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Well here we are again, fast approaching the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus. As we do, I know that most of us know and understand the true meaning of the season. I say "most of us" because there are some of our younger children that are still caught up in the picture of Christmas that the world would paint for us. All the hustle and bustle of the shopping in the malls, the excitement of going to grandma's house for dinner, the family traditions that we so look forward to each year. As I even...
Christmas and fruitcake seem inseparable. Some people love fruitcake, and others loathe the hefty loaves of candied fruit and nut-laden cake. The best fruitcakes feature just enough batter to hold the mixture together, and a lengthy soak in rum never hurts either. Some years ago, Claudia Schorzman of Spokane Valley shared her recipe for Mincemeat Fruit Cake, a somewhat lighter version, baked in wide mouth pint jars. The presentation makes delightful Christmas gifts. Mincemeat Fruit Cake 2 1/2 cups all-purpose flour 1 tsp...
INCIDENT LOG Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Nov. 25: Reardan emergency and Davenport ambulance personnel responded to the 400 block of East Cottonwood Avenue in Reardan to assist a 50-year-old man with a leg laceration. Lincoln Hospital personnel...
The Odessa Record of December 1924, in a report headlined “Holiday Season Is Drawing Near,” told of brisk sales in stores, the free distribution of Christmas trees and plans for church programs. With the moderation of the weather during the past week, which has made it so warm that the puddles in the streets did not freeze last night, one can hardly realize that the holiday season is so close at hand. Merchants report that Christmas buying started early and that business has been good, so it is up to people who want to get...
Senior Kaeli Shockley, daughter of Summer Clark and Charles Shockley of Harrington, has been nominated as Titan AOW in girls basketball by Coach Kim Kruger. He states that she has been working diligently at her basketball skills in the off-season and has not missed a practice. She has shown a lot of improvement since last year and should be a great contributor to the team....
Tyler was born October 29, 2013, to Michael and Katy (Nelson) Ordway in Spokane. He weighed nice pounds, and was 20.5 inches long. The family resides in Spokane. Katy is the daughter of Dennis Nelson and Deanna Nelson. Maternal great-grandparents are Dolores and the late Bill Graedel of Odessa. Paternal great-grandparents are Carole Nelson and Russ Wilson of Pahrump, Nev. Michael is the son of Frank and Tammy Williams of Moses Lake. Paternal great-grandparents are Ben and...
The annual Christmas party co-hosted by the Odessa and Canniwai Granges will occur Friday, December 13, at 7 p.m. at the Old Town Hall in Odessa. This year's party will not include dinner, but will be a social event including coffee and dessert. Donations to the Odessa Food Bank are encouraged. As always, the group will review activities over the past year and will round off the evening with some Christmas carols....
To the Editor: President Obama does have heart! He sneaked the Affordable Care Act past the hard-fighting Republicans with the help of some almost unbelievable circumstances. He did this by taking affordable insurance away from the majority of Americans who had chosen their policies to fit their needs. He did this so that a small minority of people could have insurance. I have not heard one person utter the question about how many of these people are American citizens. Thus we come to the reason I think makes the case for bel...
The federal shutdown in October generated one dubiously positive result: it helped to lift the state’s unemployment rate enough to reactivate nine weeks of long-term unemployment benefits that were shut off in August. Currently in Washington, jobless workers can claim up to 54 weeks of unemployment benefits, including 26 weeks of regular, state-paid benefits and 28 weeks of federally funded emergency unemployment compensation (EUC). Nationwide, EUC is paid in a series of four tiers. All states qualify for tier 1, but tiers 2...
When I was a younger and more sprightly woman, I spent part of my life investigating unusual hot springs in rural California. They were salty and quite stinky springs out in the middle of nowhere, and several of them occurred right in the center of an old gold-laced mercury deposit. No one was actively mining the small area where the springs are found – there just wasn’t enough ore to make the project economic. But the rocks of the location had small veins of chalcedony, cal...
The annual Quilt Club Christmas Dinner was held last night. This event has been going on for more years than I've lived here, and for those of us with the quilting bug, it's a lot of fun. Not to mention a pretty darn good meal. We visit, play games, eat, exchange "fat quarters" by means of another game, eat dessert, show off our "Christmas Challenge" entries, exchange Secret Sister gifts and show off the quilts we've completed or are working on.. As I said, it's a lot of fun....
Premiums for workers’ compensation insurance next year will increase for the first time in three years, the Department of Labor and Industries (L&I) has announced. The average 2.7 percent rate increase for 2014 premiums is an increase of less than two cents per hour worked. This modest increase in rates is part of a long-term plan to ensure steady and predictable rates by benchmarking against wage inflation,” said L&I Director Joel Sacks. “It will also help to gradually rebuild the workers’ comp reserves.” Noting that the...
The December Agricultural Survey and County Agricultural Production Survey (CAPS) conducted by the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) are designed to obtain crucial year-end production information that is important for producers, suppliers, bankers, and grain elevator operators. These surveys ask producers to provide information on their planted acres, harvested acres, yields, total levels of production for specific commodities, and the quantities of grains and oilseeds stored on-farm. The results of t...
Thirty-six people attended the third annual community Thanksgiving dinner last week at the Old Town Hall in Odessa. The dinner is sponsored by the Odessa Masonic lodge members who provide the turkey for the feast. Organizer and turkey cook Lise Ott reported that the "pot-luck" meal was delicious as always, but that a couple of people were taken aback when no potatoes arrived. Diners included a number of single individuals, but also families and groups of friends. Games of...
As state and national STEM standards continue to evolve, so must our methods for teaching science, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). At Odessa High School, one of the research models is a year-long course entitled Advanced STEM Research (or ASR as the students call it). The new ASR motto is: Science and engineering are verbs, not nouns! For those new to the community, ASR is an elective science course where students create, conduct, and present unique student-driven STEM research. Students engaging in ASR make...
The year 2013 will mark the 22nd anniversary of the Worcester Wreath Company donating Maine wreaths to adorn the headstones of the Nation’s veterans at Arlington National Cemetery. In addition to wreaths destined for Arlington, Worcester Wreath will again donate seven ceremonial wreaths to over 570 state, national and local cemeteries across the country, including the Washington State Veteran’s Cemetery in Medical Lake. Our goal is to one day see every veteran’s grave in the country covered to honor every veteran during the h...
State Senator Mark Schoesler (9th District) and Representative Judy Warnick (13th District) were awarded Honorary Life Memberships by the Columbia Basin Development League during their conference and annual meeting held in Moses Lake last month. Clark Kagele, a League board member said that, “Legislators from the 9th and 13th Districts provided the leadership to get the job done and worked to secure the largest state investment ever in Project infrastructure. Schoesler, the Senate Republican Leader, and Warnick, the then r...