Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Nov. 21: Reardan's animal control officer reported recovering a purebred golden retriever.
Deputies responded to a report that a man stood at the corner of Morgan and Fifth streets in Davenport, screaming, yelling and banging on the door of Delilah's tavern. Windows reportedly also were broken during the incident that apparently involved a dispute over money loaned.
Traffic was blocked when two trucks spun out on the Little Falls grade just above the dam.
A head-on collision was reported at First Avenue and Alder Street in Odessa.
A deputy took a Davenport-based report that a juvenile girl became angry, left home and didn't return after her parents disciplined her by taking her phone away.
A beer delivery man reported losing his hand truck somewhere in Davenport.
Three chainsaws, valued at about $1,000, were stolen from the Avista Utilities yard on Sunset Highway, where a fence was cut by bolt cutters that were left behind.
Dispatchers were told that someone is using a Davenport girl's phone that had been listed as lost three weeks ago.
A truck was demolished in a slide-off on Debord and Redwine Canyon roads. The 17-year-old boy who was driving suffered only a bruise on his leg.
Nov. 22: A resident of the 32,000 block of Lynn Road East reported the theft of a brass bell and other items, noting that he saw wide truck tracks outside the house.
Incidents involving someone scratching or keying cars parked near the Cottonwood Springs apartment complex were reported.
A deputy attempted to locate a driver bound from Grand Coulee to Spokane who reportedly texted a friend that he planned to take his own life.
Davenport and Harrington firefighters were dispatched to a structure fire in the 19,000 block of SR 28N. An electrical problem is believed to have caused the fire.
Nov. 23: Deputies responded to a domestic situation at a Sterling Valley Road residence where a man reportedly had a woman in a head lock and the woman was slapping the man. A BB gun was on the steps of the house, where three young children were inside. The man later drove away, but was stopped by deputies and taken into custody.
A man, about 50 years of age, was spotted in a Jeep Wrangler in a driveway off SR 2 near Davenport, at the county Public Works compound adjacent to SR 25, inside a wood barn and looking through storage units and the Care and Share property. A deputy cited him for trespassing.
A Sprague teacher's pickup truck was sideswiped in the school parking lot after students were released for the holiday weekend.
Lincoln Hospital personnel requested a deputy's assistance with a 15-year-old girl vomiting in the emergency room after an incident involving marijuana.
A man reported tools he left in a commercial building on Park Street in Davenport had been stolen. The loss was estimated at between $2,000 and $3,000.
Nov. 24: A collision involving a vehicle and deer was reported on SR 25 about 16 miles north of Davenport.
Avista Utilities was informed of a loud bang, possibly from a transformer, heard at a residence in the 100 block of Main Street in Davenport, resulting in a loss of electrical power.
A one-vehicle rollover was reported on SR 2 in bad road conditions near Creston. The woman who was driving was taken to Lincoln Hospital.
A Wilbur man reported that a dog in the 500 block of SE County Road constantly chases him and his family on their own property.
A traffic collision was reported in the Davenport Food Mart (Exxon) parking lot.
A caller reported a group of juveniles atop a grain elevator across from the Sprague post office. A responding deputy determined one was an employee and was giving his family a tour of the facility.
A state sanding truck was requested after a one-vehicle collision on SR 174 north of Wilbur.
Odessa Memorial Hospital personnel treated a 12-year-old boy who suffered a dog bite to the face. The incident occurred in the 400 block of East First Avenue.
Nov. 25: Deputies investigated a malicious mischief incident on property south of Odessa along SR 21.
Deputies investigated a possible burglary at a residence in the 41,000 block of Martin Canyon Road near Wilbur.
Dispatchers took a report of a possible deer poaching incident in the Wild Turkey Lane area.
Wilbur Police responded to a possible burglary in the 600 block of NW Cole.
Nov. 26: A Harrington woman reported 70 hydrocodone pills had been taken from her residence.
A Sprague man told dispatchers his 11-year-old daughter refused to come home after an argument.
Nov. 27: Sprague firefighters were dispatched to a possible car fire in the westbound lanes of I-90.
Railroad crossing arms and lights remained activated even though no trains were in the area of Bluestem and Coleman roads.
After a man told dispatchers he believed someone had threatened to kill him, deputies responded to a Kunz Road residence and took a woman in custody for domestic assault.
Dispatchers took a few reports from the Davenport and Reardan areas of disabled vehicles that posed possible traffic hazards.
A man carrying a red duffel bag was detained outside Davenport Family Foods for domestic assault and malicious mischief after he was observed running from a residence in the 400 block of Fifth Street.
Wilbur Police investigated a report that an Internet argument between two juveniles had accelerated into threats by Facebook.
Reardan Police responded to a report of two women on the sidewalk outside Bubba's Bar who were taking their clothes off while a man watched. The caller surmised that a bet or game, along with alcohol, was involved.
Nov. 21: Nathan P. Ramseyer, 20, Spokane, confined three days under contract with the City of Cheney for minor in possession.
Nov. 22: Jonathan R. Wood, 23, Spokane, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for second-degree identity theft and forgery.
Nov. 23: Fred A. Zuber, 65, Lincoln, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).
Jess A. Jacky, 29, Spokane, confined by the court 20 days for failing to comply with his sentence for driving while under the influence.
Nov. 27: Kelly Louise Green, 46, Wilbur, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).
Jarrett Lee Miller, 22, of Colorado, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence) and malicious mischief (domestic violence).
Court Report
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 35 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Charles Reuben McNeil, Creston, probation violation (possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia), 2 days jail (credited as served), $100 court costs.
John F. Strohmaier, Judge
Criminal Dispositions
Lee Grant Winslow, 61, Odessa, pleaded guilty Nov. 15 to solicitation to manufacture marijuana (amended through plea negotiations from possession with intent to manufacture or deliver marijuana) in connection with the Aug. 3 discovery of marijuana plants on property on Lesser Road North near Odessa. His sentence included 364 days confinement (all suspended), a $5,000 fine (suspended), $700 court costs, 24 months probation and attorney fees to be determined.
Kylie Sue Powers, 33, Odessa, pleaded guilty Nov. 22 to possession with intent to manufacture and/or deliver marijuana and entered an Alford plea to possession of methamphetamine. The second charge was amended through plea negotiations from two counts of distribution of marijuana to minors in connection with incidents between Jan. 1 and Feb. 11 of this year in Odessa. She must pay $850 court costs, complete 12 months probation and a substance abuse evaluation and treatment program.
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
William G. McKay, Almira, to William G. McKay and A. Nancy McKay, Almira, portion of Sec. 14, T27N, R31E, subject to easements, $0.
Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corp., Carrollton, Texas, to Larissa Weeks, Spokane, portion of Sec. 36, T26N, R39E, $115,500.
James Spurgetis (trustee, Anthony Nehls-Smith Trust), Spokane, to Anthony Nehls-Smith, Reardan, portion of Sec. 25, T27N, R38E, (also known as Tract SM 13), $0.
Frederick J. Fleming and Vicki L. Fleming, Reardan, to F & V Fleming Family LLC, Reardan, portion of Sec. 3, T25N, R38E; and portion of Secs. 3 and 4, T25N, R39E, subject to easements, $0.
Frederick J. Fleming and Vicki L. Fleming, Reardan, to F & V Fleming Family LLC, Reardan, portion of Sec. 4, T25N, R39E, subject to easements, $0.
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