Sorted by date Results 1 - 13 of 13
1 years ago The Odessa Record December 28, 1919 News updates: Christmas business in Odessa was the best in years, even with a shortage of some lines of merchandise. Postmaster Schoonover reports postal business at 25 percent over last year. There were a lot of disappointed kiddies when the town's quota of Christmas trees failed to arrive. They had been shipped on the 17th and were finally located on a siding 10 miles from where they started. They arrived on Christmas eve,...
1 years ago The Odessa Record December 7, 1919 News updates: Weber, Schimke and Schatz as councilmen and Reiman as treasurer were elected without a dissenting vote at the city election. A blizzard, followed by zero weather, hit this week. Summer fallow was swept clean by a strong wind and drifts piled up to a height of five feet. W. C. Raugust of Batum started for Ritzville the morning of the storm and took all day to make the trip. Plumber C. M. Smith was busy thawing out water pipes. North Dakota is sweltering under the...
1 years ago The Odessa Record November 16, 1919 News updates: Odessa had a quiet Armistice day, as contrasted to the noisy one of last year when news came that the war had ended. The town closed for the day and the school for half a day. Captain J. Chas. Evans delivered an address in front of the Union State bank building. The Rev. H.P. Christensen has announced that henceforth he will give sermons in English, every second Sunday. Odessa won last week’s debate with Chelan. The next state debate is with Wenatchee. Two b...
1 years ago The Odessa Record November 9, 1919 News updates: The Odessa high school debating team will meet Chelan high school tonight on the question, “Resolved, that the Immigration of Foreign Laborers to the United States should be prohibited for a period of eight years.” Odessa will observe Armistice day with the Odessa Concert band, which has furnished 10 men to the armed forces from its membership of 22, donating all music for the day. A patriotic talk will be given to commemorate the ending of the war just a yea...
1 years ago The Odessa Record October 26, 1919 News updates: Sunday morning at 2 o’clock the clocks of the nation will be moved back one hour, the end of the daylight saving time, started last March. Odessa contribute 11 of the class of 300 taken in by the Elks lodge. The earliest real snowstorm of the past 25 years hit Wednesday, leaving three inches of “the beautiful.” A wind had drifted piles as high as four feet. Glen Becker, who was released from the army two months ago, was up from Lacrosse to visit old frien...
1 years ago The Odessa Record October 19, 1919 News updates: Lt. Symons took eight persons above the clouds while here with his airplane. Al Wagner made the first ride, followed by Fred Heimbigner, D. H. Simpson and little daughter, Ed Geissler, F. J. Geissler, C. E. Porter, John Deeg and B. Minard. When the plane landed at the Porter place it became stuck in the sand and it took the combined efforts of the owner, C. E. Porter and the Carr boys to release it. A petition, known as the Hoefel petition, was placed before the...
This week’s installment of Odessa’s history includes information from both the first and second weeks of October (since we missed putting in a history column last week). 100 years ago The Odessa Record October 12, 1919 News updates: An airplane is coming to Odessa tomorrow, carrying with it Mr. Wetzel, the pioneer jeweler of Spokane, who will stop at the Sylvan lake resort for the week end duck shooting. Passengers will be taken at $15 a trip while the plane is here. Little Josie Acklin fell 30 feet from the Acklin apartment...
1 years ago The Odessa Record September 21, 1919 Odessa students at Washington State college include Eva Martin, Doris Ganson, Will Geissler, Clifford Patton, Eardley Glass, Joe Weik and Orlou Ganson. Madeline O’Leary and Esther Deets are taking commercial courses at Spokane and Anna Mayer has enrolled at Cheney Normal. Manager Al Wagner of the Odessa Concert Band announces an open-air concert Thursday, with a speaker talking in the interests of the community hall. Ducks were plentiful on opening day. Pacific lake was c...
1 years ago The Odessa Record August 31, 1919 News updates: A Houston tourist passed through this week with a specially built automobile. He had purchased a chassis and on it had built an enclosure into which he had built all the features of a modern home, folding bed, electric lights, hot and cold water, a refrigerator and other comforts. He stated that he had spent three years designing it, and that in time to come such traveling homes would be common, as a company had become interested in his patents and would put...
1 years ago The Odessa Record August 24, 1919 News updates: Odessa schools will open on September 1, with 12 teachers, seven of them new. E. R. Jinnette, recently of Reardan, is superintendent. Other members of the staff include Miss Dorothy Neff, Miss Gladys Larrabee, Miss Ilah Larrabee, Miss Eva Hanna, George Wallace, Miss Mamie McKay, Mrs. Almata Pitts, Miss Mary McWenie, Miss Languille, Miss Georgia Johnson, Miss Augusta Scott, and Miss Cavanaugh. The government army...
1 years ago The Odessa Record July 27, 1919 News updates: A poultry salesman has been making the area, selling his product at $5.00 a gallon. The spray has proved unreliable. A railroad man that has been working at Nemo says he knows just the place to banish Kaiser Bill Hohensollen. Nemo is uninhabited, hotter than hades and miles to water in any direction. How times have changed. A couple of years ago the Odessa men looked at Nemo as an oasis in a desert, and when stricken with an unconquerable thirst, invariably went to N...
1 years ago The Odessa Record June 20, 1919 News updates: Mrs. F. G. Jasmann and Eddie are moving at Spokane. The English Congregational ladies’ aid went to Marlin to enjoy their regular social session as guests of Mrs. E. J. Jenks and Mrs. W. C. Dashiell. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Graves had a welcome home party at the section house honoring William Graves, home from France, and John Graves, who had served at Fort Lewis. Henry Kallenberger, Marlin, sustained a fractured leg when kicked by a horse he was driving on Decoration d...
1 years ago The Odessa Record November 15, 1918 Soldier’s Letters. France, October 15, 1918. Dear Parents: Just a few lines to let you know that am well at present and hope these lines will find you all the same. It is pretty hard for me to believe that I am so far away from home, but it sure is true. Well, we have moved again and probably you can imagine where we could be. This place is not fixed up like the one was we came from, but one good thing they have a good Y.M.C.A. here, with piano. Moving picture shows every e...