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Love - The Odessa Record "By Your Relative"

Series: Larry Fisher | Story 1

Odessa Record subscriber Larry Fisher of Spokane continues his series of articles on the history of the Batum/Lauer area (where his wife, the former Joyce Kiesz, grew up.)

Dream 2. Continuation.

Haase, John, (b. 10/24/1877, Kulm, Russia. d. 1971). John came to the United States in 1902 and resided in the Odessa area, either on a farm or in town until his taking residence in Spokane. He was a member of the UCC, aiding in the construction of the present facility. Mr. Haase was united in marriage in 1905 on Sept. 6, to Lydia Yanke. Five sons and four daughters will be born to this union.

Heimbigner Jr., George, (b. 2/4/1870, Frank, Russia. d. 3/21/1939). Father: Casper Heim-bigner, born Russia. George Heimbigner Jr., widely known resident of the Batum area, died at a Spokane hospital. He came to the United States in 1899, locating for two years at Walla Walla, then coming to the Odessa area in 1901. Mrs. Heimbigner died in 1924. His relatives are: 3 sons: George F. of Harrington; Adolph of Mohler, Ruben of Odessa; 3 brothers: Con Heimbigner, of Odessa; Jake Heimbigner of Walla Walla; K.K. Heimbigner.

Hemmerling, Friedrich "Fred," (b. 12/26/1892, Saratov, Russia. d. 2/22/1981). Parents: Gottlieb and Louisa (Jeske) Hemmerling. The family came to the United States on June 10, 1902 and homesteaded north of Odessa. On 11/17/1915 Mr. Hemmerling married Ida Haase. The couple homesteaded north of Odessa until about 1927, when they moved to California. About a year later, they returned to this area and farmed east of Odessa until 1947. After traveling in California and Arizona they will move to Spokane and other cities in Washington until settling on a farm near Ephrata. The couple will celebrate their 50th wedding anniversary in 1965. After Mrs. Hemmerling passes away at Ephrata, the following year, Mr. Hemmerling will move to Odessa.

Until next time,

Your Relative, Spokane


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