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SUPERIOR COURT John F. Strohmaier, Judge New Criminal Cases Jason J. McClure, Monney Lake, 41, charged with possession of a controlled substance other than marijuana, in connection to an incident on Mar. 13, 2019, in which a state trooper alleges he found a bag of a white powdery substance on the defendant’s person. The sample was sent to Washington State Patrol laboratory in Cheney and was found to be methamphetamine on Sep. 9, 2019. The report was received by the Ritzville office of the WSP on Oct. 4. Charges were filed o...
INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Dec. 2: A Superior Court employee advised she has received some odd emails. Staff at a Wilbur apartment complex reported a trespasser. Lincoln County Public Works reported a traffic collision on Miles. A possible brea...
1 years ago The Odessa Record December 14, 1919 News updates: Temperatures dropped to 25 degrees below zero, the coldest on record since Jan. 19, 1913, when it dropped to 19 below. The government order to cut down train service will not effect the locals operating on the Great Northern, company officials state. Increases in wages from $10 to $20 a month has been approved for the Odessa teachers. Edwin A. Zabel, former Odessa boy who has been superintendent of schools at Frazier, Idaho, will give a poetic recital here this...
[Editor’s note: Pat Gamache of Odessa continues the story of his dealings with the medical profession and battles with addiction and illness. His earlier submission ran in the 2019 issues of October 10, 17 and 24.] I saw a doctor (not here) about a chronic sinusitis issue from my head injuries, and asked him to explain to me why my antibiotics had made a big improvement to my pain level, digestive issues and more. What I got was the addiction stigma and the “you’re a walking dead person” attitude. He questioned all the med...
MILLS, Gary Mervin – (age 85) passed away on November 26, 2019 in Odessa, Washington. Gary was born August 16, 1934 at Odessa to Herbert and Dorothy Mills. A Celebration of Life service will be announced and held at a later date. The family has asked that memorial contributions be sent to Quail Court Assisted Living, 506 Amende Street, Odessa WA 99159. Arrangements are under the direction of Strate Funeral Home, Davenport, Wash....
To the Editor: Nigerian Christians celebrate Christmas in special ways. If possible, most return to the village of their ancestors, even those living abroad. Beginning early on Christmas Day, goats are brought to slaughter, and then the cooking and feasting begins. Children are all around, and there is a competition among grandmothers as to which “compound” is the noisiest, i.e., has the most people returning for the celebration. The day is spent attending church, feasting, visiting, discussing and arguing various top...
The Odessa Tigers defeated the Naselle Comets December 7 at Mt. Tahoma Stadium in Tacoma by a score of 80 to 26. Odessa built its commanding lead in the first half (54-6 at half time), then eased up somewhat in the second half. Od 32 22 16 10 80 Nas 0 6 14 6 26 Odessa quarterback Camden Weber was back in action after missing a few games due to an injury. Jett Nelson, who had stepped up as QB while Weber was injured and capably led the Tigers through the playoffs was the starti...
The Odessa Tiger football team completed their second consecutive unbeaten season to retain the 1B traveling trophy. For the senior boys especially, it was the culmination of an unbroken string of victories that had them pumped up for every game despite knowing that the eight-man, small-school league offered them very little real competition. The cheer squad was also with them all the way, encouraging fan support all season long. For local fans who have watched these kids...
As I walked into the community center on Wednesday, December 4, you could feel the Christmas spirit at the door. The room was filled with vendors from near and far. If you were looking to find that perfect Christmas gift or special treat, it was probably there. DJ "Sparkly Joyce" was on the mixer playing all of my favorite Christmas tunes with a grin from ear to ear. Her helper, Pastor Jon, was flying higher and faster than Rudolph himself, flitting all around the stage,...
HOHS The Harrington Opera House Society met in the Art Room on December 2 for their monthly meeting. Attending were Billie Herron, Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Becky Moeller, Karen Robertson and Ellen Evans. Minutes and financial reports were given. Various building projects were discussed. The lobby door is being worked on. The railing for the east lobby staircase is being engineered to deal with the soft brick on that wall. The purchase of a defibrillator is being reviewed. The...
The December 10 meeting of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce at noon in the public library was by far more sparsely attended than last month’s meeting at which several guests were present. Nevertheless, the members who were present Tuesday voted to adopt the proposed budget for 2020, which provided for conservative estimates for the coming year based on the past three year’s worth of actual values for each line item. Desert 100: Contact Chamber president Zach Schafer at 509-279-9870 about providing food at the 50th ann...
Fraudulent bomb threats drive vulnerable and unsuspecting to website Olympia, Washington - Late Monday afternoon, the Washington State Patrol (WSP) became aware that a WSP-associated phone number is being “spoofed” and fraudulent bomb threats are being made with voicemail instructions to go to a suspicious website in an apparent scam attempt. Multiple law enforcement agencies across the state have received calls from citizens regarding the message. There is no indication that these calls reflect any actual threat, but in an a...
The Odessa School District and its Ag Shop have received a $16,879.33 grant from the Washington FFA Foundation. Odessa agriculture teacher HaLee Walter and school Superintendent Dan Read applied for the WaFFA Foundation grant in hopes of being able to replace older shop equipment. The grant was available to CASE-certified teachers who currently teach or will teach CASE courses. Since Walter became CASE-certified in agriculture foods and natural resources in 2016, she was able to apply for this grant. The items that have been...
The Lincoln County Health Department has joined a statewide effort to educate the public about legislation changing the age at which tobacco and vaping products can be sold to younger members of the public. As part of its work to protect kids and teens from smoking and vaping, the Lincoln County Health Department reminds the public that Engrossed House Bill 1074 goes into effect on January 1, 2020, when it will become illegal to sell tobacco and vapor products to anyone under age 21. “Young people in Washington are in the m...