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The Odessa Chamber of Commerce will be awarded $10,000 toward the completion of its commercial kitchen project, and the Odessa Lions Club will also be awarded $10,000 toward its Festplatz project by the Lincoln County Commissioners. The final decision on which projects to fund was made Tuesday, with the commissioners deciding that all the projects submitted were worthy of funding.
The following communities and organizations were also awarded grants from the Lincoln County Economic Development Fund: Almira – Water Reservoir Project, $11,000; Davenport – Airport Sewer Extension Project, $20,000; Davenport – Hwy. 25 Business Park Project, $10,000; Harrington Chamber – Public Restroom Project, $10,000; Harrington Opera House Society – Elevator Project, $25,000; Reardan Area PDA - Ag Tour Train Project, $15,000; Wilbur – Airport Equipment and Storage Building Project, $19,000.
Funding comes from the Lincoln County sales tax and is awarded by the Commissioners. The staff of the Lincoln County Economic Development Council facilitates the program for the Commissioners, and the EDC Board members vet the projects and make recommendations to the Commissioners who make the final decisions.
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