Odessa Lodge #156, Free & Accepted Masons, will hold their annual installation of officers this coming Monday, January 16, in the Old Town Hall at 7 p.m. Although most regional Masonic installations are closed to the public, Odessa Lodge has chosen to open this event to the general public.
Principal officers to be installed are: Norman Ott, Master; Michael Kiesz, Senior Deacon; Marcus Horak, Junior Warden; Jerry Schafer, Senior Warden and Dennis Thompson, Secretary/Treasurer.
Odessa Lodge held its first meetings in Odessa in the last half of 1906, on the second floor of the German American Bank. After a short time, it became the Union State Bank. Upon the building of the Old Town Hall, or Community Building, the Lodge made its home on the second floor there. In later years, the meeting room was moved to its present location on the main floor.
Masonic Lodge contributions to society encompass a wide variety of areas. All Shriners are first, and always, members of local Masonic Lodges. The Shrine is responsible for Shriner’s Children’s Hospitals. Local contributions begin with the Bikes-for-Books program here in Odessa, where bikes are given away each year to grade-school children who excel in reading. Many other programs vary with individual lodges.
Refreshments will be served following the Odessa installation.
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