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Our standards are not the measures set by God

“We all stumble in many ways. If anyone is never at fault in what he says, he is a perfect man, able to keep his whole body in check.” (James 3:2)

As I was thinking about this and what standards we put on ourselves as people and even as Christians, I thought how many times I fail to meet the standard that I have set up for myself. Then I get down on myself because I am not able to meet my self-imposed standard.

I wonder if God just laughs at us sometimes, wondering why we do this to ourselves. God is looking at the heart and our motives and not if we passed or fail our own standards. He already knows we are going to make mistakes and He knows we don't measure up to any religious standard that we can come up with.

I am not saying that we should blow off trying to live a Godly life. There are lots of scripture that tell us how to live our life for the Lord. The question is, how do we respond when we miss the mark and don’t do the things we know we should do?

There are many lessons in the Bible of people who have missed the mark. I think that the Lord is watching to see how we respond in those moments.

We all know the story of David, when he slept with Bathsheba and ended up having her husband killed to cover up the affair. This was very offensive to the Lord and the Lord sent a prophet to confront David about his sin. David’s response is what we need to learn from. Don't think you are going to get away with the sin but rather, how are you going to respond when the Lord points out your sin? David didn’t get mad and throw the prophet out. He fell on his face before the Lord and prayed for forgiveness.

Peter is another example, who, the night Jesus was betrayed, denied that he even knew Jesus and he denied it three different times. When the rooster crowed and Peter saw what he had done he ran out and wept bitterly and repented. We know he repented because later when Jesus asked Peter if he loved him, Peter responded, “Yes Lord, I love you.”

How do you respond to the times you make mistakes and displease the Lord? Do you run to the Lord or do you run away from the Lord?

Let me say it this way, do you repent and ask God to forgive you and continue to pray and read the Bible and go to church looking for the encouragement and strength to be stronger for the Lord? Or do you start backing away from the things that can make you stronger in the Lord?

Do you stop reading the Bbible and praying, do you stop going to church and begin making up some kind of excuse so people won't see what’s really going on.

Our actions show our heart much more then our words. If you have found yourself in a place like this, you know you have made mistakes. Who hasn’t? Maybe you’re ashamed to come back to God.

I want you to know he is waiting and wants you to come to him more then you or I could ever know. He sent his son to die on the cross so we could have a way of forgiveness. Would you come back to him today? Don’t wait. He is waiting. Then begin to do the things I mentioned to help strengthen you and you will be able to stand stronger the next time you give in to temptation.


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