Sorted by date Results 1 - 18 of 18
The Odessa Lions Club Turkey Carnival, held last Saturday in the community center, was another successful venture for the service club that has been a fixture in Odessa for decades. This was, in fact, the 72nd Turkey Carnival in Odessa’s history. Businesses and individuals donated prizes for a raffle that, in addition to the bingo games played for turkeys, raised money for the club’s various civic and national projects. A “spin the wheel” game also allowed participants to win...
TransMessis Colombia Plateau, LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of TransMessis Renewable Energy, Inc., has announced that it had closed on an approximately $6 million restructuring of the integrated canola crushing and biodiesel production operation in Odessa. This restructuring includes an operating agreement on the physical plant with the Odessa Public Development Authority, investment in working capital to allow an immediate restart of production, and additional investment to allow an approximately three-fold increase in the...
Chambers of Commerce, governments, schools, libraries, PDAs, architects, real estate agents, banks, business owners and entrepreneurs were all represented at the 2013 Rural Pathways to Prosperity Conference in Odessa and all had the same goal – to learn how to build their entrepreneurial community. The November 15 conference was different from typical statewide conferences where everyone comes together in a single location. Instead, it used technology to simultaneously involve folks at 11 locations around the state, making i...
The Odessa School Board met on November 20 in a workshop prior to the regular board meeting to discuss the upcoming levy. The board approved the following: *submission of a Replacement Maintenance and Operation Levy to voters on February 11 at the same level ($698,000) at which it has run for the past five years. Due to increases in property values within the school district, the levy will cost homeowners $0.69 less per $1,000 assessed value than it did two years ago. *submission of a replacement Capital Projects Levy to...
Delbert and Delores Cook have been married for 64 years. I sat down in their immaculate home as we reminisced about their life together. Delbert has been a tireless worker all his life and did not retire from masonry work until he was in his mid-80s. Delores is a ball of energy, a sprite on her feet, a great "conversationalist" as her husband stated. In fact, he deferred to her during much of the interview because of her great recall of facts. He told me, "she knows my past...
Monday night’s town council meeting on November 25 brought a big smile to the face of Odessa mayor Doug Plinski, as he announced that the town had been approved to receive a grant in excess of $760,000 for the purpose of rebuilding the Fourth Avenue roadway. The town is expected to come up with $30,000 in matching funds. Hoping to combine the Fourth Avenue project with the already approved Fifth Avenue project to provide economy of scale, Plinski said all of the hard work o...
TransMessis Columbia Plateau LLC, the new tenant of the biodiesel production facility in Odessa, Wash., has lined up seed supply for the facility’s planned start-up in December, but the firm continues to scout for additional supply. “We’re always looking for seed,” Joel Edmonds, president of TransMessis Columbia Plateau, or TCP, told the Oil Price Information Service (OPIS) last week. As reported by OPIS, the Odessa Public Development Authority (OPDA), which is responsible for leasing the facility, announced last week th...
Odessa Lions Club Odessa Office Equipment Odessa Office equipment Leffel Otis Warwick Leffel Otis Warwick Dr. Michael Condon Wilbur Ellis, Odessa Odessa Trading Company Seth and Sandy Smith LL Customs Odessa Drug Carpenter, McGuire & DeWulf Odessa Union Warehouse Experience Quilts Ritzville Warehouse J.R.Newhouse/A.Schlimmer, CPA Schmidt Insurance Iverson Law Office Sky-High Storage Any Occasion Banquet Hall The Odessa Record The Odessa Record Hair Haus Bank of America Grannie BarBar Crab Creek Coffee Haus Eldridge...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Nov. 18: Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a 93-year-old woman experiencing "general sickness" and high blood pressure. A deputy responded to an alleged anti-harassment order violation involving two...
The Great Depression was at its peak as Christmas approached in 1930. Farmers hadn’t had much of a crop the preceding summer because of drought and dust storms, and what little wheat there was to sell was going for 36 cents a bushel. All the hardships, however, didn’t preclude the hopes and dreams of Christmas time. Thoughts of Santa filled the air. It reflects the mood of Odessa just before the holiday 83 years ago. With the beginning of the holiday season only five days away, the spirit of Christmas impregnates the air her...
White wheat cash markets firmed last week despite slightly lower futures and in the face of the Australian and Argentine wheat harvests. Export sales picked up with a total of 4.9 million bu in white wheat sales for the week ending November 15. Total wheat sales added up to 22.7 million bu, a sizeable increase from the previous four-week average. The world price for wheat remains firm, and there was even 2 million bu of soft red sold to Egypt last week. Wheat futures, on the other hand, remain in a narrow trading range at...
Sunday evening at 7 p.m., the Harrington United Methodist Church sponsored this year's annual community Thanksgiving service. Randy Behrens of the Harrington United Methodist Church opened the evening service with a welcome and the Thanksgiving Day Proclamation. This was followed by "Come Ye Thankful People Come". Tony Hamilton of the Community Church led in the Responsive Reading and the Lord's Prayer. An offering was taken for needs of local people. Unable to attend, Jo Gooley had volunteered to represent the Catholic Churc...
Mary Ann Burghard was born to Henry L. and Ruth Schafer on May 2, 1922 in Ritzville, Washington. She died of pancreatic cancer on November 19, 2103. Mary Ann was raised on the Packard farm and attended Ritzville schools graduating with top honors in 1940. The love of her life, Herb, started riding her school bus when she was in the 9th grade. Herb and Mary Ann were married on August 23, 1941 enjoying 72 years together. Herb and Mary Ann were proud to raise three children in Od...
Alexis Taylor Hodge was born at Kadlec Medical Center in Richland, Washington on October 8, 2013 weighing in at 4 pounds 15 ounces and 17 inches. Hodge is the daughter of Jonathon and Shannon Hodge of Kennewick. Grandparents include Kevin and Brenda Blair of Davenport and Gary and Kristi Finck of Odessa. Paternal great-grandparents include Stanley Banks of Spokane and Michael and Cecelia Hodge of Kihei, Hawaii. Maternal great-randparents include Curtis Finck, Ramona and Earl...
Thanks for the newspaper. I especially appreciate the Harrington news. I was born in Odessa and graduated from Harrington High School. Thanks! Lorna Williams Olympia...
We all know the basic medical facts: we should make healthy choices about what we eat and incorporate exercise into our busy lives. Most of the science of weight loss matches common sense. But it's also true that more and more Americans are overweight or obese. As a nation, we are losing the battle of the bulge. How then can we motivate ourselves to address our ever-growing weight problem? Recently published results from a study funded by Weight Watchers grabbed some...
To the Editor: Each day that passes sees Obama’s second term becoming more tattered. His worldwide clout is rapidly diminishing and that hurts the trade prospects and defense of the United States. The thirty-eight markets on the Pacific Rim and the European Union aren’t about to give trade concessions when they know that congress could rewrite a prospective deal. The constitution empowers the president to propose and negotiate agreements with foreign countries but congress can vote them down. All of these potential tra...
I've been thinking about Christmas lately. That's right. Not even Thanksgiving yet, and I'm thinking about Christmas. This is so unlike me. All I can do is claim that this uncharacteristic behavior is down to undue influence by the television. I'm pretty sure some of the Christmas advertising began before Halloween, but it wasn't quite as obnoxious then as it is fast becoming. I apologize for that sentence. Blame it on the media. So, anyway. I was sitting in my living room...