Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Oct. 7: A shed on the lower level of the Creston ball field was demolished as a result of two acts of malicious mischief. Footprints found on the structure indicated it had been kicked in, splitting it down the center.
A Davenport man reported someone had attempted to use his bank card for online transactions without his authorization.
A boat spun out of control near the Keller Ferry marina. Two occupants were tossed into the water but found their way to shore.
A teenage girl wearing pajamas was spotted wandering in the vicinity of Marshall and Thirteenth streets in Davenport.
Trader's Express in Davenport reported someone drove away without paying for $76 worth of gas.
A Sprague woman reported someone had sent harassing messages to her on Facebook.
A semi-truck hauling wood pellets became involved in a collision after the driver tried to avoid a deer that ran out on SR 231 about a quarter mile south of SR 2 near Reardan.
An assault involving three juvenile boys was reported near the Davenport laundromat on Sixth Street.
Police in Odessa and Reardan handled minor in possession incidents at their respective local football fields.
After noticing two people in a van leave something near the old Cenex sign on North Lake Street in Reardan, a caller told police he found a plastic container with a pink substance inside.
Oct. 8: A caller reported her granddaughter had consumed a bottle full of Gummi vitamins.
Deputies investigated an overnight burglary in the 500 block of Morgan Street in Davenport.
A collision involving a vehicle and deer was reported on I-90 just east of Sprague.
Deputies investigated malicious mischief reported at Davenport's Pioneer Plaza.
Oct. 9: A Teel Hill Road resident phoned in her concern that neighbors were shooting guns on her property.
A deer vs. vehicle collision took place on SR 2 east of Wilbur.
Wilbur Police assisted a dog that while chained, jumped a fence on SE County Road and got stuck.
Oct. 10: Multiple vehicles and an elk were involved in a collision on I-90, with no injuries reported.
Occupants of an old white school bus that appeared in use as a residence were advised they couldn't park it on Sprague city right-of-way for more than eight hours at a time.
Oct. 11: Several head of cattle were observed on SR 25 about seven miles north of Davenport.
A caller expressed concern that a semi-truck sharing Harrington Tokio Road with her had tailgated her vehicle and other big rig drivers failed to obey posted speed limits.
Oct. 12: Railroad crossing arms were reported down at Mondovi.
Two vehicles that were at Waukon Road and SR 231 for about 30 minutes with lights off were occupied by individuals who became tired while traveling and wanted to get a little sleep.
Chickens on East Cougar Ridge in the Reardan area were reportedly attacked and killed by a German shepherd dog.
A Creston woman reported the theft of a 1989 Yamaha motorcycle worth about $500 from property in the 100 block of NW Anderson Street.
On Detour Road near Davenport, deputies intercepted a 1996 Acura that had been stolen from a Spokane Valley residence.
An Edwall woman became suspicious when she opened her front door and saw a red mini-van that was backed up to it suddenly take off.
Oct. 13: A property owner on Williams Lake Road found a vehicle with camouflage gear inside parked on his land, where hunting is prohibited.
Oct. 10: Michelle A. Larson, 33, Walla Walla, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Christopher J. Emerson, 20, Maple Valley, Wash., confined by the court one day for driving while under the influence.
Edson A. Ramirez Martinez, 21, Spokane, arrested by Washington State Patrol and held for Okanogan County on a second-degree rape charge.
Milo S. Iaulualo, 24, Harrington, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for possession of methamphetamine.
Oct. 11: Lee G. Winslow, 61, Odessa, arrested by LCSO for producing marijuana.
Oct. 12: Lee J. Smith, 49, Spokane Valley, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Robert A. Hawley, 48, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Darin C. Millikan, 41, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Haley A. Smith, 23, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Adam E. Hunter, 28, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Jennifer J. Chavez, 38, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Oct. 13: Matthew A. Barnard, 26, Richland, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while under the influence.
Shelby J. George, 22, Nespelem, held for Okanogan County for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Michelle D. Leininger, 36, Omak, arrested by Reardan Police for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Melvin Dockter, 66, Wilbur, arrested by Wilbur Police for driving while under the influence.
Oct. 14: Michael A. Moro, 24, Spokane, confined two days by the court for failing to comply with terms of his sentence for driving while license suspended.
Court Report
Lincoln County Auditor's Office
Adrienna Ann German, 32, and Russell Dean Graham, 38, both of Wilbur.
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 91 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Daniel Ross Thompson, Reardan, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail, $693 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.
Bonnita K. Clough, Sprague, driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Victor Bryan James, Aberdeen, Wash., driving while license suspended, amended at prosecutor's request to no valid operator's license, $450 court assessments.
William Darrel Smallwood, Spokane, protection order violation, pleaded guilty, $443 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation; driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Deborah Noreen Chickering, Sprague, disorderly conduct, found guilty by jury, 30 days confinement (to be determined from medical review), $1,043 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation, no possession or use of alcohol and non-prescribed drugs, alcohol/drug and anger management evaluation and treatment; fourth-degree assault, found guilty by jury, 30 days confinement (to be determined from medical review), $214.16 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation; malicious mischief, found not guilty.
Janna Lynne Oxos, Spokane, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 32 days confinement (30 converted to in-patient treatment), $100 court costs.
Michael Roy Hoffpauir, Pasco, driving while license suspended, dismissed at prosecutor's request (ticket was paid); no ignition interlock, pleaded guilty, $293 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation.
Pamela Michelle Holleran, Spokane, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 30 hours community service, $100 court costs.
Michael Anthony Moro, Spokane, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 5 days jail, $400 court and jail costs.
Michael James Thistlewaite, Newport, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 30 days jail, $100 court costs.
Sundance Lee Reevis, Elmer City, probation violation (minor in possession), 2 days jail, no possession or use of non-prescribed drugs (monitoring ordered for compliance).
Small Claims Court
Petitioner David Turner DMD, of Davenport, won a $434.61 default judgment against James Brady and Karen Norton, both of Harrington, for unpaid dental treatment.
Petitioner Sharon Bergmann won a $1,027.29 judgment against Cynthia Jorgenson for work done by two juveniles that went uncompensated after the respondent allegedly claimed community service was involved. Both parties are Davenport residents.
Name Changes
Due to an error on his birth certificate, the court ordered the name of Jason Phillip Wilkis, of Davenport, be changed to Jason Philip Wilkes.
The court ordered the name of Ronald Macenzy LaClair, of Davenport, be changed to Bubba Rolls, the name he has been known by for more than 10 years.
The court ordered the name of Richard Joeseph Roper, of Davenport, be changed to Ricky Rolls, the name he has been known by for more than 10 years.
The court ordered the name of Mikayla Justine Maul, of Davenport, be changed to Mikayla Rolls, the name she has been known by for more than 10 years.
The court ordered the name of Benjamin Palma Flores, of Davenport, be changed to Benjamin Flores Palma.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
Leland Land and Livestock LLC, Spokane, to Ricky E. Dunlap, et al, Cosmopolis, Wash., portion of Sec. 30, T28N, R37E, subject to easements, $48,000.
Northwest Trustee Services, Inc., Bellevue, Wash., to U.S. Bank National Association (successor trustee), Pittsburgh, Pa., portion of Sec. 1, T27N, R33E, $0.
Taren N. Beaver (custodian for Kelsey L. Beaver) with Carol R. Beaver, et al, Wilbur, to Kelsey L. Beaver, Wilbur, portion of Sec. 33, T25N, R33E, gift.
Carol R. Beaver, et al, Wilbur, to Carol R. Beaver, et al, Wilbur, portion of Sec. 33, T25N, R33E, $0.
Eugene C. Haas II, et ux, Medical Lake, to David M. Frost, et ux, Airway Heights, portion of Sec. 11, T24N, R38E, $171,000.
Cheryl L. Volkman (personal representative, Robert Otto Paul Volkman, Sr., Estate), Enumclaw, Wash., to Penny L. McCurdy, Republic, portion of Sec. 30, T27N, R39E, $0.
Cheryl L. Volkman (personal representative, Robert Otto Paul Volkman, Sr., Estate), Enumclaw, Wash., to Robert P. Volkman, Jr., Enumclaw, portion of Sec 30, T27N, R39E, $0.
Stephen E. Schmierer, et ux, Odessa, to Jason M. Conner, et al, Odessa, portion of Sec. 27, T22N, R33E, $207,000.
Gregory R. Blume, et al, Spokane, to Vincent Dicerto, Davenport, Parcel A, Blume Short Plat, $94,970.
Jean Blume, Davenport, to Vincent Dicerto, Davenport, 2002 29x68 mobile home, $25,530.
MTC Financial Inc. (Trustee Corps), Irvine, Calif, to Flagstar Bank, Troy, Mich., east 38 feet of Lot 17, and all of Lot 18, Blk. 27, Finney and Pattee's Addition to Town of Odessa, $135,409.01.
Richard E. Dreger, Creston, to Richard Dreger LLC, Creston, Lot 15, Blk. 3, Roosevelt Views Subdivision, Sec. 20, T28N, R33E, $0.
Michael E. Crowell, et ux, Creston, to Quail Ridge Estates LLC, Creston, Lots 1-9, plat of Quail Ridge Estates, City of Davenport Long Plat, $0.
Quail Ridge Estates LLC, Creston, to Michael E. Crowell, et ux, Creston, Lot 2, Plat of Quail Ridge Estates, City of Davenport Long Plat, $0.
Quail Ridge Estates LLC, Creston, to Guy W. Copenhaver, et ux, et al, Creston, Lot 4, Plat of Quail Ridge Estates, City of Davenport Long Plat, $0.
Lynwood E. Lewis, Davenport, to Lynwood E. Lewis, Davenport, Lot 16, Deer Heights Plat No. 3, $0.
Rusty Wakefield, et ux, Kenmore, Wash., to Douglas J. Anderson, et ux, Spokane, Lot 3, Blk. 5, FDR Estates, $50,000.
Patrick D. Henry, et ux, Spokane, to Terry P. Fletcher, et ux, Spokane, Lot 28, Blk. 1, Airport Addition to Seven Bays, $85,000.
Donald N. Frick (personal representative, estate of Effie K. Frick), Odessa, to Donald N. Frick, Odessa, Lots 31 and 32, Libsack Addition to Town of Odessa, $0.
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