Sorted by date Results 1 - 19 of 19
The 70th annual Turkey Carnival, sponsored by the Odessa Lions Club will be held this Saturday, November 19, at the community center. The kitchen will open at noon, serving burgers, drinks and pie. Bingo action for turkeys starts at 2 p.m. Tickets for raffle items will be drawn throughout the afternoon and evening. Patrons need not be present to win the raffle prizes. Tickets are available from any Lions Club member, as well as at Odessa Drug and Ramm Hardware downtown....
The fourth graders at P.C. Jantz Elementary School in Odessa attended this year’s Music Encounter at the Fox Theatre in Spokane. The theme this year was “The Spokane Timeline and Immigration.” Parent chaperones were Jennifer Martin, Kellie Luiten and Amber Zagelow. Bus driver was Ryan Schafer and teacher chaperones were Craig Holman and Ellen Holman. Afterwards, the students had a pizza lunch before returning home....
The Odessa-Harrington Titans girls volleyball team played some of the best volleyball of their season this past weekend in Yakima’s SunDome at the state volleyball tournament for 1B, 2B and 1A schools. The luck of the draw was not kind to the Titans, however. In its first game Friday, Odessa-Harrington faced Christian Faith, a number-one seed from Federal Way and lost, 19-25, 23-25 and 17-25. Later that same afternoon, the Titans rallied to defeat Shorewood Christian of S...
Dogs are loyal, playful, loving and sometimes cute as a button. It’s no wonder we love them (some of us more than others, to be sure). Dogs were likely one of the very first animals we humans domesticated. They’ve been sitting around our campfires for a very long time, indeed. We train our dogs to sit, shake and lie down. It also could be said the dogs train us to dispense kibbles, rawhide treats, and scratches behind the ears. What matters isn’t which side comes out ahead...
Hudson Lee Walter was born May 10, 2011, at 9:20 p.m. at Deaconess Medical Center in Spokane. He weighed 7 pounds, 3 ounces and measured 20 inches long. His parents are Colley and HaLee Walter of Odessa. He joins his two brothers, Tucker and Sawyer, at home. Maternal gradnparents are Ron and Diane Nelson of Sandpoint, Idaho and paternal grandparents are Bruce and Deb Walter of Odessa. Maternal great-grandparents are Lois Renken of Odessa and Grace Nelson of Ephrata. Paternal...
Hi, here I am again. On the west side of Kagele road, on the west edge of the L-B-D in Lincoln Co. TS 21N, R31E, Section 36 is the Schibel farm. The attachment of the Schibel name to the farm started with Georg Peter before 1911, then Henry, Don and finally Jeff today (2010). One of Don’s sisters and her husband also farmed on the land for a period of time. Talking with Don Schibel and looking at the Schibel obituaries, I learned that in Russia about 1888, Georg Peter & K...
The Odessa Quilt Club hosted their third annual open house at Christ Lutheran Church fellowship hall Saturday, November 12. Event organizers provided kits and instructions for three choices of projects for guests to make: a “not so brown” lunch bag, a wine tote (or gift bag) or a purse. Guests included a mother-and-daughter duo, a mother-and-son duo, a grandmother-and-granddaughter duo, teenagers and adults of all ages and both sexes. The event began at 10 a.m. and ended at...
Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Nov. 7: Deputies responded to a Davenport woman's report of harassment. Deputies determined that a woman's report of seeing two people naked in a car parked alongside SR 2 was unfounded. A caller...
Staff reports Quite a few veterans, along with families and friends, turned out for the annual Veterans Day dinner held at the VFW hall in Odessa. Turkey and stuffing, potatoes and gravy were provided by the women of the Ladies Auxiliary, and guests were asked to provide a potluck salad or dessert. Lloyd Tebow was the featured speaker, assisted by son-in-law Alan Voise. Tebow and Voise flew to see the World War II Memorial in Washington, D.C. on an Honor Flight in September...
Odessa PTO (Parent/Teacher Organization) president Suzie Diefe has announced that the organization is kicking off a drive to replace the old manually updated Odessa Tigers sign located on the southwest corner of the Festplatz (corner of First Avenue and Division Street) with a new electronic reader board. The PTO has obtained a preliminary bid of $10,000 for a new sign. The company the PTO has been working with, Apex LED of Spokane, has reported that the existing pole and power supply should be adequate for the new...
The 6-3 Odessa-Harrington titans earned home field advantage last week, and played the pass-oriented 9-1 Colton Wildcats this past Friday night. On the first defensive play for the Titans, Jake Tanke (22) broke his fibula and is out for 6 - 8 weeks. The final score was 48-30, a convincing win which advanced us to the state quarter-finals! St. M's 12 12 8 16 -48 O-H 0 8 14 8 -30 Much like last week, holding onto the ball was a problem for both teams. Nineteen fumbles graced the stat sheet, nearly as many as last week. Jared...
The following students have been named to the honor roll for first term 2011-2012. They are listed by year of graduation. 2012: Mariaelena Hernandez, Austin Schmierer, Kira Powell, Rebekah Marshall, Kaitlin Estep and Kolby Crossley. 2013: Koralynne Kuch, Kendall Todd, Cade Weber, Amanda Hardt, Jessica Whitaker, Lacey Nelson and Melani Fehrer. 2014: Chelsea Fisher, Jacob DeWulf, Hannah Schmidt and Anna Anderson. 2015: Thorsen Wehr, Carsen Weber, Garrison Schmierer and Samuel Schafer. 2016: Stacia Lesser, Katherine DeWulf,...
Tekoa-Oakesdale won the State 1B volleyball tournament, defeating Colton 25-16, 25-13, 15-25, 25-23 in the championship match last Saturday night. Reardan garnered its second straight state championship in 2B volleyball, defeating Colfax 25-19, 25-23 and 25-17. In the 1A bracket, Colville overcame Castle Rock with scores of 26-24, 25-22 and 25-21. With the floor divided up into six separate volleyball courts in two rows of three each, there wasn’t much room left over for f...
There were great plans 76 years ago in late November 1935, for the rabbit drive to be held in the Irby area, which was expected to draw hundreds of Spokane sportsmen. Rabbit drives had been held since Odessa’s earliest days. Rabbits were pests, and throughout the 20th Century they posed a problem because they ate crops and spread disease. The 1935 drive was set for December 8, west of Odessa, in an area bounded by Batum Road on the east, a point one mile west of Irby Road in the west and the North Central highway (now H...
The Ritzville Carnegie Library will be hosting a two-author book signing on Thursday, December 1 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. The featured books are the award-winning “The Burntwater Cook’s Kitchen Guide” by David Michaelson of Harrington and M. M. Athey’s fast-paced new historical fiction book about Ritzville in 1882 entitled “Crab Creek Chronicles: The Beginning.” Athey’s book is the first of three about the settling of the Washington Territory and focuses on Ritzville’s cowboys, railroad expansion, enterprising business men an...
The Internal Revenue Service has released Form 2290, the “Heavy Highway Vehicle Use Tax Return.” This form is used to figure and pay the use tax due on trucks with a gross vehicle weight of 55,000 pounds or more. No tax is owed, however, in two instances: if the vehicle is expected to be driven 5,000 miles or less per year, or if the vehicle is used in agriculture and is expected to be driven 7,500 miles or less per year. Even if one of these exceptions is met, Form 2290 must still be filed with the IRS. The reporting per...
Some of you may have seen the ad in last week’s paper for a community Thanksgiving dinner at Old Town Hall. That’s my cell phone number on the ad. When I lived in Portland, a little over three hours from my family in Bickleton, I frequently had to work the Friday and sometimes the Saturday after Thanksgiving. I love my family, but six and a half hours in a car in one day just isn’t my idea of anything to be thankful for. Then I discovered Thanksgiving dinner at my churc...
President Obama says he will delay until 2013 a decision about the $13 billion Keystone pipeline, which would carry Canadian oil to Gulf coast refineries. Supporters say the 1,661 mile pipeline would create as many as 20,000 high-paying construction jobs, reduce our dependence on oil from unfriendly nations and revitalize the stricken Gulf Coast economy. Opponents worry about potential environmental impacts, and Midwest property owners in the path of the pipeline say “not in m...
Lincoln County Sheriff Wade Magers, along with county commissioners Rob Coffman and Dennis Bly, attended Monday night’s town council meeting. Magers was present mainly to address the proposed changes to the town’s contract for dispatch services provided by the county. The town originally contracted with the sheriff’s department for dispatch services in January of 1998, prior to 911 services being available to the county. For the past decade, the cost to the town has remained flat at $2,500 per year, based on the number of of...