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Farmers, ranchers reminded of assistance program dates

The Risk Management Agency reminds producers of winter and spring sales closing dates for the Multiple Peril Crop Insurance (MPCI) programs, the Adjusted Gross Revenue Pilot (AGR) available in select Northwest counties, and the Adjusted Gross Revenue-Lite (AGR-Lite) programs available throughout the Pacific Northwest. AGR and AGR-Lite cover most farm-raised crops, animals, and animal products.

Upcoming regional sales closing dates:

January 31, 2012. Final date to obtain or change AGR insurance in select counties in Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Final date to submit required documents to continue or change 2012 AGR-Lite insurance for EXISTING POLICY HOLDERS in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

February 1, 2012. Final date to obtain or change crop insurance coverage for 2011 spring planted onions in Idaho, Oregon and Washington and cabbage in Oregon and Washington.

March 15, 2012. Final date to obtain or change ALL OTHER spring-seeded MPCI (excluding wheat in counties with fall and spring planted types). Final date to obtain 2011 AGR-Lite insurance for NEW APPLICATION/ENROLLMENT POLICIES in Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington.

Current policyholders and uninsured growers must make all of their decisions on crop insurance coverage, especially which crops to insure and which level and type of coverage to obtain, prior to the sales closing date. Note: Billing dates for Federal crop insurance policies were changed effective for 2012. Most billing dates were moved up to August 15.

RMA reminds producers of the important link between Federal crop insurance and Farm Service Agency (FSA) disaster programs. For non-insurable crops, a producer may buy coverage under the Noninsured Crop Disaster Assistance Program by the closing date. For further information about timetables, please contact the local FSA County Office.

Producers are encouraged to visit their crop insurance agent soon to learn specific details for the 2012 crop year. Federal crop insurance program policies are sold and delivered solely through private crop insurance companies and agents. A list of crop insurance agents is available at all USDA Service Centers throughout the United States or on the RMA Web site at


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