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Monday evening’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council lasted less than an hour, and only a few visitors attended. Infrastructure upgrades Steve Nelson of CenturyWest Engineering in Spokane was present at Monday’s meeting to report on the status of various projects under way in the Town of Odessa. The water system project funded by the Economic Development Administration is awaiting final legal review and approval to release the funding. Frost-heave roadway repairs funded by the Federal Emergency Management Agency have been com...
This past month’s town council meetings were handled rather quickly, and both adjourned in well under an hour. On October 14, a public hearing was held regarding closeout of the General Sewer Plan Design completed through a Community Development Block Grant. Steve Nelson of CenturyWest Engineering in Spokane answered questions about the sewer plan and also reported that phase two of the water-main installation and repaving work at various points throughout the town has been completed following a final walk-through by the e...
The Odessa Town Council met Monday evening in the public library for its regular meeting. Several visitors and interested citizens were present. Airport A supplemental airport agreement was approved by the council, whereby the $10,000 additional cost to finish the work on the Runway 2-20 Rehabilitation and Runway Safety Area Improvements Project would be paid via a $9,000 grant approved by the FAA’s Mary Vargas, with the remaining $1,000 to be paid by the Town of Odessa. That $1,000 might also be reduced by another $500 if a...
At Monday evening’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council, Town Marshal Brent Dell reported that K-9 officer Sasha had recently undergone additional and more thorough health testing and was found to have issues with her hips and spinal discs, as well as an incipient tooth abscess, that have rendered her unable to serve as a local drug dog. She will be returned to her former handler at the organization that donated her to the Odessa Town Marshal’s Office. That organization already has lined up two suitable homes in which she can...
Monday night’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council was attended by Mayor Bill Crossley and council members Vickie Iverson, Kelly Watkins and Marleen Kramer, with both Landon Lobe and Amy Hunt absent and by several members of the community, including several currently running for positions on the council. Under public comment, Odessa residents Jackie Allen and Patty Martin received permission from the council to hand out invitations to council members and those running for office to appear at a community forum to be held O...
May 7 special meeting A special meeting of the Odessa Town Council was held May 7 in the public library at the community center. Steve Nelson of CenturyWest Engineering and Rick Rose of the USDA were present via telephone conference call. A problem had developed regarding approval of the loan amount for completion of the town’s infrastructure project involving a shortfall of nearly $23,000 for water meter replacement. Partnering with private banks to borrow the loan amount would incur additional interest and fees to the t...
Odessa's new police officer Leslie (Les) Jimerson was administered the oath of office by Mayor Bill Crossley Monday evening. He joins Police Chief Brent Dell, as both men are getting acquainted with Odessa and its citizens. The two officers also have been taking quite a ribbing due to the fact that they share the same hairstyle, are the same age and have the same basic build. Folks may be doing a double take when they see the two together. Since making their way here from Colo...
Monday night’s meeting of the Odessa Town Council provided closure of a sort to the story of Odessa’s $12,000 per month contract with the Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office for coverage while the search for a new police chief went forward. At the January 14 council meeting, new police chief Brent Dell took the oath of office from Mayor Bill Crossley. Council member Vickie Iverson objected to paying the full $12,000 for the month of January, since the town would have the new chief on its payroll for half of the month. She propo...
Monday night's meeting of the Odessa Town Council included the swearing in of the town's new police chief Brent Dell by Mayor Bill Crossley. The meeting was followed by a "meet and greet" session with the new chief. Dell said he was originally from Michigan but has spent his law enforcement career in the state of Washington with his first posting in Seattle. His most recent former job was in Kennewick, but prior to that he had been located in Okanogan County, nine miles from...
Normally, the Odessa Town Council would have met on Tuesday, since Monday was a designated holiday, Veterans Day. Consultation with council members revealed, however, that no quorum would be achieved on Tuesday. Therefore, the meeting was held Monday with all council members present, along with several members of the public intent on hearing the council's decision regarding pets or livestock inside the town limits. The town's engineering firm, Century West Engineering, had two of its representatives attend the meeting to...