The Booster Club will hold a dinner and auction on October 8, 2011. Happy hour starts at 5:30 with dinner at 6 p.m. Dinner will include steak grilled on an outdoor grill by Riders Club members, and music will be provided by Larry Moffet and Jeff Wehr.
The goal of the Club is to earn money for warm-ups/jackets for all sports participants and to purchase portable sound systems for each school.
There will be 12 live auction items and several tables filled with silent auction items.
OH Booster Club 2011
Cash Donations
Jim and Sue Els, Buck and Joann Gossett, Harrington Homemakers, Harrington PTA, Jim and Vicki Knapp, Kevin and Renea Larmer, Ron and Linda Mielke, Randy and Kathy Oestreich, Pioneer Title, Darrell and Deb Roberts, Glen and Eileen Tanke, Tanke Joint Venture, Don and Nancy Timm, John and Linda Wagner, Colley and Halee Walter.
Donations were used to purchase: Two Titan parking signs (one for Harrington and one for Odessa) to allow #1 TITAN FAN parking at all home games; a women’s O-H Titans black jacket; a men’s O-H Titans black jacket; a Titans fire pit; beer bottle openers; welcome sign; six college-themed buckets to be filled by families; Davenport Hotel Break-a-Way and Stay package and an autographed Jim Walden football.
Donated Items
Odessa-Harrington sports programs (first of each sport autographed): Football helmet, volleyball, boys’ basketball, girls’ basketball, baseball bat, Randy and Rollie Behrens – Mariners blankets, Dr. Condon – Sonicare tooth brush, Costlow Auto Services – oil change, Crab Creek Coffee House – gift basket, Crop Production Services – O-H spirit pack, Eastern Washington University – EWU football game (four tickets), Harrington Golf Course/Norm Brock – four rounds of golf, Carl and Heather Hedreen – O-H stadium seats, Carl and Heather Hedreen – Seattle Renaissance Hotel package, Jim and Stacy Hirst – Nike bag of pink, Denise Hoffman and Ed Shields – Lady Zags tickets, Mike and Kathy Hoob (Harrington Foods) – EWU bucket, Paul Hopp – barn-wood birdhouse, Scott and Debbie Hutsell – Les Schwab gift certificate, Dirk and Julie Jacobsen – kid’s O-H sweatshirt, Todd, Terri and King boys – goose/duck hunt for 8 with hunter-style breakfast, Mike Kuest – WSU sign, LaMarr and Susan Larmer family – WSU bucket, Leffel, Otis & Warwick – Coeur d'Alene Resort Fall Package for 2, Marcus and Kelsie Mann, Libby Hutsell & Cody Murdock – Titan basket, Marcus and Kelsie Mann – spoon bracelet, Odessa Record – subscription, Odessa Trading Company – electronic CASE dart board, Ott Insurance – barn-wood cooler holder, 2 men’s WSU basketball tickets, Mike Perry Family – University of Montana bucket, Ron and Lori Mann (Manntiques) – sunflower canvas print, Rocky Coulee Brewery/Neil Fink – BBQ rib dinner and beer tasting for 10, LeaAnn Schutz – Miche bag, Ryan Shafer – Spokane Athletic WSU jacket, Don and Nancy Timm – Gonzaga bucket, Bruce and Kim Todd – Whitworth bucket, Lance and Barb Tower – Gonzaga men’s basketball game (2 tickets), Mike and Taunya Van Pevenage (Peak Fitness) – O-H blanket/water bottle, Jim Walden – autographed book, Larry and Kelly Weber family – Husky bucket, Craig Schuh – 2 rounds of golf at Deer Park GC, Lise Ott – “’T’ is for Titan” quilt, Dessert of the Month – Odessa/Harrington staff.
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