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Articles from the December 20, 2018 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 11 of 11


    Updated Jan 4, 2019

    Lincoln County Treasurer Joanne M. Swanson (Stackhouse), Everett, Wash., to Patricia A. Williams, Spangle – property at 301 Maxwell Street, Davenport (east half of Lot 4 and all of Lot 5, Blk. 9, Original Town of Davenport), $0. C. Marie Gettmann, Ritzville, to C.C. Corinthian LLC, Ritzville – property at 3219 Downs Road North (portion of Sec. 27, T22N, R35E, portions of Sec. 18 and 19, T21N, R35E), $0. Thelma C. Fischer, Spokane Valley, to Alex McMickle, Chattaroy, Wash. – Lot 1, Fischer Short Plat, $32,000. Michael A. an...


    Updated Jan 4, 2019

    Dan B. Johnson, Judge Editor’s note: These reports are based on forms filled out by the presiding judge during court sessions and subsequently reviewed by the newspaper. Ryan J. Frick, Odessa, driving while license suspended, $293 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation. Mary-Ann Metcalfe, Spokane, speeding (52 mph over limit), $250 penalty; open alcohol container in vehicle, $105. Manuel Maximino Perez, Spokane, fail to renew expired vehicle registration, $140. Tyson Linstrum, Davenport, fail to stop or yield e... Full story


    Updated Jan 4, 2019

    Editor’s note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column. Monday, Dec. 10: A semi-truck slid from the westbound lanes of Interstate 90 near Sprague into the eastbound lanes, jackknifed and partially blocked a lane of traffic. Emergency personnel were sent to a mobile home on Scroggie Roa... Full story

  • Santa letters and replies continued

    Updated Jan 4, 2019

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  • Letters to Santa and replies from the Elves

    Updated Jan 3, 2019

    Some of the children of P.C. Jantz grade school wrote letters to Santa and received replies from Santa's elves.... Full story

  • Super tasty, homemade from scratch, gift ideas

    Laura Estes|Updated Jan 3, 2019

    Gifts from the kitchen lend a personal touch when shared with family and friends. Homemade and from scratch recipes make gifts and events more festive. Eggnog, a traditional holiday beverage, is a cut above when homemade. It takes some forethought, as the base must be made and chilled at least four hours before serving time, but the end result is well worth the extra planning. Holiday Eggnog 12 large eggs 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar 1/2 tsp salt 2 quarts whole milk 1 cup... Full story

  • Tiger boys jump out to 4-0 winning streak in BB

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby|Updated Jan 3, 2019

    The Tiger boys got off to a great start this basketball season, with only Almira-Coulee-Hartline providing any serious competition for the 2018-2019 squad. Results for the first four games got to The Record very late, so we have scrambled to compile the stats for you as best we could. ACH Odessa 1 8 2 4 15 ACH 14 9 20 12 55 See Dyanne Deering’s article on the details of the ACH game. Columbia (Hunters) The Tigers played Columbia on Friday, December 14, running up a c... Full story

  • Harrington news Chapel to hold another hymn sing; council adopts 2019 budget

    Marjorie Womach|Updated Jan 3, 2019

    Rocklyn Zion Chapel The December Hymn Sing at the Rocklyn Zion Chapel will be Dec. 28 at 6 p.m. and is “an old-fashioned Christmas” with a live Christmas tree lit with real candles, prayer by Pastor Kim Kruger, singing for everyone, a message by Mary Mendenhall, a men’s quartet and Santa with children’s activities. Just as the church has in its long past, the traditional treat bags of nuts and candy will be given out and refreshments will follow the service. City Council The Harrington City Council met Dec. 12 at city ha... Full story

  • Crossley-Ryder nuptials celebrated December 8

    Updated Jan 3, 2019

    Alyssa Ryder and Kolby Crossley were married December 8, 2018 at Falls Event Center in McMinnville, Oregon. Tim Coley, a dear friend of the bride and groom, officiated the ceremony. The bride is the daughter of Byron and Robin Ryder of Ridgefield, Wash. The groom is the son of Bill and Christine Crossley of Odessa. The bride's sister, Chenae Horne, served as maid of honor, while Easton Crossley served as best man for his brother. Bridal attendants included friends of the... Full story

  • OHS squares off against ACH and wins by a hair

    Dyanne Deering|Updated Jan 3, 2019

    The season opener for the OHS Tigers kept spectators on the edges of their seats. Just a week after winning the 1B football championship against Almira-Coulee-Hartline, many of the same boys fulfilled their practice hours and suited up to face the Warriors again. The Tigers were able to overthrow the Warriors with a final score of 60 to 59. ACH 8 20 19 12 59 Odessa 19 12 15 14 60 The Tigers came in full force and were ahead in the first quarter 19-8. The Warriors were able to come back in the second quarter with 20 point to... Full story

  • Food bank director appreciates generosity

    Updated Jan 3, 2019

    Odessa Food Bank director Merleen Smith was very happy with the help she received in collecting, organizing and distributing donated food over the Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays. Students in the Odessa chapter of the National Honor Society, under the direction of their advisor Lindsy Starkel, generously volunteered their time in preparing and delivering the Odessa Food Bank’s baskets for the two holidays. The food bank is sponsored by the Odessa Community Ministerial Association. These students came ready to work and s...