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Articles from the November 19, 2020 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 26

  • Odessa Birthdays and Anniversaries

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Birthdays for Nov. 22: Chad Strebeck, Skip Regli, Brent Kissler, Kellie Luiten. Nov. 23: Lacy Kelly, Glen Allen(†), Madison Finkbeiner. Nov. 24: Connie Kellar, Kyle Tebow, Peggy Tracy(†), Nicole Carpenter. Nov. 25: Brenna Carstensen, Dierks Todd. Nov. 26: Donald Valverde, Angela Griffith, Ed Hayden. Nov. 27: Della Jette, Kellie Reyes, Joel Heimbigner, Dakota Largent, Travis Todd, Ed Crosby(†). Nov. 28: Bruce Walter. Anniversaries for Nov. 25: Myron(†) & Marlene Kramer. (†) = deceased, = military veteran...

  • Health crisis worsens in county

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    DAVENPORT – According to the Lincoln County Health Department, the average number of Covid-19 cases in Washington state has doubled over the past two weeks, with the numbers in Lincoln County following the trend. As of November 17, Lincoln County had 39 new cases within 14 days, which put the case rate at 365 cases per 100,000 people. There have been 123 confirmed positive cases in the county and two deaths. Recent outbreaks have occurred in the county associated with Vista Manor, an assisted living facility in Davenport, a...

  • Odessa council talks about winter walkers

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosb, The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    ODESSA – The Town Council met Nov. 9 via teleconference and in the clerk’s office. In the absence of Mayor Bill Crossley, Mayor Pro Tempore Kelly Watkins led the meeting from the clerk’s office, where he was joined via computer by council members Vickie Iverson, Amy Hunt, Vickie Iverson and Marlene Kramer. Landon Lobe was absent. Council agreed to allow winter walkers into the community center and also to allow them to use the restrooms there. The only requirement was that each person sign a waiver of liability in order...

  • Largest farms benefit from new Congress mandate

    Anna Johnson, Center for Rural Affairs|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Who deserves farm payments? Farm payments should be reserved for family farms facing difficult times, but the government and taxpayers should not support checks without limit to the largest operations. While enacting limits on farm payments, Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture have failed to close loopholes that enable the largest farms to maneuver around them. Most farm payment programs are subject to a maximum payment, and generally farms with an adjusted gross income of more than $900,000 are ineligible. But,...

  • Odessa weather

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Date H L Rain Snow November 11 32 14 0 0 November 12 38 21 0 0 November 13 36 24 0.52 4.2 November 14 39 24 0.14 0 November 15 38 26 0.11 T November 16 43 31 0 0 November 17 37 33 0.13 0 November precipitation: 1.08...

  • Jacquelyn "Jackie" June Winfrey

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Jacquelyn "Jackie" June Winfrey of Quincy passed away on November 5, 2020. She was born to Jacob and Lena Grening on December 1, 1932 at the family farm in Odessa, Wash. After graduating from Odessa High School in 1951 Jackie attended a dental aide school in Spokane. While there she met Jim at a USO dance hall. Jim says, "She was the best looking one there." They married in 1953 at the Christ Lutheran Church in Odessa. Jackie was well known in Odessa for her cake decorating....

  • Odessa Markets

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    ODESSA – The latest cash grain market in Odessa shows Soft White Wheat, bushel is at $5.46. White Club, bushel at 5.81. Hard Red Winter, bushel at $6.28. Dark Northern Spring, bushel is at $6.17. Barley at $130 per ton and Triticale at $135 per ton....

  • Welcome to My Kitchen

    Laura Estes, Special to The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Thanksgiving Day is less than a week away, and conditions this year may have many cooks experiencing their first time roasting a turkey. The internet has hundreds of seasoning recipes, how-to guides and roasting/cooking methods, but if this is your first time roasting a turkey, the abundance of various recipes may be overwhelming. Following are some guidelines to help you be successful with most any recipe you choose. First, make sure a frozen turkey is completely thawed...

  • This Week in Odessa History

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    1 years ago Nov. 19, 1920 After an exciting chase lasting more than a week, Louis A. Steurnagle was arrested by Sheriff McManus and identified as one of three men who robbed a store at Odessa, a garage at Ephrata and who stole Sheriff Deycous’ car at Wilson Creek. Steurnagle is strongly suspected of being implicated in several safe and store robberies across Washington and into Idaho during the past year. Nearly 100 stores, offices and business places have been robbed in the last 12 months, all perpetrated using the same m...

  • Book Review: Moving among the faithful: "Pew" and "Transcendent Kingdom"

    Tim Coley, Special to The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    For many, the church is a place of community and comfort during trying times. It can encourage personal growth, challenge, and reflection. Two novels I recently had the joy of reading approach the church in very different ways, but they both turn a mirror back toward those who profess to be of faith and ask some very profound questions. The first is a fairly short novella, entitled “Pew” by Catherine Lacey. This is her third novel, and the title is also the name bestowed on the central character, a person of ind...

  • Harrington council meets via teleconference

    Marjorie Womach, Special to The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    HARRINGTON – The City Council met via teleconference on Nov. 12, chaired by Mayor Nathan Luck in the presence of council members David Buddrius, Peter Davenport, Justin Slack, Stephen Hardy and Levi Schenk, as well as Janice Cepeda (city clerk), Mike Cronrath (city treasurer), Marge Womach and Cherie MacClellan. Mike Cronrath provided the treasurer’s report that had been sent out by email in two formats for the clerk and mayor to forward to the council. There were a lot of bank fees for the past month, and Cronrath will check...

  • Harrington Library update

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    HARRINGTON – Stacey Rasmussen, a member of the Harrington Library Board, reminds citizens that, “If you haven’t been to the Harrington Library lately, it is time to come check things out!” New books will be arriving any day. Patrons have the ability to check out e-books on their electronic reading devices (but must visit the library in person to sign up). A Holiday Book selection is also being planned. The board continues to make changes to make the library work better for patrons. Those with book suggestions or questio...

  • UPDATED: WIAA delays start of winter sports season

    Drew Lawson, The Times|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    RENTON – The pandemic has struck another blow to local athletics. The WIAA voted to delay the start of winter sports to Feb. 1, 2021 and shorten each sports season to seven weeks apiece at its Nov. 17 meeting. Practices for winter sports season, the most prominent of which are basketball and wrestling, were originally scheduled to begin Dec. 28, with competitions coming shortly after. However, a surge of positive COVID-19 cases caused the WIAA to create another delay in an a...

  • Looking back: Nov. 19

    Georgia Smith, The Times|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    7 Years Ago Nov. 16, 1950 Reader frustrated when farm cat shot Dear Davenport Times-Tribune: I wish to register a protest the way some would-be hunters are taking the privilege of hunting. I always supposed when a person had a hunting license and they should have one if they carry a gun, it gave them the privilege to hunt as prescribed by the law, and human decency and that does not include the right to shoot farmer animals, whether large or small. Although they made a clean kill here, they did away with one of the farm...

  • Train blocking Highway 231 north of Edwall

    The Times|Updated Nov 24, 2020

    EDWALL--A disabled train is currently blocking both lanes of Highway 2 just north of Edwall at milepost 16.5. WSDOT East reported an estimated re-opening time of 3 p.m. The report of the disabled train came in at 12:25 p.m. UPDATE: WSDOT East reported that the disabled train had cleared by 3:30 p.m....

  • Fairchild celebrates 73rd year of refueling wing

    Drew Lawson, The Times|Updated Nov 22, 2020

    FAIRCHILD AFB-Nov. 17 was the 92nd Air Bombardment Wing's 73rd birthday at Fairchild Air Force Base. To celebrate, the base hosted members of the media, including reporter Drew Lawson and publisher Roger Harnack of the Cheney Free Press, on a refueling flight on a KC-135 Stratotanker. The 92nd Air Bombardment Wing became the 92nd Air Refueling Wing in 1994 after several name changes to reflect the base's changing missions and remains so in present day. The experience began as...

  • Union talks may go to high court

    Jamie Henneman, The Times|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    DAVENPORT – A lawsuit by the Lincoln County Commissioners to ensure that negotiations with public employee labor unions are open to the public has received a ruling from the state appeals court. The decision sets the case to potentially be considered by the Washington State Supreme Court. In the lawsuit, which dates back to 2019, the Lincoln County Commissioners asked the courts to ensure that negotiations with public employee unions, like Teamsters 690 that represents the county’s law enforcement employees, not be allowed to...

  • Hospital board set to approve 2021 budget

    Jamie Henneman, The Times|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    DAVENPORT – The Lincoln Hospital District is set to review their 2021 budget this Thursday, Nov. 19 with plans to approve a $34 million budget that shows the district in a positive financial state. A preliminary budget was reviewed by Lincoln Hospital Board members on Nov. 12, with figures showing $34 million in revenue and $26 million in expenses. The largest expense for the hospital district that includes three medical clinics, assisted living, long term and transitional care is staffing. The district employs over 250 p...

  • Harrington Opera House offers "Zoom Room"

    Jamie Henneman, The Times|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    HARRINGTON – The Harrington Opera House is offering its online meeting space to community members who may need to attend online meetings for work or school during COVID-19 restrictions. A dedicated room in the opera house building has a large screen, a laptop and high-speed internet. The space, being referred to as the "Zoom Room", is being offered to the public by donation. Opera House Technology Coordinator Karen Robertson said the opera house had originally set up the o...

  • Diversity in America's military

    Don C. Brunell|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    Diversity in the ranks has been the lifeline of our all-volunteer military, but it wasn’t always that way. As we celebrate Veterans Day, we ought to be thankful for all of the men and women from a variety of ethnic backgrounds who put their lives in harm’s way to protect our freedoms and make safe our way of life. When my father was inducted into the U.S. Army during World War II, our military was segregated. That lasted until 1948 when President Harry Truman signed Executive...

  • Negative impact of high minimum wage

    Mark Harmsworth|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    Washington has one of the highest minimum wage levels in the U.S. For workers who have a job this sounds like a great deal, but as with all things the government mandates, there are some serious, negative consequences, primarily on young and entry level workers who are forced into joblessness. Nowhere is the harm imposed by a high minimum wage demonstrated more clearly than in Seattle, where the city council has aggressively increased the minimum wage over the last few years....

  • Robust remote testimony to look forward to in 2021

    Jason Mercier|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    There’s no other way to say, 2020 has been just an awful year. It is difficult to believe anything good can come from this mess but I’m really excited to see that one silver lining to our collective misery will be the opportunity for more public participation across the state during the 2021 Legislative Session. With news that lawmakers will primarily be conducting business remotely next year also comes the exciting announcement of expansive remote testimony for citizens. Acc...

  • Oregon tops WSU 43-29

    Roger Harnack, The Times|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    PULLMAN - The Washington State University Cougars showed Saturday night that they can play with the best in the NCAA. But a strong first half wasn't enough to keep the No. 11 ranked Oregon Ducks from flying away. WSU took a 19-14 lead to the half, but Oregon pulled way to finish the game with a 43-29 Pac 12 victory. True freshman quarterback Jayden de Laura threw for 25-of-39, 321 yards and two touchdowns in the failing Cougar effort. Those two touchdown passes were to Lucas...

  • Public Records: Nov. 19 issue

    The Times|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. NOVEMBER 8 Number of traffic stops: 9 A cow was reported on the road on Highway 21. Suspicious vehicle report. Abandoned child report. NOVEMBER 9 Number of traffic stops: 10 Trespassing complaint. Suspicious per...

  • Clay shoot canceled in wake of shutdown

    Roger Harnack, The Times|Updated Nov 19, 2020

    ST. JOHN – Rock Lake Sporting Clays has canceled its fund-raising shoot for this Saturday, Nov. 21. Gary Newton, owner of the Rock Lake Sporting Clays on Stevens Road, confirmed the cancelation Monday. “Due to the governor’s order to shut down, we are canceling,” he said. “We were almost booked up.” Newton said the event will be rescheduled after the governor’s shutdown order is lifted. “Due to the governors shutdown, we’re only allowed to have five people at one time,” he said. “We had scheduled up to 50 people.” The event...

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