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Court Report

Sheriff's Report


Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Nov. 14: A caller reported someone had removed fence posts from a property line on West Second Avenue in Sprague.

A tow truck was required to get a truck back on the road after it went over an embankment on SR 2 near Davenport.

A woman told dispatchers her grandson was missing from her Kintschi Road North residence.

A caller described two suspicious individuals in a black Cadillac Escalade purporting to be selling Kirby vacuum cleaners at night, wanted to come into a house on Star Barn Road. After a subsequent caller described similar individuals at a Coal Coulee Road residence, a deputy caught up with them and found they had a business license from Kirby.

A "suspicious man" who was walking around Almira looking at buildings prompted a call from municipal personnel.

A resident on Oestreich Road North told dispatchers someone had illegally dumped garbage on her property that included old carpet, tractor parts and wrapping.

Wheatland Bank personnel reported a "disgruntled customer" at the Davenport branch who was "argumentative" with tellers after hours.

Reardan Police investigated a report of a weapon - a 4-inch blade - found on a high school student on campus.

Reardan Police responded to a domestic violence assault at a North Lake Street residence. An individual was transported to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.

Nov. 15: A resident of the 500 block of Eleventh Street in Davenport asked for assistance with an unwanted man.

No injuries were reported after two vehicles collided at Coyote Heights and King Ranch roads.

A man advised that another man refused to pay him for work on a house in the Sprague area and wouldn't allow him to retrieve his tools.

A man reported he and his dog were attacked by wild dogs while scouting for deer in the Tamarack Canyon area.

Wilbur Police kept an eye on a Central Washington Grain Growers elevator on Division Street that appeared to be splitting open. The area was taped off.

A strong ammonia odor drifted through Reardan's town park and was sourced in Ag Link, Inc. personnel cleaning out tanks nearby.

Nov. 16: A deputy responded to a report from Davenport High School that a student had punched another in the stomach.

Dispatchers assisted in a fire drill involving Sprague schools.

A Sterling Valley Road resident reported her dog had been shot with a pellet gun and advised that people dressed in black had been seen in that area.

A resident on West Adams in Harrington reported that the driver of a pickup truck was spinning tires in the snow and operating it recklessly.

A resident of SE First in Creston who had started a campfire in his backyard reported that a woman entered the yard and began screaming and harassing him.

Deputies assisted Wilbur Police in investigating vandalism to "Wilbur the Pig," an antique wagon and geese statues across from the Willows Motel in the vicinity of Main and Brace streets. One report advised that three men were involved.

Nov. 17: Green Canyon Road was reported to be very icy.

An altercation between a man and woman in the vicinity of SE Railroad in Creston reportedly included shoving and possible display of a knife.

A truck rollover was reported on SR 2 just east of Telford rest area.

A woman discovered a large dent in the rear bumper of a vehicle parked on Morgan Street in Davenport.

A farm tractor with a wide back blade was observed knocking down guideposts as it traveled north on SR 25 about four miles north of Davenport.

A passing Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railroad crew observed a man driving a truck through a herd of deer, striking some, in the vicinity of Peterson Mende Road East and Marlin Road East.

Nov. 18: A caller at the Willows Motel in Wilbur reported feeling the Omak earthquake and described how she awakened to dishes shaking.

A railroad crossing gate at Creston was reported to be malfunctioning.

Extremely slick conditions were reported on SR 2 between Reardan and Airway Heights.

A deputy checked out a residence on Arm View Lane in Creston after a burglar alarm went off there.

On SR 2 just east of Davenport, two vehicles collided head-on, sending both drivers to Lincoln Hospital for treatment. Less than a mile away, a vehicle slid off the highway.

A Wilbur school bus driver reported that occupants of a passing vehicle threw an object at the bus as it traveled on SR 2.

A traffic collision was reported at SR 231 and Detour Road.

Deputies were called to assist with a patient who had been discharged but refused to leave the Lincoln Hospital emergency room.

A Utah-based trucking company advised dispatchers that two drivers, a man and woman, were involved in an assault with each other while traveling on I-90 in the Sprague area.

A vehicle went into the ditch on Devils Gap Road about a mile east of SR 231.

A Davenport caller requested assistance with an unwanted and intoxicated man that appeared to be scaring residents in her neighborhood.

Nov. 19: A man and woman - and their pit bull and several puppies - found themselves stranded in Davenport when the People to People bus could not take on additional riders. Dispatchers sent them to a local motel.

A deputy wasn't able to find a blue station wagon a caller reported had been spinning brodies at speeds up to 80 mph on Second Street in Sprague. Along SR 2 near Davenport, another caller reported a recklessly driven white sedan heading west had attempted a pass on the shoulder.

Hunters were found trespassing on property along Wagner Lake Road and advised to contact the landowner first.

Nov. 20: A woman walking east in the 300 block of Morgan Street in Davenport left behind luggage bags at various locations along the way.

A man was transported to Lincoln Hospital after he was knocked down by a cow and hit his head on a fence or gate at Stockland Livestock Exchange in Davenport.

A Hotchkiss Drive resident reported the theft of a pellet stove valued at about $3,500.


Nov. 17: Richard M. Everett, 37, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to appear for possession of drug paraphernalia.

Nov. 18: Nathan Mielke, 28, Davenport, confined by the court for violating a protection order.

Nov. 19: Michael J. Thistlewaite, 37, Spokane, confined by the court 30 days for violating probation for driving while under the influence.

Nov. 20: Nicole L. Garner, 28, Spokane, arrested by Washington State Patrol for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.

Nov. 21: Haley A. Smith, 23, Spokane, detained under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.

Charles R. McNeil, 26, Wilbur, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for possession of drug paraphernalia and possession of marijuana.

Court Report


Lincoln County Auditor's Office

Kelly Thomas Hembach, 48, and Michelle Henriette Buet, 29, both of Davenport.

Richard LeRoy Seibold II, 24, Coulee City, and Karen Michelle Oliver, 23, Albany, Ore.


Lincoln County Clerk's Office

New filings - Nov. 14: Chase H. Hubbard and Zenda R. Hubbard, of Wilbur, married Oct. 23, 2010, at Wilbur, separated Sept. 19, 2011, no children of the marriage. Also, 70 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 2 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Dispositions

Todd Dewayne Croasmun, 49, Wilbur, was found not guilty of possession of methamphetamine after a Nov. 16 bench trial in which the judge determined the defendant has "unwitting possession of meth" when law enforcement officers found a small plastic bag containing a white crystal substance during a search of his residence in 2010. According to the court file, Croasmun, who has a legal medical marijuana prescription, denied the substance was in his personal possession.

Guy Nelson, 43, Creston, pleaded guilty Nov. 15 to possession of marijuana and use of drug paraphernalia (amended through plea negotiations from possession of methamphetamine) in connection with a Jan. 28 traffic stop in Davenport. He was sentenced to one day in jail (credited as served), $700 court costs, 24 months probation and must complete a chemical dependency evaluation and treatment. The court earlier denied a defense motion to suppress evidence seized during a search of Nelson's vehicle.

In a case related to the Nelson case, Bethani Melissa McKelvy, 30, Lincoln, pleaded guilty Nov. 15 to solicitation to possess methamphetamine (amended through plea negotiations from possession of meth). She must pay $743 court costs and complete 24 months probation and a chemical dependency evaluation and treatment.

New Criminal Cases

Dennis Eugene Durbin, 35, Coulee City, is charged with first-degree malicious mischief (interrupt and impair electricity service) in connection with a June 26 incident during which alleged tampering with copper wire on a utility pole resulted in an outage affecting Odessa area customers of both Avista Utilities and Inland Power and Light Co.

Matthew Taylor Stinnett, 34, Richland, is charged with second-degree theft of a motor vehicle (by color or aid of deception). He is alleged to have used a check from an overdrawn account that was subsequently closed by US Bank to pay $800 for a 1988 Ford ambulance offered at a June 18 consignment auction benefiting the Odessa Volunteer Fire Department, which made repeated, but unsuccessful, attempts to collect the money after the bank refused to honor the check.

New Civil Cases

Roosevelt Views Community Association seeks payment of $1,768.50 plus interest and attorney fees from Christian Lizet Vargas for three lots that are the focus of a Nov. 7 lien after the money wasn't received by the July 1 due date.

Roosevelt Views Community Association seeks payment of $673.50 plus interest and attorney fees from Island Breeze Investments, Inc., for a lot that is the focus of a Nov. 7 lien after the money wasn't received by the July 1 due date.


Estate of Lois E. Sautter, of Davenport, who died Nov. 3.

Estate of Travis William Nicholls, of Davenport, who died Oct. 18.

Estate of Inez M. Fletcher, of West Richland, who died Oct. 3.

Estate of Merritt William Baulne, of Wilbur, who died Jan. 17.

Estate of Isabelle E. Anderson, of Santa Rosa, Calif., who died Nov. 23, 2010.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Tyonek Glee Ogemageshig, Copalis Crossing, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $593 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Mikhail Ivanovich Deyner, Colville, no proof of liability insurance, contested, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Cody James Allen, Hayden, Idaho, speeding (18 mph over limit), contested, found not guilty.

Kari Ann Engelson, Tacoma, fail to stop, contested, found not guilty.

Garrett Ray Foley, Reardan, speeding (14 over), $144 maximum penalty; no proof of insurance, dismissed, $25 court costs.

Garrett Thomas Jess, Coulee City, cell phone use while driving, contested, found guilty, fined $124.

Candyce M. Thompson-Stokes, Cheney, speeding (15 over), contested, found not guilty.

Trey Robert David Coffman, Wilbur, speeding (15 over), fined $75.

Thomas J. Murphy, Grand Coulee, illegal deposit of unwholesome substance (urine), dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Richard Michael Everett, Spokane, probation violation (possession of drug paraphernalia), 6 days jail (4 credited as served), $180.40 court costs, previous fine of $443 converted to 40 hours community service.

Visiting Judge Judy McCauley

Eddie Broeckel, LaCrosse, speeding near school playground, contested, found guilty, fined $210.

Bradley Solomon, Ford, speeding (15 over), fined $110.

Visiting Judge Adalia Hille

Angela Tuller, Burlington, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $500 court assessments, 12 months probation.

Small Claims Court

Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Dale and Doris Erickson (Davenport Veterinary Clinic) won a $4,726 judgment against Jack McGuinness (Stockland Livestock Exchange), Davenport, for an unpaid balance on professional services provided from February to July of this year, plus finance charges.

Property Transactions

Lincoln County Treasurer's Office

Barbara K. Petty de Booy, Wilbur, to FDRSOM LLC, Yakima, portion of Sec. 25, T28N, R32E; and portion of Sec. 30, T28N, R33E, subject to easements, $0.

James M. Barnett, Tacoma, to Douglas N. McLeod, et ux, Tacoma, Lot 4, Aspen Short Plat, $68,000.

Whitestone Land Management LLC, Ephrata, to Ridgeview Estates at Lake Roosevelt Homeowner's Association, Soap Lake, Lot 2, Michael Todd Short Plat No. 1, $0.

Scott Sandberg, et ux, Bonney Lake, Wash., to Black Bear Properties LLC, Davenport, Tract 1, Ruffed Grouse Short Plat, $80,000.

Theodore J. Novotney, et ux, Anchorage, Alaska, to Sherene M. Haden, Wilbur, portion of Blk. 6, Hay's Addition to Wilbur and west 100 feet of east 200 feet of that portion, $180,000.

A & E Equity Investments LLC, Las Vegas, Nev., to Donald Ray Parker, Grand Coulee, 1981 60x14 mobile home, $2,000.

John E. Coley, et ux, Davenport, to Jory P. Jahn, et ux, Davenport, west 48 feet of Lot 8 and east half of Lot 9, Blk. 99, Columbia Addition to Town (now City) of Davenport and 1975 24x48 mobile home, $40,000.

Gilbert J. Sheffels (as his separate estate, as to an undivided half interest) and Wendy L. Pratt (personal representative, estate of Eleanor R. Sheffels, as to an undivided half interest), Ocean Shores, Wash., to Chad J. Tschida, et ux, Wilbur, Lots 13-16, Thomison's Addition to Wilbur, $160,000.

Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Carrollton, Texas, to Timothy J. Young, et ux, Davenport, Lot 6, Blk. 28, Timmon's Second Addition to Town of Davenport, $61,900.

Wolfgang Winter and Samantha H. Dean (co-successor trustees, Dean Revocable Trust), Palmer, Alaska, to Milburn Irving Murgittroyd, Bellevue, Wash., portion of Sec. 3 and 10, T22N, R37E, $0.

Milburn Irving Murgittroyd, Bellevue, Wash., to Wolfgang Winter and Samantha H. Dean (co-cuccessor trustees, Dean Revocable Trust), Palmer, Alaska, portion of Sec. 10, T22N, R37E, $0.

Wolfgang Winter and Samantha H. Dean (co-cuccessor trustees, Dean Revocable Trust), Palmer, Alaska,, to Crayton J. Oestreich, et ux, Harrington, portion of Sec. 10, T22N, R37E, $344,280.

Fannie Mae (Federal National Mortgage Assoc.), Dallas, Texas, to Spokane Hutterian Brethren, Reardan, Lot 1, Little Falls Short Plat, $60,000.


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