Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 28
Date H L Rain Snow November 18 48 29 0 0 November 19 44 30 0 0 November 20 42 21 0 0 November 21 43 23 0 0 November 22 41 23 0 0 November 23 38 26 0.13 2.3 November 24 32 28 0 0 November precipitation: 1.21...
ODESSA – The latest cash grain market in Odessa shows Soft White Wheat, bushel is at $5.61. White Club, bushel at 5.86. Hard Red Winter, bushel at $6.37. Dark Northern Spring, bushel is at $6.21. Barley at $130 per ton and Triticale at $135 per ton....
ODESSA – The Odessa Town Council met Monday evening and held one of the shortest meetings on record. Following a public hearing on the final budget proposal, at which no comments from the public were forthcoming, council members Landon Lobe, Vickie Iverson, Kelly Watkins and Marlene Kramer were called to order by Mayor Bill Crossley. Zoning inspector Bill Knerr was present via Zoom, The Record was represented by Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, and Meri Jane Bohn, town clerk, recorded the proceedings. The usual housekeeping matters w...
Ever since I was lucky enough to become the Executive Director at the WIAA, I've told our staff and membership that we are in the memory-making business. Those memories can be made in any town, large or small, in any sport or activity, at a mid-week practice, a senior night, or a State Championship final. As a former coach and teacher, I had the opportunity to be a part of those memories and I've seen firsthand that high school is defined as much by what you learn outside of...
ODESSA – The Medication Education and Disposal Project has launched a statewide program to offer Washington state residents free services to dispose of expired, unwanted or unused medicine safely and conveniently. MED-Project provides convenient, year-round medicine drop-off locations, such as pharmacies, medical facilities and law enforcement offices. In addition to its existing operational programs in several counties, MED-Project has activated approximately 150 additional drop-off sites for state residents. Residents w...
1 years ago Nov. 26, 1920 The town caucus held Monday evening for the purpose of selecting candidates for a mayor, two councilmen and a town treasurer to be balloted upon at the regular election Tuesday, Dec. 7, was the quietest one ever seen here. This was not because there was a lack of attendance for there was a representative number of voters out, but evidently the matter had not been talked over before hand, and all had come with the intention of renominating Mayor H.C. Phillips, Councilmen J.C. Michaelsen and C.M....
Writing a column for a newspaper should probably start with an audience survey in order to determine a subject and delivery of the least offense to the broadest spectrum of people. This, being a Christian articulation however, guarantees, if read at all, the perspective put forth will go down like honey for some and be totally unpalatable to others. Jesus was for everybody, but He was definitely not for every body. The saving message of the Good News was met with as many reactions as there are soils for seed. (See Luke...
HARRINGTON – Crisp air and a slight breeze lets one know that the seasons are changing as does the aroma of burning leaves in various piles about town. New fencing can be seen going up to enclose a yard, while trenches are being dug in other yards in an attempt to get these types of projects completed before the ground has a solid freeze upon it. Weather has been ideal for preparations of Christmas decorations, lights being raised, inflatables growing to full size and nativity scenes appearing before the Thanksgiving h...
DAVENPORT – If one doesn't mind freezing their tails off, there are several enjoyable spots for winter hunting and fishing in Lincoln County, even as temperatures begin to plummet and some animals go into hibernation. "By far" the most popular seasonal outdoor activity is fishing at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, Fish and Wildlife Officer Curt Wood said. He said the water bodies there don't typically freeze over, so ice fishing isn't always an option, but added that...
OLYMPIA — Gov. Jay Inslee unveiled a new cellphone-based coronavirus exposure notification system Monday. During an afternoon press conference, Inslee touted the new "WaNotify" application designed in corroboration with University of Washington, Google and Apple. The cellphone application is voluntary and uses Bluetooth technology to connect to other cellphones with the application. According to the governor, users who are within 6 feet of someone for 15 minutes who has the application and is reporting the viral infection v...
Public Hearing on Proposition No. 1 The City of Airway Heights will hold a public hearing Monday, December 7, 2020, at 5:30 p.m. for the purpose of receiving public comment on the following: Proposition No. 1- If approved, this proposition would provide that instead of the person elected to Council Position 1, acting as Chair (and ceremonial Mayor), the City Council Members shall, biennially, at the first meeting of the year choose the Chair (and ceremonial Mayor) of the new City Council as set forth in RCW...
DAVENPORT – The Lincoln County Public Works Department recently won a Best County Project from the Washington State Department of Transportation. Department Engineer Keith Martin said the county has the distinction of being the first-ever agency to win the award for an emergency relief funded project. The project repaired over 1,000 feet of road after a landslide in 2017. The project cost $6.5 million and was funded through a collaboration of state, federal and county d...
DAVENPORT – The state imposed Coronavirus restrictions are continuing to have an impact on the Davenport business community, including signaling an uncertain future for the Davenport Chamber of Commerce. Since March of this year, Gov. Jay Inslee has mandated restrictions on businesses to “slow the spread” of the coronavirus including mandating masks, limiting the number of customers who can be in a business and prohibiting indoor dining. Public meetings were also banned or limited to a certain number of attendees. The actio...
DAVENPORT – Sue Tebow is not a professor, a professional anthologist, or a university researcher but her daily work falls neatly in the lines of preserving culture as it is happening. Tebow, a blogger and ag advocate, has made it her mission for the last four years to write a story about someone in ag every day. As she chronicles the lives of farmers, ranchers, farm kids and hired hands, Tebow has been taking notes and snapping photos to create content for her website on t...
OLYMPIA – In an online meeting this week, Washington State House Republicans once again elected Representatives from Washington’s 7th Legislative District to serve in senior leadership positions within their caucus. Rep. Joel Kretz, R-Wauconda, was chosen to be Deputy Leader, a position he has held for the past 14 years. The Deputy Leader helps serve as a spokesperson for the caucus, monitors legislation through the committee process, meets with committee ranking members, helps set the caucus priorities and agenda, and mee...
COLVILLE – The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service announced in late October that it would be removing endangered species protections for wolves in the lower 48 states, essentially turning management of the predator fully to the state. The federal agency had listed wolves as endangered in much of Western Washington until the Oct. 29 announcement. As the state Department of Fish and Wildlife assumes the totality of the responsibility for wolves, with many of its action items s...
REARDAN – The school board approved a replacement educational programs and operations levy of $2.00 per $1,000 of assessed property value at its Nov. 18 meeting. The levy will go on the ballot for a vote Feb. 9, 2021. The three-year levy would be a decrease from the current rate of $2.08 per $1,000 of assessed property value. However, the $2.00 figure is an educated estimation detailing the total ask, which is what voters will be deciding on, according to school staff. The replacement levy, which would take over for the p...
Yes, Gov. Jay Inslee has issued new orders shutting down your favorite gym and movie theater, and limiting service at your favorite diner or watering hole. Yes, you’re directed to wear a mask when you go in public. And yes, there’s another run on toilet paper and paper towels (in some parts of our state). But it’s Thanksgiving. It’s time to count your blessings. You’re in America. You live in the greatest, most prosperous country the world has ever known. You have housing opportunities, electricity, running water and emplo...
REARDAN – Council unanimously passed Ordinance 181 concerning tax levy revenue at its Nov. 19 meeting. Property taxes will raise by 2.35% in town, pending filing of the Lincoln County Assessor’s Office. The town’s projected revenue of the levy raise would rise to $93,000 from $90,860, an increase of $2,140....
It's no secret that airlines and airplane manufacturers have been clobbered by the coronavirus pandemic. Particularly hard hit are international flights traditionally flown by jumbo jets. Borders are closed and people aren't flying. There is a small silver-lining. Just as restaurants started take-out service to survive, airlines are filling planes with freight. U.S. airlines are reeling from the pandemic and have lost more than $20 billion combined in the last two quarters....
Smith (Tolonen), Enza Mae – age 91 Enza passed peacefully away on November 18, 2020 at Odessa Memorial Healthcare Center in Odessa, WA. She was born November 10, 1929 to John and Naomi Mills and grew up in Almira, WA graduating from Almira High School in 1947. She is survived by daughter Sharon (Dave) Iverson - Taunya (Michael) VanPevenage – Peyton, Chase, Conner (Kirsten) – great-great granddaughter Hannah; Becky (Colin) Guhlke - Lexi and Palmer; Alyson (Travis) Willi...
GEISSLER, Echo E. - Age 92 Passed away Friday, November 13, 2020 in Wilbur, WA, his home Davenport, WA. Edward and Lena (Miller) Geissler brought their youngest child into the family home in Odessa, WA on February 16, 1928. In 1941 the family moved to Davenport, WA when Echo was 8 years old. He graduated from Davenport High School in 1946. Echo met his wife Phyllis Liggett, daughter of Ted & Mabel (Martin) Liggett from Spokane and they were married on November 25, 1950 and...
The Davenport Middle School 8th grade class spearheaded a donation drive for the district's annual support of KREM2 New's Treats 2 Troops program. Students in a variety of grades made cards to send holiday cheer and thank you messages to area soldiers stationed overseas during the holiday season....
OLYMPIA – As state leaders and legislators prepare to deal with a budget gap in 2021, members of Fish and Wildlife know cuts could be coming to their department, but exact cuts won’t be unknown until Gov. Jay Inslee’s budget is released. Fish and Wildlife spokesperson Staci Lehman and Officer Curt Wood, who monitors Lincoln County, both said budget cuts could be a reality due to lost revenue from shutdowns in spring 2020, but what those cuts would look like remains to be seen until the governor’s budget comes out and the sta...
Compiled by Georgia Smith The Times 70 Years ago November 23, 1950 Kays Debates in Vermont Tournament Darrel Kays, son of C.W Kays of Davenport, was a member of the George Washington University debate team which competed in the University of Vermont international tournament last week. Kays and his teammate defeated New York university, University of New Hampshire, Wesley university and Utica College of New York. Kays is majoring in foreign affairs at the university of Washington, D. C. Crow, Conrad Wed Sunday in a Cheney...