Blackout practice began four days after Pearl Harbor
100 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
December 15, 1911
Just now the small boy has something to think of besides play. His is busy enumerating his many wants for Christmas, and already the shadow of Santa Claus is looming up in the homes.
December is a long month. The days are short and the nights long. But with the expectancy and planning for the great day to come, it soon passes, and almost before we know it, Christmas is here.
May yours be a happy one.
75 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
December 17, 1936
The city well has progressed to well over 130 feet deep and the digging is through solid rock, according to the latest reports. Jacob Vetter, owner of the drill spent the weekend in Odessa, supervising the work and checking progress.
A Christmas program, given jointly by the school and the community with the Sunday school, will be given at the Irby school on Wednesday, December 23. The program will consist of plays, recitations, music and songs.
Two dances, one on Christmas and one on the New Years’ eve, are announced by the Modern Woodmen lodge. At the Christmas dance the lodge has secured the music of the Hayden Brothers orchestra of Spokane. A new orchestra has been secured for the New Year’s dance, the Langelah’s dance band of Spokane.
50 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
December 14, 1961
Three power suppliers have teamed up to bring better electric service to Lincoln Electric Cooperative customers in the southern part of the county. A new $170,000 Bonneville Power Administration sub-station will be serviced through Washington Water Power’s 110,000 volt Statford-Long Lake line and give the Cooperative another source of electric power.
A BPA spokesman called the joint program ‘an example of the continuing cooperation of the region’s utilities to assure all of its citizens for the best possible electric service.”
Below zero weather prevailed in Odessa for three nights during the week, falling to 12 below on Thursday night, 2 below on Friday and 3 below on Saturday. The Thursday night cold was accompanied by a light wind that drove the cold through warm clothing. Monday saw a warming trend, when temperatures stood at 10 above zero.
Snow had fallen just ahead of the cold spell, protecting the wheat crop.
25 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
December 18, 1986
Joblessness in Lincoln County took a full-point rise for October over September’s 5.3 percent, figures just released by the Washington Employment Security Department reveal.
Increases in unemployment are normal for this time of year, Employment Security Department commissioner Isiah Turner said. “The increase resulted from seasonal reductions in agriculture, food processing, construction and tourist related trade and service industries,” said Turner.
Start each cold, winter day with a hot fire in your woodstove and you probably won’t end it with the fire department on your roof.
That’s the way to avoid chimney fires, according to Bill Symons, Washington State University extension safety specialist.
It’s a good idea to build a hot fire in your woodstove at least every other day during the woodburning season to prevent build-up of creosote in the chimney,” the safety specialist said.
10 Years Ago
From The Odessa Record
December 13, 2001
Partnerships of government and the private sector are the ingredients for economic growth, and the best example of what must be done to preserve and create family-wage jobs in rural Washington is right in Odessa, Governor Gary Locke said Friday at the grand opening and dedication of the new OPDA Industrial Park.
An upbeat crowd of about 150, cheering and clapping at times, was on hand for the ceremony.
“When these public/private partnerships succeed, as they have here in Odessa, everyone benefits-- it’s a win-win all around,” Lock said.
North Basin Seed, the industrial park’s first tenant, is expected to employ 20 full-time workers within the first three years of operation.
Odessa has been a case study in cooperation and economic development,” said Locke.
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