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Sheriff's Report INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Nov. 12: Two rollover collisions were reported on SR 174 and Alderson Road near Wilbur and at the intersection of Riffe and Bergeron roads near Reardan. Slick conditions were a factor in both...
A new feature, a dunk tank, was unveiled at the 71st annual Lions Club turkey carnival this year. Four volunteers braved the dunk tank: Marlon Schafer, Travis Schuh, Bryce Peterson and Mark DeWulf. A line quickly formed as each volunteer took their turn. At $1 per throw, it was no easy or inexpensive task to hit the small target that would trip the platform and dunk the volunteer. Marlon Schafer’s children tried, but they were unable to connect. Finally, high school senior M...
Community hospitals in the Inland Northwest, including Lincoln Hospital in Davenport, can now provide a higher level of care to patients experiencing a stroke as part of a new robotic telemedicine program offered by Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center. The program, coordinated through Sacred Heart’s comprehensive Stroke Center, links the vast resources of Sacred Heart’s nationally certified, award-winning stroke center with primary care physicians at participating community hospitals throughout the region, allowing pat...
The feast of Thanksgiving is upon us, and as we gather with family and friends to give thanks and celebrate, let us not forget the Thanksgiving part. Here is a quick way to create a visual reminder of all we have to be thankful for. Take fall colored construction paper and cut into strips about 5 1/2 inches by 1 inch. Gather up some fine point marking pens and a stapler or two. Throughout the day or even the several days around Thanksgiving encourage everyone to write things...
With the proposal for a new bridge across Crab Creek on Dobson Road announced this week, it is interesting to note that the concrete bridge on First Avenue in Odessa, in recent years considered a candidate for replacement, was planned 79 years ago this week and was actually built 78 years ago in 1934. A new, reinforced concrete bridge was to be built, replacing a steel truss structure which had served since 1914. That bridge, in turn, had replaced the original wooden bridge across the creek in 1908. Before then, horses and...
The 2013 community birthday calendars have arrived and will be distributed over the next two weeks. If you ordered a calendar and do not receive it by December 5th please contact Mr. Holman at school. We have ordered extras so if you missed ordering one this year contact Mr. Holman or the High School Office to purchase one....
The Journal called it a knife edge election. It should have been (this is a divided nation). This was the last chance for the conservatives to elect a president with a Caucasian vote. This should be a wake-up call to the pompous Republicans who convinced Romney that you could insult 47% of our population and still get elected by looking Presidential. President Obama started the down and dirty race on the east coast and the Romney-Ryan ticket decided they should stay above that until it was too late. The facts were there and...
November Volume 10, Issue 1 2012-1013 / 3rd Grade / Room 7 "Which food are you going to fill yourself up on?" A common question asked of many of us just before Thanksgiving. Each of us have our own special food that seems to satisfy our taste buds on the fourth Thursday of November each year. What is your favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving? Do you have any special plans? Mr. Larson- Feed me whatever you want to on Thanksgiving, but you'd better make sure that the gravy boat is right next to me. The best part about...
On Friday, November 9, the Harrington Schools held their annual Veterans Day program. This year, the program featured the MS/HS band playing the National Anthem, while the student body officers brought in the flags. Following introductory remarks by student body president Jacob Tanke, the K-8 combined choirs, under the direction of David Nighswonger, performed “Thank You, Soldiers!” The students were then introduced to Archie Dale Staley. Staley flew 51 missions in com...
Freezing temperatures, ice, snow and wind can devastate homes and businesses if they are not properly winterized. Winter storms are the third-largest cause of property loss in America, resulting in about $1.3 billion in insured losses annually, according to the Insurance Information Institute. Winter weather-related losses such as burst pipes, wind damage, ice dams, frozen gutters and damage caused by the weight of ice or snow are covered under standard Homeowners Insurance and Business Owners policies. However, damage...
The Northeast Washington Haygrowers Association will hold its annual growers’ meeting on Saturday, December 1, in Clayton, announces Tom Platt, Washington State University Extension educator in Davenport. The focus of the meeting is on evaluating hay stands for health, pests and soil nutrient status and managing them for productivity and longevity. The meeting will be held at John’s Auto Repair beginning at 8:15 a.m. and adjourning at 3 p.m. Steve Fransen, who is a forage agronomist at WSU Prosser is first on the program and...
The Spokane Area Sheep Producers’ Association will hold its annual Shepherd’s Information Day Saturday, December 8, in Spokane, announces Tom Platt, Washington State University Area Extension educator in Davenport. Platt says it should be an interesting day for sheep producers, young and old alike. The program will run from 9:30 a.m. to 3:20 p.m. with a short business meeting to follow. It will be held at the WSU Spokane County Extension Education Center at N. 22 Havana. The first topic is specialty wool marketing, presented...
This Thanksgiving, as families gather for traditional turkey dinner, they can also learn more about their family health history, said Surgeon General Dr. Regina Benjamin. An Internet-based tool, My Family Health Portrait, lets anyone create a portrait of the family's health history. It is available on the Surgeon General’s site at It is secure, free and takes about 20 minutes. The site creates a personalized family health tree that can be saved to a PC. The portrait can be shared with family m...
Joel Ryan, executive director the Washington State Association of Head Start & ECEAP, said the following: “The Joint Task Force on Education Funding met in Federal Way to discuss how to address the requirements of the McCleary decision on education funding. They may be missing the most important driver of school success – early learning. Early learning can’t be second in line as we develop education priorities. Research shows that we cannot solve the problems of K-12 without ensuring that children arrive ready to learn, and w...
Getting control of tests is sometimes a major challenge for students. Michael Geisen offers some ideas about how to take advantage of a test as a vehicle for learning and success. First, cramming does not work. What does work much better is spreading out your study periods for at least a week before the test. This gives you more time to absorb the concepts more deeply and permanently and to ask your teacher questions in the days before the test. The night before the test, do a quick review and get a good night’s rest. Good t...
Byron Behne watches the grain markets for the Odessa Union Warehouse. 11/14/12: Wednesday was quiet compared to the big drops suffered in the previous few sessions, as Chicago futures lost two cents and soft white remained unchanged. Basically it’s been the negative momentum from Friday’s bearish supply-and-demand report, combined with general financial market turmoil that is doing all the damage. Expect things to remain unsettled while exports remain poor. 11/16/12: It wasn’t a very pretty end to the week as export sales...
A new study out of New Zealand shows individuals who started smoking pot in their early teens and who quit by their 18th birthday, 20 years later that their IQ was 7-8% lower than the mean, which means where median is 50 they have dropped to 29. People who smoke marijuana lose their initiative and drive. You become self-centered and interested primarily in yourself. Ambition is out the window. The drug can stay in your body for 30 days. Lingering affects can last for weeks. After euphoria wears off, depression is liable to...
I have an elderly aunt who was diagnosed with breast cancer many years ago. She was treated and remained cancer-free for years. But I also had a next-door neighbor who got the same diagnosis. She was treated, but succumbed to the disease not too long after. My experience is not unique. Those of us who have been around the block a few times know people who have survived breast cancer and people who have died from it. Why the differences in results from person to person? Part...
I feel funny today. By that, I actually mean that I don’t feel funny today. I can’t think of a single entertaining thing to say. It’s possible that a serious over-commitment of time on my part has something to do with it. Can you hear my theme song playing quietly in the background yet? Oh, yes, there it is, “I’m just a girl who can’t say no . . .” Of course I can. I just don’t want to. I apparently get some kind of sick satisfaction from being overwhelmed with responsibi...
Among the reactions to the November 6 elections, the most common among conservatives might be shock. That very fact might indicate that too many of us have been living in an echo chamber, reassuring each other about our mutually-held convictions without listening to those who are, at best, ambivalent about conservativism. For example, Mitt Romney’s message of economic freedom, utterly persuasive to the conservative ear, was unconvincing to members of a powerful new demographic who cast their votes overwhelmingly for Barack Ob...
Staff reports The Odessa Town Council met last week Tuesday instead of Monday due to the Veterans Day holiday. Police reports Police chief Helen Coubra led off the November 13 meeting with reports of vandalism, burglary and general mayhem on the night of November 11. The perpetrators struck first at the equipment yard of the Odessa Trading Company, taking fire extinguishers that were strapped to combines and spraying their contents onto the ground. School buses parked outdoors near the grandstand at Finney Field were struck...
The Odessa Chamber of Commerce met Tuesday, November 13, at Any Occasion Banquet Hall for a pizza lunch hosted by the Chamber. A guest speaker, Keith Meadowcroft, an international trade specialist with the Small Business Development Center (SBDC) in Spokane, gave a presentation on the free services provided by his organization for establishing export trade relationships with companies in other countries. Through the Obama administration’s National Export Initiative, a $600 billion increase in funding over five years will e...
At the November 13 town council meeting, Odessa’s town council gave unanimous approval for the formation of a committee to determine the future of Old Town Hall. The group will be headed by Lise Ott, who hopes that community interest in the project will be significant and ongoing. The initial phase of the project will be exploratory, and will include field trips to other historic sites around the area which have either been renovated, restored or repurposed successfully, or a...