter Janet Kirby, one sister Gertrude Glanzman, numerous nieces, nephews, grand nieces, grand nephews and friends. Esther was preceded in death by her husband of 49 years, Robert A. Gardner and six siblings. Born in Odessa WA, she moved to Seattle upon high school graduation where she lived for 69 years. Esther was a 50-year member of the Ark Chapter #86, Order of Eastern Star; a member of...
Thank God. I mean that most sincerely, and it’s an appropriate sentiment to be sandwiched between Veteran’s Day and Thanksgiving. I’m actually grateful more often than that, usually every day, but I am compelled to share my joy that the blankety-blank elections are over. No more phone calls from Mitt, Newt, state or national parties. No more hiding from the incessant political talk shows on TV. Or at least that’s what I thought. I appear to be something of an innocent in thes...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 11/8/12: There’s another monthly supply-and-demand report out tomorrow, and it seems like it will be hard to be anything but bearish. Wheat and corn exports have been coming in far below what we need on a weekly basis to meet the USDA’s projections as buyers seem to be sourcing from everyone but the U.S. for the time being. World wheat prices have risen during the week, which has given a boost to prices here. However, we’ll need increased demand to make...
If you think the government is penalizing – or is it taxing? – people for not buying health insurance is bad, at least there are health insurance companies actually selling coverage. By contrast, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) fined oil refiners $6.8 million last year for not incorporating cellulosic ethanol in gasoline – even though the product doesn’t exist. That’s right. As bizarre as it sounds, the New York Times reports that oil refiners were required to blend 6.6 million gallons of cellulosic ethanol ...
Thanksgiving is much more than a big meal with family and friends. It’s a time to reflect on, and be thankful for, all of the good things you have. Even with all of the uncertainty and turmoil in the world, you have so much to be thankful for. It’s important to be grateful, not just on Thanksgiving, but each and every day. Rather than lamenting what you feel is lacking in your life, begin each new day by developing an attitude of gratitude. Take inventory of your blessings and you will be surprised at just how much you hav...
Odessa Cub Scout Pack #784 went Scouting for Food last Saturday, driving around Odessa picking up the bags of food that residents of the town placed on their porches. The Odessa Food Bank receives the groceries and adds them to their shelves for the coming months ahead. The winter months are always the most difficult for those who are on a fixed income. Heating bills add up, gas is ever increasing and no one can prepare for the unknown ups and downs that happen in life. The Cub Scouts and their parents delivered 700 pounds...
The Odessa Lions Club’s 71st annual Turkey Carnival is coming this weekend, on Saturday, November 17 to be exact. Club members have been out selling tickets for the more than 50 prizes donated by local businesses and individuals. The top prize is a $500 credit to be used at any Odessa business, donated by the Lions Club itself. See sidebar for complete list of prizes. The Lions Club has a long history in Odessa, as well as in other towns in the area. Some of their projects o...