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    Liz Powell, Lincoln County Record-Times|Updated Jan 30, 2025

    INVITATION TO BID CITY OF DAVENPORT, WA DAVENPORT MUNICIPAL AIRPORT RUNWAY 6-24 PAPI & AWOS-III P/T A.I.P. PROJECT No. 3-53-0095-016-2024 INVITATION TO BID Sealed bids for the Davenport Municipal Airport – Runway 6-24 PAPI & AWOS-III P/T, A.I.P. Project No. 3-53-0095-016-2024 will be received by in-person delivery or by courier at the City of Davenport City Hall located at 411 Morgan Street/PO Box 26 Davenport, WA 99122, until the bid opening time of 2:00PM, on the 26th Day of February 2025, at which time the bids will be p...

  • The alternative responses to Easter

    Steve McLachlan, Pastor, Trinity Bible Fellowship|Updated Apr 8, 2021

    I’ve always been baffled by the other response to the resurrection. The response we think about is, “Rejoice! He’s risen from the dead! Have a chocolate bunny!” and so on. That part makes sense (part of it, anyway). But what about the other guys? The Bible says that on the next day – the day between crucifixion and resurrection – the priests went to Governor Pilate and said, “Hey, that Jesus guy said He was going to rise in three days.” Funny they remembered it, because the disciples forgot. “So will you put a guard on the to...

  • A Brief History of the County Line Church, Part 3

    Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Continued from Dec. 17, 2020 Editor’s note: Part 3 concludes the history of the County Line Church The church formally began admitting members into the congregation in May of 1899. Admission was achieved by each prospective member making a public “Confession of Faith.” A History of Congregationalism in Ritzville, which contained several references to the County Line Church, mentioned that by 1905, the Church had 73 members. By 1920, the membership roll reached 121, climbing further to total 153 in 1932. With the forming of th...

  • Pastor's Corner: Let the Peace of God Rest In Your Heart

    Pastor Bill Cox, Foursquare Church|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    The angel told the Shepherds in Luke 2: 14 “ Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men!” This year has been anything but peaceful for many of us. People have lost their jobs and are not able to make their payments on houses and cars which are often things that we feel we need to experience peace. I am not making light of jobs, houses, cars and other material things because they can bring real peace to our day. Just remember how you feel when you go out and your car won’t start. You know what I’m t...

  • A brief history of the County Line Church, Part 2

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Continued from Dec. 3, 2020 Editor’s note: The previous installment ended with the arrival of 17 Volga-German families to the Ritzville area from Russia. Please also note a correction: The County Line Church is located in Adams County, not Lincoln County. This pioneer group’s journey was a serendipitous one with multiple stops along the way. They left their home-villages of Kolb, Frank and Walter in 1878 and traveled to Hamburg, Germany where they boarded the SS Wieland bound for the United States. Their destination at thi...

  • A Brief History of the County Line Church

    The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    ODESSA – This week, The Record begins a series on the history of the Odessa region's immigrant past, A history of the County Line Church could not begin without a recap of how such a significant concentration of families of Germanic ancestry ended up in the broader areas of Ritzville and Odessa, but more particularly, the area surrounding Packard where the Church was located. The story began in the central part of modern-day Germany, much of which today is the German state o...

  • Pastor's Corner: The Good News

    Pat Estes, Christ Luthern Church|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    Writing a column for a newspaper should probably start with an audience survey in order to determine a subject and delivery of the least offense to the broadest spectrum of people. This, being a Christian articulation however, guarantees, if read at all, the perspective put forth will go down like honey for some and be totally unpalatable to others. Jesus was for everybody, but He was definitely not for every body. The saving message of the Good News was met with as many reactions as there are soils for seed. (See Luke...

  • Book Review: Moving among the faithful: "Pew" and "Transcendent Kingdom"

    Tim Coley, Special to The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    For many, the church is a place of community and comfort during trying times. It can encourage personal growth, challenge, and reflection. Two novels I recently had the joy of reading approach the church in very different ways, but they both turn a mirror back toward those who profess to be of faith and ask some very profound questions. The first is a fairly short novella, entitled “Pew” by Catherine Lacey. This is her third novel, and the title is also the name bestowed on the central character, a person of ind...

  • Pastor's Corner: Eucharisteo

    Pastor Jon Hayashi, Special to The Record|Updated Jan 20, 2021

    What does “eucharisteo” mean? You may recognize it from the term Eucharist which refers to the presence of Christ in the taking of the elements of the Lord’s Supper. But what does the term mean? Eucharisteois the form of a Greek word literally meaning “to give good grace” or “to speak that which is well-pleasing” and is commonly translated as “to give thanks” or “thanksgiving”. And there it is, the tie-in to this month: Thanksgiving. There are two things of interest with this word. First of all, in the middle of eucharisteo...

  • Christian Music Freedom Fest set for July 25

    Terrie Schmidt-Crosby, The Record|Updated Jul 20, 2020

    ODESSA — The Christian Music Freedom Fest is scheduled to take place Saturday, July 25. Promoter Nate Lathrop has two Idaho Christian bands volunteering to play music that day on the stage across from Rolling Thunder Pizza in downtown Odessa. Live music will be provided all day long by The Stand and the Gospel Mission Blues Band, as well as by local musicians Tom Van Der Ende, Jon Hayashi, Clint and Bonnie Campbell, Chris Leffler and Nate Lathrop. Between sets, there will be an open mike available for testimonials, etc. A p...

  • Church offers drive-in service

    Jeremy Burnham, The Times|Updated Apr 30, 2020

    AIRWAY HEIGHTS - Hope Baptist Church is holding a weekly Sunday church service, drive-in movie-style. With churches not counted as essential under Gov. Jay Inslee's stay-at-home order, indoor religious services have not been able to take place since March. So, Hope Baptist Church Pastor Jon Schrock decided to pay homage to drive-in theaters and have an outdoor service where people stay in their cars. "We wanted to worship the Lord in an old-fashioned way, if you will,...

  • What do you do when you are free to do anything?

    Pat Estes, Odessa Community Ministerial Association|Updated Jul 24, 2019

    Mark, Chapter 14, tells us of Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane just before his betrayal by Judas into the hands of the crowd bent on killing him. He had gone, “a stone’s throw away” to pray to the Father, leaving the disciples to watch and pray. When he returns and finds them sleeping, He says “could you not watch one hour?” This quote reminds me of how easy it is to let the desire for recreation, or sleep, intrude on our Sunday worship, especially in the summer. That hour or two in worship can look like a huge hole in o...

  • Church Services Calendar

    Updated Aug 29, 2015

    John 3:16, "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." Matthew 22:37-39, Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" The Heritage Church 302 S. First Street Odessa, WA 99159 Office: 509-982-2951 Pastor Jon Hayashi Sunday: 9 a.m. Sunday school. Adult and youth 10:30 a.m....

  • THE Resurrection

    Updated Apr 4, 2015

    Mama said there'll be days like this, there'll be days like this my mama said… Although, music lyrics are often quoted out of context, this one always seemed to pop into my mind whenever something difficult or bad happened. It carries the sense of acceptance and recognition that the bad things in life happen to everybody. As much as we might accept that line of thinking, there are some things that challenge that blasé approach to things. Some things in life are more dramatic and/or more difficult to accept. Some tragedies ar...

  • Church Services

    Updated Mar 23, 2015

    Heritage Church 302 S. First Street, Odessa, WA 99159 Office: 509-982-2951 Rev. Jon Hayashi Sun.: 9 a.m. Sunday school- Adult and Youth 10:30 a.m. Worship Service 2p.m. Nursing home service Mon.: 7 p.m. Men’s Meeting Tue.: 10:30 a.m. Prayer Christ Lutheran Church 602 E. Amende Dr., Odessa, WA 99159 Office: 509-982-2411 Rev. Tim Hauge Sun.:9:15 a.m. Sunday school 10:30 a.m. Worship Service, Communion, Baptism Wed.: 6:45 a.m. Men’s prayer group 6:15 p.m. Mar. 25 Soup and bread supper 7 p.m. Ser...

  • The Weather

    Updated Feb 28, 2015

    High Low Prec. S Feb. 19 52 24 .00 Feb. 20 48 26 .00 Feb. 21 54 25 .00 Feb. 22 50 21 .00 Feb. 23 44 17 .00 Feb. 24 47 19 .00 Feb. 25 49 20 .00 Yearly total to date 3.78 inches. Snow accumulation: .93 inches to date....

  • Pastor's Corner

    REV MARK SQUIRE|Updated Dec 3, 2014

  • Pastor's Corner

    JON HAYASHI|Updated Nov 19, 2014

    Here we are on the cusp of another Thanksgiving holiday. As is typical, we start making our preparations for where we’re going to go or with whom we’re going to spend it. We talk about what we’re going to make and, heaven forbid, even start talking about what Christmas lights are going up. Even worse (I’m going to say it), commercialism and greed get the better of us on Black Friday. But as we know, Thanksgiving wasn’t originally about getting the best deals for Christmas...

  • Pastor's Corner; Can you read?

    FR KENNY ST HILAIRE|Updated Aug 20, 2014

    St. Joseph Catholic Church "Of course," you say. But in all fairness, I didn't ask the whole question. After all, there are only so many words you can fit into the title of an article! What I really meant to ask was, "Do you know how to read Scripture?" If you're like most people around here, your response is probably still, "Of course!" Have you ever given a second thought to the way you read the Bible? People read it in different ways and for different reasons. Some people r...

  • Pastor's Corner; Zion Emmanuel Lutheran Church

    REVEREND MARK SQUIRE|Updated Jul 4, 2014

    This week, we're reminded of the freedoms we enjoy. But, those who hear the words of Jesus soon begin to experience a tension, to say the least. We have rights. Rights! There's a whole Constitution full of them, and there's been case law piling up for well over 200 years which expands much of that. These words ring out (let freedom ring!) throughout the land. Yet, when Jesus speaks, his words don't ring out in quite the same way. In fact, life in the kingdom of God looks much...

  • Odessa Ministerial Association receives $3,000 grant

    Updated Apr 23, 2014

    The Odessa Ministerial Association received a grant in the amount of $3,000 from Washington Federal Bank's Local Knows Best Campaign this week, awarded by Odessa branch manager Rebecca Maddock. Present for the event were Washington Federal staff members Nancy Smith, Leslie Gies and Rebecca Maddock (branch manager) and local pastors Jon Hayashi of Heritage Church, Tim Hauge of Christ Lutheran Church and Mark Squire of Zion Emmanuel Lutheran Church....

  • Pastor's Corner; Christ Lutheran Church

    PASTOR TIM HAUGE|Updated Apr 9, 2014

    This coming Sunday begins the week that Christians call "Holy Week". From the gospel accounts of Jesus' ministry we begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday where Jesus' entry into Jerusalem is described as a joyous event where the people hailed Jesus as King! (Matthew 21:1-11; Mark 11:1-11; Luke 19:28-40; John 12:12-19) As one reads the gospel accounts of the events surrounding Jesus in and around Jerusalem after his royal entry, we read of the beginning of the sacrament of Holy Communion as Jesus celebrates the Passover Meal with...

  • Pastor's Corner; Rev. Bill Cox

    REV BILL COX|Updated Dec 4, 2013

    Well here we are again, fast approaching the day that we celebrate the birth of our Lord and savior, Jesus. As we do, I know that most of us know and understand the true meaning of the season. I say "most of us" because there are some of our younger children that are still caught up in the picture of Christmas that the world would paint for us. All the hustle and bustle of the shopping in the malls, the excitement of going to grandma's house for dinner, the family traditions that we so look forward to each year. As I even...

  • Pastor's Corner; Rev. Tim Hauge

    REV TIM HAUGE|Updated Nov 13, 2013

    At Colossians 3:17 we read the words of the Apostle Paul, "whatever you do, in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." One aspect of this verse that strikes me as significant is how we are called upon to be thankful. In this season of remembering with gratitude our veterans of military service and our upcoming holiday of Thanksgiving, this idea of being thankful is in our hearts and minds. Hopefully all of us ref...

  • St. Joseph Catholic Church welcomes a new pastor

    Updated Jul 17, 2013

    The parishioners of St. Joseph Catholic Church are welcoming a new priest, Fr. Kenny St. Hilaire. He has transferred from St. Patrick parish in Spokane and will also be pastoring at Sacred Heart parish in Wilbur and St. Agnes parish in Ritzville. Fr. Kenny brings with him piano-playing talent which began at the age of seven. His parishioners look forward to hearing him play. He replaces Fr. Michael Ishida who was transfered to Walla Walla after having spent six years serving...