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This Week in Odessa History

First market day brought farmers to town in 1908

Throughout the first half of the 20th Century, “market days” played an important role in the commerce of Odessa.

The events were planned to bring buyers into the stores. Bargain prices were offered. There was often entertainment. As the buyers were for the most part farmers of the area, sometimes farm seminars with agricultural experts as speakers, were on the program.

The very first market day took place 103 years ago. This was the report in The Odessa Record of November 20, 1908:

Despite the bad weather conditions prevailing yesterday, Odessa’s first farmers market day was a success.

It attracted a goodly number of farmers to town and sufficient interest was taken to warrant the holding of the market days at regular intervals during the winter months.

In the street sale, conducted by auctioneer A.A. Lesley, persona property to the value of more than $1,500 was sold, including a number of head of horses. Many of the farmers and their wives took advantage of the special bargains and special discounts given by the stores.

The Odessa Concert Band gave two concerts, one at 10:30 in the morning and the other at 3 p.m., which helped to enliven the occasion. With the experience gained from this one to guide them, the farmers will more fully realize what profit such occasions can be made in them, and the Odessa Commercial Club can better plan, advertise and carry out future events of this kind.

The farmers have been made to feel that the businessmen of Odessa have a direct interest in their welfare, and the ties of friendship and mutual esteem will be made stronger, resulting in the establishment of better relations between the merchant and farmer.

Owing to the late arrival of many of the farmers in town and some confusion in the arrangements, the morning session of the farmers’ institute failed to materialize. Nearly 200 farmers assembled at the opera house in the afternoon to listen to the speakers from Washington State College, Dr. Nelson, Professor Severence and Mr. Olson.

All are professors at the State College. They told of research now under way in the hybridization of wheat varieties and of the good results which have been obtained. They also discussed soil cultivation and said there should be no sparing of work in this direction. They also spoke of the advantage of the farmer keeping good livestock. Good horses, it was explained, cost no more to raise or keep than scrub stock and command a much higher price.

The State College professors went from Odessa to Wilson Creek, where they will hold a farmers’ institute today.

100 Years Ago

From The Odessa Record

November 17, 1911

Six hundred musicians, 35 princesses and floats from various parts of Washington, Oregon, Idaho and Montana, Mardi Gras festivities including four masquerade balls; the dedication of the Monroe street bridge, which has the longest single span of concrete in the world; initiation by the Enakops of 75 mayors of Northwestern cities, a sham battle by seven companies of he United States troops, championship packing contests, packing school, orchard and spraying demonstrations, cookery school, street amusements, vaudeville band contest and concerts, a coronation ball, receptions and banquets are some of the features of the fourth National Apple show and Enakops jubilee in Spokane, November 23 to 30.

75 Years Ago

From The Odessa Record

November 19, 1936

The Wilbur-Odessa road 34 miles long, is one of the four main county roads in this region that the Lincoln County commissioners are asking to have added to the state primary highway system.

To people of Adams county and southern points it also offers the shortest approach to the Grand Coulee dam, through Wilbur, its northern terminus.

50 Years Ago

From The Odessa Record

November 16, 1961

The Odessa Tigers squashed the Soap Lake Eagles to a 39-0 victory in the final Bi-County League football game of the season which put them in the first place position in the Bi-County and in the State Associated Press poll.

In the first quarter Soap Lake kicked off to the Tigers with Jon Evavold receiving and carrying the ball to Odessa’s 33. The Tigers then pushed from the 33 to the Eagle’s 41 to the 26 and Jon Evavold streaked across for the TD. Bob Gudgel made the extra point, making the score 7-0, all in the first two minutes of the game.

Odessa put the ball back in the game and Dick Natoris of Soap Lake carried it to the 40. In a few plays on the 44 Errol Kramer recovered an Eagle fumble and put the ball on the 46. The eagles were really working at this point, causing Odessa to fumble just as the first quarter ended.

Bob Gudgel got control of the ball early in the second quarter and moved it to the 47. From the 47 Jon Evavold spotted a hole and zipped through it to paydirt for the Tigers with the tremendous blocking of Jim Stephens. The score: 13-0.

Several plays later Jon Evavold went 20 yards to the 5-yard line. Bob Zagelow then saw his chance as he streaked across for another mark on the Tiger score board. Bob Gudgel made the extra point. The score:20-0. Soap Lake did not make any tremendous advances in the second quarter.

Early in the third quarter Soap Lake recovered a Tiger fumble and took the ball to the 49-yard line. From there they continuously lost yardage as Odessa recovered on the 39.

The fourth quarter was a lot livelier as right off the bat the Tigers started pushing from the 20 to the 5 to the 1 to the 6 inch line and across for the TD. The score: 26-0. Soap lake was trying to stop the Tiger onslaught but was unable as Jon Evavold sprinted down field from the 45 to the 6-yard line. Jim Stephens pushed across to pay dirt and Bob Gudgel made the extra point.

The last touchdown of the game came when Soap Lake had forced themselves up against the solid wall of the Tigers. Starting at the 27-yard line Odessa pushed up to the 2-yard line where Tom Evavold went across that line called goal. Center Schmierer added the point.

“I’ll sum the game up along with the season,” commented Coach Phil Roth, “as an excellent example of team effort as indicated by our balance of strength throughout the season. Everything was accomplished as a team effort.

“Our morale and desire to win was as high as I have ever seen, which is indicated by the way we came form behind in three of our ball games. The ultimate goal of every individual on the team this year was to go through the season undefeated and I don’t recall any selfishness towards individual recognition as it was, and I repeat, a 100 percent team effort.”

25 Years Ago

From The Odessa Record

November 20, 1986

The Odessa School District board of directors Monday night heard a preliminary schedule for phase development on the new high school building.

District superintendent Gordon Wallace reported, “The completion of educational specifications and work by the surveyors will allow the production of the first rough set of line drawings.”

10 Years Ago

From The Odessa Record

November 29, 2001

Holiday lights were turn on in Odessa last Sunday. The red, green and yellow festoons have graced the lampposts along downtown First Avenue during the holiday season for more than a quarter of a century.

The holiday lighting blends beautifully with downtown Odessa’s historic architecture.


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