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Court Report

Sheriff's Report


Editor's note: Most items in this section reflect the starting point for response by local police and emergency agencies. The Lincoln County Sheriff's Office does not release names of individuals who report possible criminal or suspicious activities to dispatchers or alleged victims for this column.

Jan. 2: An emergency call that a vehicle was traveling west in the eastbound lanes on Interstate 90 was referred to the Washington State Patrol in Spokane.

Stopping her in Davenport, a deputy convinced a tired driver that was traveling erratically on SR 2 east of Davenport to take a nap before continuing her trip.

A Davenport man eventually was located in Lewiston, Idaho, after his rig had broken down. Family members became concerned when he failed to answer the door at his residence and hadn't been seen in a few days. He told a deputy that he didn't call anyone because he didn't want anyone to worry.

Deputies stopped a vehicle at Second and Morgan streets in Davenport after a caller reported a tailgating incident on SR 2 east of the city.

Jan. 3: A Davenport area woman reported a suspicious phone call involving her husband's social security number.

A collision involving a vehicle and a deer took place at Welch Creek and Miles Creston roads, with damage reported to the car's front and hood.

A suspicious man claiming to have something for a girl living in a Main Street residence prompted a call from a Davenport woman who said she did not know the man.

Jan. 4: Two llamas were reported loose on Tramm Road near SR 2 east of Reardan.

Deputies encountered an illegal dumpsite at Kallenberger and Schneider roads where a pile of remodeling debris was found.

A caller reported that his wife's grandson had taken her credit card and charged about $420 in purchases with it.

After receiving a suspicious letter, Eastern Washington University police asked that deputies check on a Sprague resident's well being.

Deputies investigated what appeared to be a burglary at a residence on Quirk Road.

Undersheriff Kelly Watkins reported a collision involving his patrol car and a deer on Weber Road about a mile east of King Ranch Road.

Odessa Police tracked a potentially dangerous dog that was loose on West Sixth Avenue.

Jan. 5: Dispatchers took a complaint of loud music and partying at a Spring Canyon Road residence. A responding deputy placed a man wanted in Spokane for assault into custody.

A Harrington man complaining of chest pains was taken by ambulance to Lincoln Hospital in Davenport.

A break-in at a commercial building on Park Street in Davenport was reported.

An Almira man reported that someone took aluminum from a scrap pile on West Main Street, placing it together in a manner that appeared to be ready for transport later.

Deputies removed an unwanted individual who reportedly was "causing a scene" at Davenport Pharmacy.

The owner of a tractor left on property along Hawk Creek Ranch Road North told dispatchers he believes someone put sugar in the fuel tank.

Deputies investigated a possible assault at an apartment in the 400 block of Ross Street in Davenport, where a door was reportedly damaged.

Jan. 6: A Davenport woman reported receiving threatening text messages.

A man told dispatchers that his credit card somehow went missing while he was attempting to fuel his vehicle at Trader's Express in Davenport.

Deputies and Reardan Police attempted to find a blue Chevrolet truck that was reportedly traveling in the wrong lane on SR 2 west of Reardan.

Thinking the crossing lights were malfunctioning and the track was clear, a woman attempted to cross railroad tracks on Brace Street in Wilbur but the vehicle in which she and her son were traveling was almost struck by a moving train she told Wilbur Police she initially didn't see.

Jan. 7: An Almira man told dispatchers he found multiple paintball shots on a People to People vehicle parked on Locust Street. The vehicle's turn signal was broken as a result of the vandalism.

Deputies responded but turned up nothing after taking a report of a gunshot sound near the Reardan grain elevators.

A woman became frightened after hearing beating on the windows and doors of a residence north of Davenport near SR 25. A responding deputy located the source of that activity, who turned out to be a friendly acquaintance of the resident.

Odessa Police responded to a woman's report that a bank envelope and cash turned up missing while ahe was in a local quilt store. Personnel there indicated they hadn't seen the items.

A Reardan patrolman advised a man not to sit alongside a roadway and attempt to slow down speeding cars traveling past his residence.

Jan. 8: An Odessa man reported an encounter involving his and a neighbor's dog at a residence on Schorzman Road.

An individual was taken by deputies to jail on suspicion of driving while under the influence after a pickup truck with two occupants was found in a ditch off Brommer Road and SR 2 near Reardan.

Wilbur Police dealt with a man who wanted to fight someone inside the Alibi tavern on SW Main Street.

A man who previously paid $20 for gas at the Wilbur Mini-Mart was surprised when store personnel told him on a return visit that he had passed a counterfeit bill and owed $20. The man told an officer that the store refused to give him the allegedly counterfeit bill.


Jan. 4: Leslie A. Broneske, 44, Wilbur, arrested by Wilbur Police for driving while license suspended.

Rogelio Reyes, 30, Odessa, confined 39 days for failing to comply with the court in connection with a charge of first-degree negligent driving.

Jan. 5: Carlos F. Herrera, 28, Spokane, confined under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.

Aaron A. Tonn, 25, Liberty Lake, confined under contract with the Washington State Department of Corrections.

Dylan E. Timpani, 23, Ephrata, arrested by Lincoln County Sheriff's Office (LCSO) for failing to comply with the court in connection with a charge of driving while license suspended.

Jan. 6: Joshua R. Granchie, 18, Odessa, arrested by Odessa Police for failing to appear for minor operating vehicle after alcohol consumption.

Jan. 8: Jason P. Rogers, 39, Kennewick, arrested by LCSO for driving while license suspended.

Vance A. Aulis, 46, Spokane, arrested by LCSO for driving while under the influence.

Jan. 9: Carla M. Roberts, 32, Lind, confined for burglary under contract with Adams County.

Court Report


Lincoln County Auditor's Office

Robert Enloe Lyle, 64, and Diana Belle Mulligan, 61, both of Spokane.


Lincoln County Clerk's Office

New filings: 45 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.

Petitions for legal separation: 1 involving persons living outside Lincoln County.


John F. Strohmaier, Judge

Criminal Disposition

After a two-day trial and being found guilty by jury of second-degree assault with a weapon, Blane Ely Hendrickson, 32, of Davenport, was sentenced Jan. 3 to nine months jail, 12 months community custody and $800 court costs. He also must complete domestic violence and anger management treatment and not possess firearms. A protection order also is in place. The charge involved a Sept. 14, 2010, incident at a Waukon Road residence during which the defendant, who responding deputies found was dressed in full camouflage, pointed a 12-gauge shotgun at a family member.


Will only of David Gumm, of Chelan County.

Estate of Elsie Caroline Weltz, of Spokane, who died Dec. 10, 2011.


Joshua F. Grant, Judge

Russell Howard Price, Reardan, driving while under the influence, pleaded guilty, 30 days jail (1 credited as served), $1,346 court assessments, 60 days electronic home monitoring, ignition interlock ordered, 24 months supervised and 36 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, no possession or use of alcohol or illegal drugs.

Joan Renee Schmoker, Davenport, driving while license suspended (2 counts), pleaded guilty to one count, $493 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation; second count dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Erik Conrad Johnsen, Wilbur, reckless endangerment (16 counts), pleaded guilty to one count, all others dismissed at prosecutor's request, 2 days jail, $150 probation fee converted to 15 hours community service, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, attend aggressive driver school.

Stephen David Hetrick, Grand Coulee, possession of drug paraphernalia, amended to use or selling paraphernalia (infraction), $250 civil penalty, $150 attorney fee; possession of marijuana, dismissed at prosecutor's request.

Christopher Davenport, Republic, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 30 days jail (14 credited as served).

David Allen Cronquist, Molalla, probation violation (driving while under the influence), 9 days jail (all credited as served), $150 court costs.

Steven Leroy Hatten, Spokane, driving while under the influence, found guilty following revocation of deferred prosecution, 30 days jail, $741 court assessments, 36 months supervised and 24 unsupervised probation, no use or possession of alcohol, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment; driving while under the influence, pleaded guilty, 45 days jail, $1,146 court assessments, 60 days electronic home monitoring, ignition interlock ordered, 36 months supervised and 24 months unsupervised probation, chemical dependency evaluation and treatment, no use or possession of alcohol or illegal drugs.

Tony Harlon Piper, Chattaroy, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $543 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Chantel Rae Andrews, Wellpinit, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, $343 court assessments, 12 months unsupervised probation.

Joan Bernice Weitman, Ford, driving while under the influence, amended by prosecutor to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail converted to 20 hours community service, $743 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment.

David Douglas Downhour, Sprague, no valid operator's license, pleaded guilty, $293 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.

Mikhail V. Posheyko, Spokane, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 2 days jail, $893 court assessments ($400 converted to 40 hours community service), 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Aaron Michael Stratton, Spokane, possession of drug paraphernalia, amended by prosecutor to infraction, $250 civil penalty; possession of marijuana, dismissed at prosecutor's request; willful setting of fire, amended to infraction, $250 civil penalty.

Tracy Lee Cahalan, Spokane, possession of marijuana, 1 day jail, $43 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation; driving while under the influence, amended to first-degree negligent driving, pleaded guilty, 1 day jail, $793 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation, alcohol/drug evaluation and treatment,, DUI victims panel.

Kasey Allen Ashmead, Spokane, reckless endangerment, pleaded guilty, $293 court assessments, 12 months supervised probation.

Nahum Torres Saucedo, Manson, driving while license suspended, pleaded guilty, 5 days jail, $993 court assessments, 12 months supervised and 12 months unsupervised probation.

Anti-Harassment Protection Orders

A one-year protection order requested by Victoria L. Morris, of Spokane, against Timothy D. Robinson, of Davenport, was granted by the court on Dec. 27.

A one-year protection order requested by Joshua M. Reninger against Marley Lyman Rose, Jr., was granted Jan. 3 by the court. Both are Harrington residents.

Property Transactions

Lincoln County Treasurer's Office

Timothy D. Parish, Gig Harbor, Wash., to Victor Petrucelly, et ux, Davenport, portion of Sec. 27, T27N, R38E, $129,900.

Richard E. Amen and Donald L. Amen (trustees, Doris L. Amen Living Trust), Del Marca, Calif., to John M. Schoessler, et ux, Ritzville, portion of Sec. 31, T21N, R35E, $85,985.30.

Roland Singer, et ux, Odessa, to Marcus P. Horak, Odessa, west 20 feet of Lot 3 and east 40 feet of Lot 4, Blk. 32 of Finney and Pattee's Addition to the Town of Odessa, $65,000.

Janis M. Whitener-Moberg, Moses Lake, to Dwayne Carter, Stanwood, Wash., portion of Sec. 26, T27N, R35E, $150,000.

Helen V. Mayberry, Almira, to 4 Sons LLC, Almira, all of Sec. 5, T24N, R31E, $0.


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