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Floch Memorial Games next week

Odessa/Harrington’s boys and girls basketball teams get to be the home team while playing in the Big Bend Community College gym during the Ryan Floch Memorial Basketball Games next Tuesday, December 13.

The Floch Memorial games are a home-and-away series alternating between Odessa/Harrington and BBCC. The gate receipts and donations go to the Ryan Floch Memorial Scholarship, which supports student athletes graduating from “Class B” high schools in Eastern Washington.

The Odessa/Harrington varsity teams will host St. John-Endicott to start event. The girls play at 4 p.m., and the boys take the floor at 5:30 p.m. The Vikings will host the Gonzaga University Club Team at 7 p.m.

The games provide Odessa fans the opportunity to watch high school and college basketball on the same night.

Ryan Floch was a basketball standout at Odessa High School, and went on to play for BBCC from 1999 to 2001. Ryan and his brother Drew—a BBCC Foundation scholarship recipient—died with their grandfather and a cousin in a fishing accident.

Donations also are accepted in Drew Floch’s name for the BBCC Foundation Scholarship awarded each year to a graduate of Odessa High School.

For information on the Ryan Floch Memorial Basketball Games, or to support scholarship funds in memory of Ryan or Drew Floch, contact the BBCC Foundation Office at 793-2004.


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