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The board of directors of the Odessa Chamber met for the first time in 2020 on January 13 at Rocky Coulee Brewing Company. Chamber President Zach Schafer told the board that three members of the current junior class at Odessa High School were interested in trying out for the Miss Odessa crown this spring. School staff members had made inquiries and found that there was interest. The Facebook-based group that is pursuing efforts to create a float for the 50th anniversary of Deutschesfest is still seeking people interested in...
The December 10 meeting of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce at noon in the public library was by far more sparsely attended than last month’s meeting at which several guests were present. Nevertheless, the members who were present Tuesday voted to adopt the proposed budget for 2020, which provided for conservative estimates for the coming year based on the past three year’s worth of actual values for each line item. Desert 100: Contact Chamber president Zach Schafer at 509-279-9870 about providing food at the 50th ann...
The November 12 meeting of the Odessa Chamber of Commerce was held at noon in the public library with several guests in attendance. Hospital administrator Mo Sheldon introduced James DeDeaux, a mental health provider who has been hired as a member of the Odessa Clinic staff. DeDeaux and his wife have moved here from Mississippi. He will begin seeing patients at the clinic in January after he has become familiar with procedures at the hospital and clinic. The couple has purchased a home on Third Avenue. As reported earlier in...