Sheriff's Report
Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.
Dec. 19: After a call from the Ritzville hospital that a woman had become stuck near the Lincoln County fairgrounds, deputies checked the Davenport site, the new sports complex on McInnish Road and the horse and mule arena in Reardan but didn't find anyone or anything connected with the call.
A power line blocked Telford Road south of SR 2, preventing a Creston school bus from continuing its route in that area.
Davenport ambulance personnel assisted a woman who fell in the 1100 block of Third Street.
County deputies joined other personnel from Reardan Police, the Washington State Patrol, the Spokane County Sheriff's Office, Davenport ambulance and Reardan EMTs in responding to a report that shots had been fired in the Reardan Cemetery. The town's police chief, Gary Redmond, was checking out a "suspicious" vehicle parked inside the cemetery at the time of the incident. He returned fire and the man inside the vehicle was killed.
A two-vehicle collision was reported on Bly Road. A cow in the roadway prompted the driver of one vehicle to back up. While doing so, it was struck from behind by a pickup truck that came up over the hill. Both vehicles were extensively damaged, but no injuries to the two drivers or two other occupants in each vehicle were reported.
Officers checked out a report from BNSF railroad personnel that a man was shooting firearms off Old Jack Brown and Old Sprague Highway roads.
Odessa Police investigated a report that someone had used a white washable marker to draw sexually inappropriate pictures on a vehicle's windshield and windows while it was parked near the high school.
Dec. 20: Deputies responded to a domestic situation at the Landmark Apartments in Harrington.
Stockland Livestock personnel in Davenport eventually found a missing horse that apparently walked through an open gate.
A Davenport man reported that WIC checks were taken from his van.
Deputies began investigating a burglary reported at a house and shop on Laney Brothers Road East near Odessa. A subsequent call from a neighboring property owner also was received with similar circumstances involved. A disabled suspect vehicle that had been stolen from Moses Lake was found hidden in brush.
An attempted break-in was reported at a house on Mondovi Road North.
A Davenport woman reported a burglary at a residence in the 1300 block of Main Street, with electronic and other items taken. Deputies believe this incident is related to those at Odessa as descriptions of a second suspect vehicle were similar.
Dispatchers were advised of a dispute between two men near the Davenport Post Office.
An 11-year-old Davenport girl was chased by a German shepherd dog that bit her ankle in front of the middle school.
Deputies responded to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport where a 22-year-old woman patient had become combative with hospital personnel. The woman was transported the next day to Eastern State Hospital.
Odessa Police responded to a report that a man had been punched in the face at a residence in the 300 block of East 2nd Avenue.
Dec. 21: Davenport firefighters responded to a shop fire in the 28000 block of Mondovi Road.
An Odessa woman was the victim of a fraud involving a Western Union transmission.
A Sprague area resident advised dispatchers he was being harassed on Facebook.
A caller reported a possible deer poaching incident on property along Porcupine Bay Road.
Wilbur Police responded to a verbal domestic incident at Main and Broadway.
Dec. 22: Dispatchers learned of an injured hawk on SR 2 east of Davenport.
Deputies checked out reports of heavier traffic than usual in the area of Davis Road near the Adams County line.
Dec. 23: Someone broke a window and entered a residence on Duck Lake Road North near Odessa.
A Davenport woman reported about $50 worth of gas had been siphoned from her vehicle parked outside a residence at Thirteenth and Main streets.
After it apparently missed a turn, a driverless vehicle was found off the roadway at SR 231 and Waukon Road.
Dec. 24: A Davenport area woman reported she received threats.
Reardan Police responded to a report that someone had driven into a ditch in front of a residence at Broadway and Fern streets.
Dec. 20: Marlie L. Rose, 21, Harrington, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for third-degree malicious mischief.
Cynthia K. Hetherington, 53, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Haley A. Smith, 23, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Dec. 21: Thomas C. Munden, 62, Burien, Wash., held on a Seattle warrant.
Dec. 22: Kathi L. Mitchell, 59, Spokane, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
Christopher D. Davenport, 37, Republic, arrested by Reardan Police for failing to appear for driving while under the influence.
Roberto C. Lopez, 68, Moses Lake, arrested on a Grant County warrant.
Dec. 23: Laureen R. Halverson, 45, Davenport, arrested by Washington State Patrol (WSP) for driving while under the influence.
Dec. 24: Kelsee L. Kruger, 21, Harrington, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for no valid operator's license.
Dec. 25: Joan Schmoker, 47, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for failing to appear for driving while license suspended.
Austin T. McDowell, 18, Mead, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.
Dec. 26: Kyle L. Martin 19, Davenport, arrested by LCSO for fourth-degree assault (domestic violence).
Dec. 27: Misty E. Hall, 29, Spokane Valley, held under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.
David A. Cronquist, 24, Molalo, Ore., arrested by WSP for failing to appear for driving while under the influence.
Court Report
Lincoln County Clerk's Office
New filings: 42 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Petitions for legal separation: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.
Joshua F. Grant, Judge
Tyler Everett Hays, Woodinville, Wash., minor in possession, possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, all charges dismissed.
Patrick Morris, Spokane, probation violation (driving while license suspended), 10 days jail (6 converted from community service, 1 credited as served), $150 court costs.
Rogelia Reyes, Odessa, probation violation (negligent driving), 30 days jail, $150 court costs, no use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs.
Kelly Louise Green, Coulee Dam, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 16 days jail (15 credited as served), $150 court costs, no use of alcohol or non-prescribed drugs, random testing ordered, no-contact order issued; fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Blaze Eugene Smith, Spokane, fourth-degree assault (domestic violence), dismissed at prosecutor's request.
Sergey Viktorovich Ivanov, Everett, Wash., driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 12 days jail, $1,043 court assessments, 24 months supervised probation.
Property Transactions
Lincoln County Treasurer's Office
James P. Spurgetis (personal representative, estate of Brant Arnes Thieren), Spokane, to Denell Thieren (custodian for four minor children), Spangle, Lots 32 and 33, Lakeview Heights, Phase I, subject to easements, $0.
E. Robert Stuhlmiller, et ux, et al, Kingston, Wash., to Aaron H. Reimer, et ux, Ritzville, portion of Sec. 3, T24N, R39E, $162,000.
Stuhlmiller LLC, Edwall, to Aaron H. Reimer, et ux, Ritzville, portion of Secs. 3 and 4, T24N, R39E, together with 100 percent CRP payments for the 2011 CRP year from the date of closing and thereafter, subject to easements, $578,000.
William W. Weber, et al, Odessa, to Benjamen G. Kniola, Odessa, Lot 30 of Libsack Addition to Town of Odessa, subject to easements, $165,000.
Larry Lucas, Wenatchee, to Les Volk, et ux, Cheney, Lot 4, Roosevelt Lake Ranch, Division 2, $85,000.
Janusz J. Kozyra, Spokane, to Robert A. McCormick, Laveen, Ariz., Lots 15, 16, and A, Jakubiak Subdivision, $65,000.
Kodiak LLC, Tacoma, to Larry Abramson, et ux, Covington, Wash., portion of Secs. 8 and 9, T26N, R36E, $165,000.
Blake D. Angstrom and Bradley D. Angstrom (successor trustees, Angstrom Family Trust), Spokane, to Blake D. Angstrom (50 percent) and Bradley D. Angstrom (50 percent), Creston, Lots 13-15 and improvements of Blk. 21, of Creston, Original Addition, $0.
Estates of Dellis Q. Angstrom and Lois P. Angstrom, Spokane, to Blake D. Angstrom (50 percent) and Bradley D. Angstrom (50 percent), Creston, Lots 19-22 and improvements of Blk. 21, Original Addition to Town of Creston, $0.
Larry A. McKay, Rosalia, to Marci M. McKay, Olympia, undivided 12 percent interest in portion of Sec. 4, T26N, R31E, subject to easements, gift.
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