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Community / Looking Back

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  • Looking Back

    The Record-Times|Updated Feb 12, 2025

    1 years ago • The state highway engineer has lifted the ban on stages and heavy trucks until soft weather sets in again. The ban was due to the high water levels and warm temperatures in the recent days. • The Blue Mouse Theater in Davenport is showing “Tess of the D’urbervilles” this week. It stars Blanche Sweet. Next week they will show “You are Guilty” starring James Kirkwood and Doris Kenyon. • The Great Northern Railway company has a steam shovel and gravel trains at the Nemo gravel pit this week to repair the road...

  • Looking Back

    The Record-Times|Updated Feb 12, 2025

    1 years ago Jennie O’Bell Young and husband Harry Young were acquitted of arson in the matter of the fire that destroyed the Rocklyn Store and adjoining house. 66 witnesses testified during the 6 day trial. The State Senate voted down the proposed child labor bill. Local Senator Charles Myers maintained the position that it was easier to teach a child how to work when they were younger rather than older and that working prevented idleness which led to boys joining gangs and ending up in penal institutions. Lydia Melcher, 1...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Kelli Wilkie, The Record-Times|Updated Oct 10, 2024

    1 years ago A matron from a Yakima detention home came to get Rose Gardner and Lucille Hall. The girls escaped from the home several weeks ago and were arrested in Reardan for vagrancy and sentenced to 10 days in jail. The local sheriff’s office recovered a Ford coupe that had been stolen from Wenatchee. The car was abandoned here last week alongside the Tribune apartments. When the owner came for his car he was pleased to find in had not been damaged. Governor Hart has proclaimed October 13 a legal holiday because C...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Kelli Wilkie, The Record-Times|Updated Sep 19, 2024

    1 years ago At present it is almost impossible to get a home in Odessa. As of the start of the school year all available homes in Odessa are occupied, indicating an increase in population which is contrary to current thought that population was on the decline. A fourth incendiary fire happened in Edwall. The fire was discovered at the Nick Klein residence early in the morning of the 14th. It seems coincidental that all four fires have been late on the 13th or early on the 14th. The four previous fires destroyed two grain...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Kelli Wilkie, The Record-Times|Updated Aug 9, 2024

    1 years ago The Odessa City Council wants the Great Northern Railway to follow through with their promise of a flagman at the 4th Street crossing. The small oil lamp provided by the railway is insufficient and only warns traffic on one side of the crossing. 3 men were arrested for stealing a Studebaker from Spokane after Marshal McKinnon of Harrington discovered the car parked behind the Kessler-Perkins warehouse. One of the men arrested had been released from the Monroe Reformatory only 4 months prior. Albert Haase,...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Jun 20, 2024

    1 years ago A fire of mysterious origin caused $115,000 of damage at the Seattle Grain Company warehouse in Edwall. 150 couples attended a campers’ dance at the 23rd annual picnic of the Lincoln County Pioneer and Historical Association. Garden-grown peas, beets and carrots were entirely destroyed by grasshoppers near Wilbur. The pests seemed to avoid tomatoes, corn and potatoes. 75 years ago Grand Marshal Everett Cole led the line of march at Davenport’s Community Day parade. The Reardan American Legion elected new off...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Jun 12, 2024

    1 years ago Over 5,000 people gathered for the Pioneer Picnic on Crab Creek. The picnic was meant to be “a place to meet the old friends.” C.D. Mansfield was elected to Davenport city council after R.E. Anderson resigned. 17 head of cattle disappeared from the Matt Wagner ranch near Creston and were suspected to have been illegally ferried across Lake Roosevelt. 75 years ago KHQ farm editor Glen Lorang gave August Reinbold a box of cereal with the hope that it would make him a champion in the community day tug-of-war. A b...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Kelli Wilkie, The Record-Times|Updated Jun 5, 2024

    1 years ago A Pioneer picnic at Crab Creek was planned. In addition to nightly dances there were ball games, concerts, foot races and horse races. Halverson Mill on Lake Roosevelt north of Creston was destroyed by fire. All lumber and an auto truck was destroyed. The new city water tank on Bungalow Ridge was completed. This new tank had a 150,000-gallon capacity while the old tank held 60,000 gallons. The cost of construction was $10,100. 75 years ago Davenport’s Memorial Hall construction began. Funding for the project w...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 29, 2024

    1 years ago The finals in the old-timers tennis tournament at Odessa featured Jake Hopp Jr. of Odessa defeating Joe Weik of Davenport in men’s singles, Mr. and Mrs. Hopp defeating Mrs. Earl Phillips and Jim Goodwin of Davenport in mixed doubles and Hopp and Dan Heimbigner defeating Weik and Goodwin in men’s doubles. Three accidents occurred within a few hours of each other on Sunset Highway between Davenport and Wilbur. One driver fell asleep at the wheel, one hit a rock and one crashed into a horse. 75 years ago Lin...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 23, 2024

    1 years ago Oscar Oehlwein of Davenport won third place in the mile run at the state interscholastic meet in Pullman. The annual meeting of the Lincoln County Tuberculosis league was held, with Dr. C.S. Bumgarner of Davenport elected president and Mrs. W.A. Buckley of Sprague elected vice president. A proposition to bond the city of Davenport for $10,000 to raise money to pave Morgan Street lost in a special election. 75 years ago Jerry Walter of Odessa showed a shorthorn steer that was declared grand champion over all...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 16, 2024

    1 years ago Lincoln County Pioneer Sheriff John Level died after a battle with cancer. Mrs. Rose Landers of Sprague began suit against her husband, J.H. Landers, who had been arrested for allegedly marrying another woman before getting a divorce from Rose. The Lincoln County game commission placed a bounty of five cents each for offed magpies. 75 years ago Nearly 300 head of horses were sold at the annual Davenport Auction company event, with auctioneer Bill Hutsell crying from the truck in the center. Pioneer Sprague...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 9, 2024

    1 years ago Directors of the Washington Wheat Growers association voted to suspended 1924 crop operations to reorganize the association so the next year’s crop could be handled. Davenport High School won the 18th annual Lincoln County track and field meet. Individually, Fred Livasy of Almira and Lyle Bailey of Harrington tied for individual high point scorers. J.H. Landers of Sprague was jailed on a charge of getting married to one woman in the city while already having a wife and two children in Montana. 75 years ago G...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated May 2, 2024

    1 years ago Former Davenport High School principal H.P. Aldrich was named Reardan superintendent. The Bluestem grade school won the class B spelling contest. Mohler took second. Crab Creek pioneers George Flanders and Oscar White were slapped with a $50 fine for possession of liquor. 75 years ago A four-man committee was appointed to reclassify and adjust assessed values of real estate in Lincoln County. The committee included H.G. Heimbigner and F.W. Heimbigner of Odessa, Ray Schroeder of Wilbur and August Reinbold of...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 25, 2024

    1 years ago Walter Morgan shot a rabid coyote on Zoe Wilkie’s farm after it chased Wilke and killed a number of her chickens. 11-year-old Herman Reinbold fell off a horse and broke his arm, which in 1924, was worthy of front-page news. Former Lincoln County traffic officer C.H. Bliss was convicted of battery after assaulting a woman in Coeur d’Alene. 75 years ago State Senator John H. Robertson of Creston told the Davenport Commercial Club that the state legislature found themselves cutting funds due to budgetary iss...

  • Looking Back

    Compiled by Drew Lawson, The Record-Times|Updated Apr 11, 2024

    1 years ago • Oscar Luchs of Odessa won the Lincoln-Adams County oratorical contest. Elsie Gibson of Davenport took second, while Violet Stolph of Sprague was third. • The Harrington Manufacturing Company sued W.L. Talkington while seeking to recover $1,575 for a note executed by the defendants in return for a harvester sold to the company. • A delegation of Egypt farmers asked the County Commissioners to construct a road from State Road No. 22 near Inkster Lake to the Jim Bell Corner. 75 years ago • Judge Robert P. Hunt...