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Jess Walter is a bestselling author from Spokane, and his latest book, The Cold Millions, will further demonstrate his prowess as a weaver of beautiful plot and captivating characters. The books title refers to all those folks who live just beyond the edges of polite and high society; the drifters, the riders of the rail and folks looking to move on from a previous life. The title also plays on the dramatic difference in wealth among those who happen to come into control of resources and the chilling effect those riches take...
At the moment, I’m looking at a blank page, wondering what I was thinking when I volunteered to do this. After all, there’s a pandemic going on (whether you want to admit it or not) and there are enough restrictions on gatherings to make it problematic to schedule any. The first thing I must do is apologize to everyone who missed the Christmas tree lighting at Old Town Hall. It was completely my fault that the event was not publicized adequately. I will own that and promise to...
Continued from Dec. 3, 2020 Editor’s note: The previous installment ended with the arrival of 17 Volga-German families to the Ritzville area from Russia. Please also note a correction: The County Line Church is located in Adams County, not Lincoln County. This pioneer group’s journey was a serendipitous one with multiple stops along the way. They left their home-villages of Kolb, Frank and Walter in 1878 and traveled to Hamburg, Germany where they boarded the SS Wieland bound for the United States. Their destination at thi...
Soon, many area kitchens will be bustling with week-before-Christmas preparations. Company may be coming, kids home from college and you need something for the breakfast crowd. Ground Beef Strata, a recipe I developed, is a breakfast-type casserole that can be made ahead to be ready for baking in the morning. With an hour and a half baking time, set it to bake before present-opening time if a brunch following is in your plans. Ground Beef Strata 1-1 1/2 pounds lean ground...
Date H L Rain Snow December 9 42 27 T 0 December 10 30 28 0 0 December 11 33 25 T 0 December 12 30 23 0.06 0.7 December 13 26 24 T T December 14 30 25 0.07 0.9 December 15 29 26 0 0 December precipitation: 0.25...
ODESSA – The latest cash grain market in Odessa shows Soft White Wheat, bushel is at $5.64. White Club, bushel at 5.89. Hard Red Winter, bushel at $6.16. Dark Northern Spring, bushel is at $5.93. Barley at $130 per ton and Triticale at $135 per ton....
TOLYMPIA – On Monday, Dec. 14, Secretary of State Kim Wyman presided over Washington’s 2020 Electoral College. The state’s 12 electors cast ballots for Joseph R. Biden for president and Kamala D. Harris for vice president, both of whom won the popular vote in the Nov. 3 General Election. The Electoral College vote was held in the Legislative building in Olympia, which is not open to the public. To ensure public health and safety, and in adherence to health guidelines, attendance was limited to the electors and alter...
Odessa High School math teacher Travis Schuh joins in the fun as the school celebrates holiday spirit week prior to starting its two-week winter break....
ODESSA – At Monday night’s final meeting of the Odessa Town Council in 2020, it was announced that Town Marshal Brent Dell has handed in his resignation, loaded up his belongings and headed for the Las Vegas area, where a new job awaits. It is also where his elderly mother lives, a fact that entered into his decision to make the move, according to Odessa Mayor Bill Crossley. Officer Les Jimerson is now the acting marshal and will be sworn in as the new town marshal in January, Crossley announced. After the holidays, the tow...
Birthdays & Anniversaries (taken from the Odessa High School band calendar) Birthdays for Dec. 20: Ryan Floch(†), Vicki Davison, Kristen Sebesta, Joshua Pitts, Lois Luiten(†), Bud Largent, Kaylene James, Margaret Praetorius, Dean Carpenter, Kim Schmidt(†). Dec. 21: Katy Nelson, Amber Hink. Dec. 22: Mel Jantz, Leanna Schafer, Gerry King. Dec. 23: Brandon Nelson, Branden Samuel, Brittney Jones, Zoe Reninger. Dec. 24: Roxy Grall. Dec. 25: Jena Meise. Dec. 26: Candace Pitts. Anniversaries for Dec. 21: Jeanie & David Rardi...
WILBUR – Doxie's Diner in Wilbur announced on Facebook this week that they are open for in-person seating, as well as providing takeout options. The restaurant is one of many businesses pushing back against Gov. Jay Inslee's ongoing mandate to close restaurants, gyms, bars and other establishments until Jan. 4. Governor Inslee's closure order, which originally started in March 2020, is only 86 days away from its one year anniversary of forcing businesses to close, ordering t...
DAVENPORT – Christmas can be a difficult time for children who have been separated from their families, but a ranch with a special connection to Davenport is ensuring many children have a home for the holidays. Morning Star Boys' Ranch, a non-profit foster home located near the Southhill of Spokane, provides a unique foster home environment for boys 6 to 13 ½ years old. The ranch is located on property donated by Davenport resident Mrs. Anna Heckett in 1956. The d...
DAVENPORT – A package of changes to the Washington State Brand Department’s fee structure last year have not helped to solve the department’s cash flow issues, despite cost increases to producers. In a report to the legislature this fall, brand department officials noted that projections made during the 2019 legislative session have not been realized and fee increases have not helped to level the department’s budget. The brand department, which started the fiscal year 2020 with an account balance of $77, anticipates being b...
HARRINGTON – As part of an effort to support ranchers in Lincoln County after the Whitney fire this summer, local business Ag Swag recently sold 14 dozen hats with the slogan "Log it, graze it or watch it burn." The proceeds from the hats, totaling over $2,000, will be donated to the Lincoln County Cattlemen's Association. Owner Julie Jacobsen said she was encouraged by the hat sales and the message they shared. "Thank you to all that supported this effort! We started with 2...
On Dec. 18, 1917, Congress proposed the 18th Amendment, which would later make it illegal to make, buy, sell or drink alcohol. Two years later, after ratification Jan. 16, 1919, prohibition became the law of the land. For nearly 14 years, Americans who wanted to have an adult beverage were forced underground. They danced, dined, drank and gambled in what became known as a “speakeasy.” Law enforcement and other public employees often knew about their clandestine watering hol...
On Feb. 29, 2020, Gov. Jay Inslee proclaimed a state of emergency due to the COVID-19 coronavirus. With this unknown and highly contagious virus, most folks agreed with his precautionary measures. His reasoning was to protect and not overwhelm the health care system and keep our people alive and healthy. He shut down most of our economy, allowing only "essential" businesses to operate and told everyone to stay home and protect themselves. Unfortunately, we are once again deali...
In my family, tradition is king when it comes to Christmas. Whether it's eating donuts and drinking hot chocolate (or "special" hot chocolate, when you turn 21) while decorating the tree or watching Tom Hanks play 748 roles in "The Polar Express" at 6 a.m. on Christmas Day (that tradition died when everyone became a teenager), part of the allure of the holidays is its reliable traditions. But sometimes, finding new traditions or trying new things is good practice for the holid...
Names come in all shapes and sizes. Some people are named after ancestors who came before them, a special friend, or sometimes after a random item like a tree. They can be spelled in a traditional way or have various letters added to make a unique creation that follows that person throughout their life. In all circumstances, names have history that can tell a story unique to that person, place, or thing. The communities of Lincoln County are no exception to this rule and all...
7 YEARS AGO DECEMBER 14TH, 1950 LETTER TO SANTA FROM DAVENPORT CHILDREN No Christmas is complete until all the kids have written their letter to Santa for their Christmas wish list Dear Santa Claus: I would like a doctor set and a little doll that can coo. Your friend, Kay Salter Dear Santa: I am just putting a few thing that I want. Medel airplanes, diesel electric train and a b-b gun, poo; table, wood burning set, ice and plastic Ikes (?) This is all, Richard Tye Dear Santa: Please bring me a pair of cowboy boots. Your...
The staff of the Davenport Times wants to wish you a Merry Christmas and a wonderful holiday season. In the spirit of giving, we wanted to share our favorite Christmas cookie recipes with you: From Georgia Smith, Front Office and Advertising Representative: A few years ago my family wanted me to find a new Christmas cookie to try. I decided to try the “Italian Ricotta Christmas cookie.”. I was unsure of Ricotta Cheese in a cookie, but decided to give it a try. They are wonderful light, sweet and fluffy. One of our fam...
Jeffrey Dean Knutson (54) moved onto his next adventure in Heaven on December 5, 2020, after a courageous battle with cancer. He was born to Timothy and Marla Knutson on March 28, 1966, in Kenmare, ND. In his younger years in Spokane, WA, Jeff played hard with his three brothers and loved spending summers on the family farm in ND. He attended Northwest Christian School and made lifelong friends there. Jeff joined the United States Marine Corps in 1986 and served his country...
HARRINGTON – Through the effort of many community members, the residents in the City of Harrington have the option to enjoy the holiday season by driving through town to admire Christmas lights on homes and businesses. Visitors and locals alike can enjoy a "tour of lights" in Harrington outlined on a map available at local businesses. In addition, the Harrington Lions Club is sponsoring a Christmas Lighting and Decoration contest that runs until Dec. 19. Cash prizes of $100 f...
NOTE TO READERS: Due to ongoing computer system issues at Lincoln County, The Times only has limited access to public records at this time. Our coverage will resume as normal when computer access has been restored. INCIDENT LOG Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. NO...
COULEE DAM – Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area invites you to come and enjoy the great outdoors no matter the season. With reduced staffing and resources during the winter, facilities and services are limited. Due to COVID-19 restrictions, camping is only available in the Kettle Falls, Fort Spokane, and Spring Canyon campgrounds during the 2020-2021 winter season. Campsites are limited to: Kettle Falls: loop 1 Fort Spokane: loop 1 Spring Canyon: lower loop Reservations are still required but can be made in advance or f...
Compiled by Drew Lawson for The Times This week saw more wins, losses, COVID-19 cancellations and unexpected circumstances take place for local sports teams. Perhaps the strangest COVID-related occurrence occurred in the PAC-12, when the Washington Huskies had to withdraw from the PAC-12 football championship due to rising case numbers. They were replaced by the Oregon Ducks, who will take on USC in the title game Friday, while other PAC-12 schools will play regular season gam...