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  • Farmworker's death motivates march, protest

    Eric Tegethoff|Updated Aug 11, 2017

    SUMAS, Wash. – Farmworkers and community members are demanding accountability from Sarbanand Farms in Whatcom County, after a worker died there over the weekend. Workers say Honesto Silva Ibarra complained to his employer about feeling ill before he collapsed in the fields last week. Ibarra took himself to a hospital in Seattle, where he fell into a coma and died on Sunday. About 100 workers drawing attention to what they say are unsafe work conditions at Sarbanand Farms were fired over the weekend. All are here on H2A or g...

  • Ask Dr. Universe

    Updated Aug 11, 2017

    Dear Dr. Universe: I was wondering, how does an eclipse happen? – Susan, 13, San Francisco, CA Dear Susan, It just so happens the Great American Eclipse is coming up on August 21, 2017. This solar eclipse will be the only one visible from across the lower 48 states in nearly a hundred years. When it happens, parts of the country will experience darkness for a couple minutes during the day. It seems prime time to answer your question. My friend Guy Worthey, an astronomer at Washington State University, was happy to help o...

  • OP-ED

    John Francisco, Inland Power and Light|Updated Aug 3, 2017

    There’s good news for the Pacific Northwest and the federal hydro system that powers it. Inland Power supports our legislators in their effort to save the dams and protect our natural, renewable and affordable energy source. Key members of our Congressional delegation have stepped up to declare the value of our dams that provide affordable, renewable hydropower, flood control, navigable waters for agriculture and recreation to our economy and way of life. They’re asserting their rightful authority over the eight federal dam...

  • Readers praise Odessa High's FBLA success

    Updated Jul 28, 2017

    To the Editor: Once again, students at Odessa High School demonstrate that small schools rule! Congratulations to the FBLA for its state and national achievements this year. Another fantastic job! Kudos to your advisor, Terri King. The support from teachers, parents, and community shows that small towns and their schools are committed to success. Sincerely, Duane and Jonnie Pitts Odessa...

  • Time waits for no one

    Pat Gamache|Updated Jul 28, 2017

    I was talking with a friend the other day, when I heard Simon and Garfunkel’s “59th Street Bridge Song” and its lyrics, “Slow down, you move too fast; you got to make the morning last. Kicking down the cobble stones, looking at life and feeling groovy.” Life was so much simpler back then. In Seattle, an eight-year-old could get on a transit bus alone and travel across town without a worry. Life nowadays moves so fast we barely have time to think. Then the next problem rears its ugly face, and another day begins. You’re st...

  • When should farmers retire?

    Wyatt Fraas, Center for Rural Affairs|Updated Jul 20, 2017

    Retirement from a farm business may not mean moving away or giving up on mentoring the next generation, but it does entail transferring management decisions to someone else. It can be a gradual or sudden process. It may be driven by long-term goals, by sudden health issues, or events outside your family. When should farmers retire? The answer is related to choices and goals, and can happen at any time. While many can’t imagine doing anything else except farming, their families may have other ideas and want to share more time...

  • Battery-free cell phones? Really!

    Eric Tegethoff|Updated Jul 20, 2017

    SEATTLE – Cell-phone users are excited that the prototype for a battery-free cell phone might mean they could cut the cord to their chargers in the future. But the developing technology also may be a boon for the environment. Developed at the University of Washington, the battery-free cell phone draws power from the air by “harvesting” radio frequency signals and turning them into energy. The prototype also uses “photodiodes,” which essentially are tiny solar panels. Vamsi Talla worked as a research associate on the proje...

  • Letter to the Editor: Is testing emphasized today over teaching?

    Updated Jul 16, 2017

    To the Editor: Many years ago, before 1940, most states had students take a test when they finished the eighth grade. If they passed the test, they could go on to high school. If not, they could keep trying to pass it until they were 16. When they were 16, they were told to go get a job. I have copies of the test that was very difficult. Looking recently at the percentage of students who graduated from college after four years, it is very obvious that we possibly have too many young people who are not college material....

  • Letter to the Editor: Changes coming for Crab Creek Coffee Haus

    Updated Jun 29, 2017

    To the Editor: The next few months will be interesting at Crab Creek Coffee Haus. In July, I start working full time at Odessa Drug. Bonnie, Barbara, Rochelle and Elizabeth will be holding down the fort from 9 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. I will be opening at 6:30 a.m., and one of the ladies will be closing. July, August and September will be a trial period for the Coffee Haus. If business is steady and it is feasible, we will remain open. I want to thank all my customers for the continued support, advice, suggestions and...

  • Letter to the Editor: Response to previous writer on gun control

    Updated Jun 29, 2017

    To the Editor: In response to Patricia Bates letter regarding the U.S. gun culture: She states that congress can stop the violence simply by the laws they can pass, yet we already have laws prohibiting murder and assault. What further laws is she referring to? Does she think outlawing guns will solve the problem? Gun ownership is prohibited or restricted in England and France. Did it prevent shootings there? She has mistakenly stated facts about the Concealed Carry Reciprocity Act of 2017. This bill, HR38, can be read in its...

  • Letter to the Editor: CMR's contradictions on health care puzzle writer

    Updated Jun 29, 2017

    To the Editor: Is it window dressing, bait and switch, or kabuki theatre? Our Representative for the 5th District in Congress, Cathy McMorris Rodgers, is sponsoring legislation to provide three more years of funding teaching health centers to draw medical students to complete residencies in isolated or underserved rural and urban hospitals. She has voted against Obamacare (ACA) more than 50 times and then voted for Trumpcare (AHCA) which will basically cut Medicaid to many rural residents, so people will not be able to...

  • Letter to the Editor: U.S. gun culture decried; rep. is called to account

    Updated Jun 22, 2017

    To the Editor, Has there been enough killing? It doesn’t matter if it was one of 20 children and seven adults killed at Sandy Hook, the recent shooting of six Congressmen or any of the 93 daily deaths (average) from guns. No one in our nation should have to fear for their life, yet that is becoming reality in our country. This is an American issue and can be solved by our Congress. They can intervene and they can stop much of the violence and make sure we are safe, simply by the laws they pass. I hope each senator and r...

  • Letter to the Editor: Siegel throws hat into ring for mayoral race

    Updated May 26, 2017

    To the Editor: Why am I running for Mayor of Odessa? Well, first off, I think we should have pride in living here and want to make this town a better place to raise a family in. Last year, no one ran for this office. Why not? Don’t you have city pride in you? That is why I decided to run. Don’t let the council do your job. If you want a job, run for it. I am not worried about me. This town is already in good hands. I will work with the city council and employees we already have here. Why change what’s working good for us no...

  • Letter to the Editor: Writer tells banking story of May 19, 2017

    Updated May 26, 2017

    To the Editor: On my bank’s website it says, “Work with a local loan officer to customize a loan for you.” Oh, I was inspired because I wanted a $2,000 piece of equipment. I love banking online, because all my information is at my fingertips. I spent a few hours printing out personal financial paperwork. However, there also can be some shocking bits of information. Example: I owe WHAT! No, I paid that and I can prove it; let’s follow the website trail. I did. During this time I was messing around I had signed up for a PayPa...

  • Letter to the Editor: Commission on voter fraud needed or waste

    Updated May 19, 2017

    To the Editor: Based solely on his belief, the President created a commission to investigate the voter fraud of 3-5 million illegal ballots cast for Hillary Clinton. He has asserted that he would have won the popular vote were it not for these illegal votes. This is his “reality.” Here are the results of the 2016 presidential election: 137,100,229 people voted. Clinton got 65,853,625 of these votes. Trump received 62,985,101 votes. Johnson garnered 4,489,233 vote; Stein got 1,457,222; the Write-Ins for other people added ano...

  • Ask Dr. Universe

    Updated May 14, 2017

    Dear Dr. Universe: How do viruses affect animals? – Gianni, 10, Cayman Islands Dear Gianni, Our planet is home to more than seven million amazing animal species. While we have our differences, we also have something in common: We are all made up of a bunch of cells. My friend Jeb Owen told me all about it. He’s a scientist at Washington State University who is really curious about how insects eat blood and interact with animal hosts. He’s even been called a disease detective, tracking down viruses transmitted by insec...

  • Many physicians said to prefer single-payer system

    Beth Kutscher, Healthcare news editor at LinkedIn|Updated May 2, 2017

    Dr. Keith Paredes has seen it more times than he’d care to recall: A woman, bleeding heavily, comes to the ER. She needs an urgent surgical procedure, maybe even a blood transfusion, from a condition like untreated fibroids. She’s there because she hasn’t had a routine doctor visit for ages. There are many reasons people put off going to the doctor. One of the big reasons is cost — a huge arc in the current debate about whether and how to repeal and replace Obamacare, which sought to increase the number of Americans with qu...

  • Letter to the Editor: Kudos to Odessa's FBLA students, advisor, helpers

    Updated May 2, 2017

    To the Editor, Kudos to the FBLA and advisor Terri King for the excellence of the FBLA’s presentations and achievements! They all are so fortunate to live in a small, rural community that cares so much about its youth. Whether they realize it or not, the students are great role models not only for other students in Odessa, but also for all students in rural communities. The Odessa High School FBLA demonstrates that, with enthusiasm, dedication and perseverance, students everywhere can also achieve success. Success is not m...

  • Letter to the Editor: Poverty in 5th District should be addressed

    Updated Apr 24, 2017

    To the Editor: Oh, the hypocrisy of it all. Our President Trump and his great unflinching supporter, our Congressional Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, promote the repeal and replacement of Obamacare with a bill that would throw millions of American families, including babies, off their healthcare and give tax breaks to the rich. In addition, they want to prevent Syrian refugees, which include babies, from entering the country without extreme vetting on top of already stringent vetting. However, Trump points his finger...

  • Letter to the Editor: Writer laments political hypocrisy on health care

    Updated Apr 24, 2017

    To the Editor, The 5th Congressional District has around 696,000 people, with about 324,000 working-age adults. For all the people’s hard work, the mean income for almost 100,000 households hovers around $47,000 a year. However, it takes around $150,000 for an ordinary middle-class family to live with the basics, without extravagances. The 5th District has about 74,000 people living below poverty, or 10.6 percent of the population. If we count just families with children under age 5, the percentage for those families l...

  • Pastors' Corner

    Rev. Mark Squire|Updated Apr 24, 2017

    Much happens around Easter. Adults hide eggs, and children hunt passionately for them and the candy they hold inside. People spend significant amounts of money on that candy, as well as other gifts that may or may not fit in Easter baskets. At some malls, children can even sit on the fabled Easter bunny’s lap to tell him what they want for Easter. Much is also written about Easter. Some atheists write disparagingly against those who would even consider celebrating Easter. O...

  • Constitutional amendment would prevent income tax

    Matt Manweller, District 13 Representative|Updated Apr 12, 2017

    Former 13th District Senator Harold Hochstatter used to say, “The issue isn’t the issue; who decides the issue is the issue.” Right now, that is never more relevant than when talking about a state income tax. In Olympia, Democrats will tell you there is no interest in a state income tax, yet just last week, they proposed a capital gains tax as part of their proposal to raise $8 billion in taxes over the next four years. Democrats will also tell you a capital gains tax is not an income tax, despite past precedence in court...

  • Letter to the Editor: Former residents proud of OHS student success

    Updated Apr 12, 2017

    An open letter to principal Jamie Nelson, science teacher Jeff Wehr and the OHS science project students: We are so impressed with your first place wins. [Editor’s note: See April 6, 2017 edition of The Odessa Record.] Once again, Odessa students and staff demonstrate that small schools matter! And even more important, science matters! Your work, enthusiasm, and dedication illustrate the power of the inquisitive mind, the excitement of advancing human knowledge, the camaraderie of student scientists everywhere. Kudos to y...

  • McMorris Rodgers says she backs Trump agenda

    Updated Apr 1, 2017

    To the Editor: She said what? Yep, on national TV, Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers said of President Trump, “I trust him. He is shaking things up.” Well, we must agree that he is shaking things up by cutting 3 million from meals on wheels for needy citizens, yet spends 3 million each weekend on golf jaunts to Florida. He shakes us up with his pattern of lies, such as falsely accusing President Obama of wire-tapped his phones, costing taxpayers to investigate and show he lied. A president who gets his intelligence bri...

  • Letter to the Editor: Aliens have rights under Constitution

    Updated Mar 16, 2017

    To the Editor: Section 1 of the 14th Amendment guarantees due process and equal protection of the law to all persons in the United States. Numerous Supreme Court decisions have consistently defined “person” to be any person, citizen and alien (legally or illegally present) and thus provided due process and equal protection of the law. 1886 Yick Wo v. Hopkins stated that the 14th Amendment applies to all persons (legally or illegally present) in the United States. 1892 Nishimura Ekiu v. United States found that foreign nat...

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