The Odessa Parent-Teacher Organization bought T-shirts for all students in preschool through twelfth grade. They also bought shirts for all certified, classified staff and administrators. At registration, parents filled out shirt sizes for children, and two weeks later the shirts were delivered. Suzie Deife talked with the Harrington School District, which also provided shirts for the entire school, and “piggy-backed” on the same design. “The PTO raises funds for K-8, but we thought it was important to provide shirts for ALL students in Odessa,” said Suzie Deife, president of the PTO.
The Odessa PTO has done quite a few things already this school year. Cindy Groh headed the Fest breakfast on Saturday in the Biergarten, which benefited the PTO and was a huge success. The funds from the Fest fundraiser were used to offset the cost of the Titan-pride shirts. Suzie Deife and Cindy Groh, with the help of Julie Wehr, headed the wrapping paper fundraiser which will end this week. The wrapping paper profits will be used for the spring art program for K-8 taught by Maria Schuh.
The PTO now has a Facebook page (“Like” our page under Odessa Parent-Teacher Organization) and also has an e-mail address: The PTO is planning on meeting at 7:15 a.m. on November 2. “We would love to hear input whether it be attending a meeting, via e-mail or posting on our Facebook page” said Suzie Deife.
The PTO is taking a break until Christmas Fest, when pictures with Santa will be offered.
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