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“As the new 4-H and FFA year is starting again it is time to consider the Farm Service Agency to financially assist in 4-H and FFA youth loan projects,” says Libby Anderson, Farm Loan Manager. “Every year we are grooming a great group of potential farmers for the future and exposing them to their first dealings with credit, financial management and financial responsibility.” FSA has established a great network with local 4-H and FFA leaders, schools, local fairs, auctioneers and other to make this a successful program...
The Odessa School Board held a workshop in the school district office prior to the regular board meeting January 27 for the purpose of discussing facilities issues. Present were superintendent Dan Read, principal Nelson, board chairman Ed Deife, board members Heather Valverde, Roland Singer, Chris Crossley and Janie Steward and facilities director Justin Parr. When the board held its regular meeting in the school library, school district business manager Juli Weishaar and Odessa Record reporter Terrie Schmidt-Crosby were...
City Council An energetic but focused 26-year-old Mayor Dillon Haas opened his first city council meeting, the first city council meeting ever to have such a youthful man at the helm in Harrington. Preparations for the meeting included rearranging the seating, with the council members lined up on the far side of the table facing the audience and the new mayor sitting at the west end. The city clerk swore in Justin Slack at City Council Position #3, followed by the swearing in...
The Odessa School Board met December 16 in the high school library. Prior to the public meeting, the board held a workshop in the district office for the purpose of conducting an applicant interview for Board Director Position #1. Attending were Superintendent Dan Read, Ed Deife, Heather Valverde, Joe Schlomer, Chris Crossley and Janie Steward. The public meeting was chaired by Ed Deife, with board members Heather Valverde, Joe Schlomer and Chris Crossley present, as well as...
Herschel Leslie Heimbigner passed away peacefully in his sleep Wednesday, December 2. He was 93. Hersh was born on the family wheat farm just west of Ritzville on December 7, 1921. After graduating from Ritzville High he left for Cheney with an interest in industrial arts, but his plans were interrupted by World War II. He served in the 1st Battalion, 148th Infantry Regiment, 37th Division, Company B, seeing action in Guadalcanal, Bougainville, Luzon and Manila. He earned the...
Harrington Christmas bazaar And what to my amazement was all that commotion and clatter; I rose from my seat and raced into the streets to see what was the matter. Sirens, more and louder sirens, closer and faster, as though the whole city were in a disaster. No Prancer, no Dixon, but oh, what a sight; Santa hanging on to the rear of the fire engine so tight. Children were rushing to see who was coming, and before long Santa was taking his seat in the opera house lobby....
On Thanksgiving morning, the doors of the Harrington Memorial Hall were opened to the community for a time of celebrating a multitude of blessings through music and song. Food preparers began as early as 8:30 a.m. The worship team of the Harrington Community Church and spontaneous volunteers from the community alternated and played from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. which included Sheryl Stedman on the piano, John Larsen on the banjo, Dillon Haas on guitar and piano, Steve and Rebecca...
On November 18, superintendent Dan Read; principal Jamie Nelson; board chair Ed Deife; board members Heather Valverde, Joe Schlomer and Roland Singer and board member-elect Chris Crossley met in the school district office at 6:30 p.m. to review board policies and procedures and to discuss both the maintenance and operations and capital projects levy resolutions. This workshop was followed by an open meeting of the Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 in the high school library at 7 p.m., with the same...
Windstorm Winds had been predicted to range near 65 mph on Tuesday and with that intensity Harrington was fortunate to have only minor damages to homes with roofing being the major complaint. One homeowner reported a limb lying on his roof. Dust was thick in the air all day, sometimes resembling dense fog. In the downtown business district, signs and awnings were challenged, with only one awning sent to the ground. The newly fixed roof on the former Harrington Haus was seen flapping in the wind all across the west end of the...
The Odessa Community Center will be filled with vendors next Wednesday, December 2, for the annual kickoff to the local holiday shopping season, Christmas Fest. The doors will open at 10 a.m. and will stay open all day until 7 p.m. Handcrafted items that will be for sale include blankets, crocheted towels, wooden ornaments, LED angels, hooded bath towels, earrings, ornaments, miscellaneous crocheted and handsewn items, wooden decorations, aprons, Christmas decor, knitted hats, scarves and baby clothes, Christmas accessories,...
Members of the Odessa FFA chapter competed in the Washington State FFA Potato Career Development Event at the Grant County Fairgrounds last Friday. This was the first of the state competitions that took place this year. Members judged 100 potatoes to determine whether they were a #1 quality, #2 quality or a cull potato. They also judged seed potatoes, identified blemishes of potatoes and gave oral reasons to the judge to determine the grade of each of 10 potatoes, based on the standards for potatoes, within a short...
Harrington Opera House Society The Harrington Opera House Society met for its monthly and annual meetings Monday, November 2, with Mark and Sheryl Stedman, Gordon and Billie Herron, Carol, Ed Haugan, Linda Wagner, Bonnie and Mike Hardy, Dillon Haas, Stephen and Becky Hardy, Shelly Quigley, Karen Robertson and Marge Womach present. They reviewed the highlights of the Community Organizations Meeting, Harrington Happenings, with many positive comments about how well the sharing of project information is working. It was reported...
The Board of Directors of Odessa School District #105 met in the high school library Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 7 p.m. The board held a workshop in the district office at 6:30 p.m. to review board policies and procedures, attended by superintendent Dan Read, principal Jamie Nelson, board chairman Ed Deife and board members Heather Valverde and Joe Schlomer. Board members Marcus Horak and Roland Singer were absent. In personnel matters, the board approved contracts for Elle...
The Odessa FFA chapter’s annual Halloween Carnival was held October 31, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Odessa Community Center, with old games, new games and lots of fun for young and old. After the carnival closed, most of the crowd headed out to canvass the neighborhoods of Odessa for sweet treats. Despite the rain, reports were received that there were plenty of trick-or-treaters out knocking on doors. FFA members stayed at the community center to have their own dinner of hamburgers or hotdogs and to then clean up the facility a...
Odessa FFA Chapter reporter The Odessa FFA chapter will hold its annual Halloween Carnival October 31, 2015, from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Odessa Community Center. The event is to support the FFA chapter with funding and to provide an event for community members. Community members of all ages are welcome to come to the Halloween Carnival. Come and enjoy food at the concession stand while the kids play the carnival games. Games back by popular demand are golf, pumpkin darts and football toss, along with activities such as cookie...
Odessa's trapshooting teams placed first and fourth at the first FFA trapshoot in the state of Washington on October 3, 2015. Shooters on the Odessa 1 team were Max Greenwalt, Caleb Singer, Lane Lobe and Jakob Starkel. Shooters on the Odessa 2 team were Theron Schlomer, Danielle Tebow, Rochelle Schuh and Kiegan Wehr. MVPs of the shoot were Max Greenwalt as the second-best shooter overall, Rochelle Schuh as the best female shooter and Lane Lobe as the winner of the Bushwhacker...
At its regularly scheduled meeting September 23, 2015, the Odessa School Board met in the high school library to learn the good news from principal Jamie Nelson that new students have continued to enroll since the start of school, bringing the current head count to 229 students. After several years of declining enrollment, this was welcome news to the school and community. Board workshop Superintendent Dan Read, Principal Jamie Nelson, board chair Ed Deife, and board members Heather Valverde, Marcus Horak and Roland Singer...
Department Name City Entry Award Booths Cub Scouts Pack 764 Davenport Boy Scout Exhibit Best of Show Reardan FFA Davenport FFA Exhibit Blue Davenport FFA Davenport FFA Exhibit Blue Lincoln Ct Fair Royalty Education Display Blue Patra Canfield Davenport Bluestem Grange 1st Place Rory Wintersteen Davenport Lincoln County Recycling Winner-Vendor Posters Alex Bruce Harr FFA Poster Special Award Alexis Altiero Edwall Open Poster Special Award Olivia Freeman Edwall Open Poster Special Award Herdsmanship Large Animal-- Sheep Barn...
Meeting August 26 in the high school library, the school board approved the following: • a one-year leave of absence for Jennifer Singer, a paraeducator • the hiring of Diane Baye as the Vocational Ag teacher and FFA advisor for the 2015-2016 school year • the transfer of Miranda Taylor from a paraeducator position to that of bus driver • the hiring of LaMar Larmer and Michael Cronrath to share the supervisory position of the assistant athletic director in Harrington • the hiring of Andrew Holman as...
The June 24 meeting of the Odessa School Board was one of the larger such meetings ever held, with supporters of the school’s ag program clamoring for an expanded, more robust program with a full-time ag teacher. Superintendent Suellen White, attending her final meeting in that role (she is retiring and the new superintendent Dan Read takes over July 1), described the current state of the district’s Agriculture Education Program. She told the board and those present that she understands the importance of the ag program to...
The June 24 meeting of the Odessa School Board was one of the larger such meetings ever held, with supporters of the school’s ag program clamoring for an expanded, more robust program with a full-time ag teacher. Superintendent Suellen White, attending her final meeting in that role (she is retiring and the new superintendent Dan Read takes over July 1), described the current state of the district’s Agriculture Education Program. She told the board and those present that she understands the importance of the ag program to...
1 years ago From The Odessa Record June 18, 1915 Headline: Big crowd coming to celebrate in Odessa The biggest 4th of July celebration is Eastern Washington is to be held on Friday and Saturday, July 2 and 3, in Odessa. Crop prospects, the best ever known in the Big Bend country, promise a record-breaking crowd for the town on those two days and the committees in charge of the big event here are making preparations to give every visitor to Odessa the best time they ever had. The celebration is to open with cannon salutes...
To the Editor: Odessa is a small community with a traditional agriculture base. The local opportunities that are currently available to our youth include sports, church, FBLA, Science, 4-H, and FFA. With this information I am saddened to learn that a few would like to see our school drop the agricultural classes and FFA program and take this unique opportunity away from our youth. The argument has been made that not enough students desire to or are available to take agriculture education classes; however ag ed classes exist...
Odessa Schools Superintendent The administration and school board are committed to having an agriculture education program in Odessa that meets the needs of our students now and for their future. The biggest issue that we are trying to solve is to find a traditionally certified agriculture education teacher. We will continue to look for a teacher but are not optimistic about our chances. We can solve this problem and offer agriculture education in the next school year if we can find someone who can be “conditionally certified...
The Odessa School Board met May 27 in the high school library. Three students taking the Advanced Science Research class each presented a brief description of the work they performed this school year. Johnathon Brightwell described his research on finding a cheaper, less environmentally toxic substance for rocket fuel. He is working with a professor at Eastern Washington University on his research. Elizabeth Larson described her research on the relationship of price to UV protection level provided by sunglasses. Her research...